Source: DailyCaller |
Note: This is a newsinc video I try to avoid when possible, which sadly has no auto pause. The video is also not available on YouTube. |
1. Dangerous Multiculturalists At MSNBC, Calls ISIS 'These So-Called Terrorist Forces.’
"Georgetown sociology professor and guest MSNBC host Michael Eric Dyson on Monday labeled the genocidal Islamic jihadists of ISIS simply 'so-called terrorist forces.' Dyson, who filled in for liberal firebrand Ed Schultz on Monday, spoke to former Pennsylvania Democratic Congressmen Joe Sestak and Patrick Murphy about a brief speech given by President Obama about the ongoing American operation against the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS).
'Given what the president just indicated,' he asked, 'does this suggest (A) that there’s an imminent end to the hostilities, if you will, that have been engaged there in Iraq?' 'And two,' he continued, 'does it mean that they have genuine international commitment to join the United States of America to combat these so-called ‘terrorist forces?’" . . . DailyCaller
- Covering For Obama, ABC Falsely Claims 'W' Played 'Fair Share Of Golf' During Iraq War . . . MRCTV
- Ringleader Admits: Hamas Funded Kidnapping And Murder Of Israeli Teens . . . FrontpageMagazine
- ISIS Supporters Flash Islamic Flag In Front of White House – To Remind Obama Their Coming To America . . . GatewayPundit
Terrorist Flag Shown In NJ

While Muslim-trained Obama is off fundraising and playing golf, someone in Holder's Justice Department might want to remind him ISIS may already be on American soil and not far from the White House in Washington D.C. It is why displays like this make Americans feel very nervous about who is leading their nation. (See video of story picked up by FOX local of owner flying black flag.)
What is of concern is that New Jersey is the same state where terrorists made ready for their attack against America on 9/11, trying to look like everyday Americans. However, 13-years later these folks say they were not aware the terrorist flag was a problem, the Muslim owner of the house reporting to police they do it every year during a holiday. It's reported by The Blaze it will be taken down. According to FOX it has already been replaced with a San Diego Chargers flag.
ISIS had become a huge problem for millions of people almost overnight because Obama looked at them as if a second rate basketball team. But as this video shows, as usual he got it wrong . . . very wrong!
In 2002 AP's dangerous PC executive management decided on their own that the word terrorists for 9/11 had no meaning, telling AP reporters to instead call them bombers or hijackers to indoctrinate American readers away from calling radical Muslims terrorists? (Story link from MyWay no longer on their server.) How did that work out, seeing this recent news story in 2013?
And the Democrat Party worries about Bridgegate? You couldn't make this up if you wanted to about America being allowed to slide in the abyss via a multicultural media not unlike the one found in Sweden where Obama visited and applauded their society.
Sweden sliding into a Third World - CBN |
- Who Are Our Adversaries? . . . NationReview / Horowitz |
- ISIS Killed 500 Yazidis, Buried Some Alive Including Women And Children In Iraq . . . RTNews
-“That's My Boy!” Terrorist Savage Tweets Photo Of Son Holding Severed Head . . . JammieWearingFools
- Women Stoned To Death In Syria For Violating Stone-Age Muslim Sharia Law Of Adultery . . . MyWay
- Obama Doesn't Know What To Do In Iraq' . . . WND- Multicultural BBC Puts A Positive Spin On Ottoman Conquest . . . Breitbart
- Then And Now: Glenn Takes A Look At The Evolution Of His [On The Mark] Caliphate Prediction . . . GlennBeck
- Palestinian Columnist: Hamas Only Brought Suffering Upon Gazans . . . TruthRevolt
- CNN's Content Children At It Again. - Breitbart
2. U.S. Representative Steve King: Hillary Clinton Lied About Video Causing Benghazi Attacks
"Congressman Steve King, speaking at The Family Leadership Summit in the heart of his own congressional district in Iowa, said that Secretary of State Hillary Clinton knew that an isolated video was not the cause of the jihadist attack on the mission in Benghazi that killed four American diplomats in 2011.
The Congressman asserted that he knows for a fact that Hillary Clinton knew the truth when the administration gave a classified briefing to the United States Congress. King explained, “I can’t tell you what was said [that was] classified. Except I can tell you this: she told us the same lies that Susan Rice told America the Sunday before” on the morning talk shows." . . . Breitbart
3. Looking At The Democrat's Crotch-Salute President For The Last Six Years . . .
. . . We Now Need To Remember A Remarkable 37th President That These Same Democrats And Their Liberal Progressive Media Slayed Over Taking Political Documents.

"As much as today’s media may have loved Obama when he was nominated the Democratic Party’s candidate, in Nixon’s day he was loathed by them for his strong anti-communist stance when he served in the House of Representatives and Senate, and thereafter throughout the Cold War. After having been Eisenhower’s Vice President for two terms, Nixon would lose to John F. Kennedy in 1960 and in a race to become the Governor of California in 1962. Few would have ever imagined that he would be elected President in 1968. In 1972 he was reelected in a landslide.Labeled by his political enemies 'Tricky Dick', Nixon was a politician of prodigious talent, but mostly he was a man who, through sheer determination overcame defeat, revived the Republican Party, and, while devoted to conservative principles, was also pragmatic enough to be open to new ideas and events. His circle of advisors shared his principles, but diverged among each other as to tactics and issues. Nixon wanted that. He would choose what advice he thought best." . . . FactNotFantasy
- Horowitz: Obama’s Treachery and Republican Silence . . . TruthRevolt
4. Indonesian Muslim-Educated Obama Reflects On The Socialism Of The Swedish Society
Sweden's Multicultural Leadership Just Announced There Are No Races, while Rapes Of Swedish Women Grows In Malmo as Jews Move Out Fearing For Their Lives.
“'We know that different human races actually do not exist,'Swedish Integration Minister Erik Ullenhag told Sveriges Television.'We also know that the fundamental grounds of racism are based on the belief that there are different races, and that belonging to a race makes people behave in a certain way, and that some races are better than others.'
'Legislation should not include the word race, if we argue that there are not actually races,' Ullenhag said. 'I have wanted to remove the concept of race for a long time.'” . . . FrontpageMagazine
5. AOL Paid Millions For This News Service: Huffington Post Lied About Border Poll Results
"The poll, conducted on July 31-Aug. 5, found that 51 percent of Americans believe the unaccompanied children being detained at the U.S.-Mexico border should be allowed to remain in the country for some length of time. That included 38 percent who thought the unaccompanied youngsters should be sheltered and cared for until it was deemed safe for them to return home. Thirteen percent said the children should be allowed to stay in the United States, while 32 percent said the children should be immediately deported.The headline is not spin or left-wing opinion or partisanship on the part of the Huffington Post, it is a bald-faced, straight out, indefensible lie." . . . Breitbart
- Reuters Follows, Misleads About Results Of Own Border Poll . . . Breitbart
- Dreamers Ask For $25K To Fund More Confrontations . . . Breitbart
- Department Of Education: Unaccompanied Illegal Immigrant Minors Entitled To Public Education . . . Breitbart
- Eric Holder Was Just Slapped Down By Federal Court Over Voter ID . . . WesternJournalism
- Sheriff Leading Probe Into Murder Of Border Patrol Agent Claims Armed Illegal Immigrants In Military Fatigues Have Been Spotted On Texas Ranches . . . DailyMail
6. Now An Obama Kotex Lobby?! Feminist, Liberal Media Demand ‘Free Tampons’ For All Women
"But cost was hardly the crux of Valenti’s argument. “This is less an issue of costliness than it is of principle,” she later admitted, because “menstrual care is health care.” She explained how, like birth control, “the idea of women even getting small tax breaks for menstrual products provokes incredulousness” not only because “people lack an incredible amount of empathy” but also “because it has something to do with vaginas.” (Ooh, the “V-word.”) Bet Valenti felt a transgressive thrill just writing it!)
To back up her claims, Valenti cited how The United Nations and Human Rights Watch connected feminine hygiene with “human rights.” For women around the world, “getting your period means new expenses, days away from school and risking regular infections” because governments “don’t recognize feminine hygiene as a health issue,” she complained.
After much backlash (some of which crossed the line), Valenti’s media allies carried on the “free tampon” torch. “Now I cannot for the life of me understand how people could get so worked up about making tampons more affordable,” Jezebel’s Isha Aran lamented . . . NewsBusters
- Surprise, surprise: Obama Takes Time To Make Surprise Appearance To Kick Off Of Special Games . . . PJMedia
7. House Committee: Obama Encouraged IRS To Target Conservative Groups
"The House Oversight and Government Reform Committee on Monday released a report that finds President Barack Obama and other top Democrats encouraged the IRS to investigate conservative groups seeking tax exempt status.
The report says this encouragement from the White House shows that the IRS targeting scandal was rooted in MRCTV politics, and is not the result of lower-level officials, as the Obama administration has claimed.'
The committee’s investigation shows that as the president generated attention to the issue of nonprofit political speech in 2010, IRS employees followed his public messaging,' according to the 77-page report. 'With jurisdiction over nonprofits and tax law, IRS employees read and acted upon the news reports.''
In this way, the IRS targeting is – and always has been – rooted in political machinations. Put simply, as the president’s political rhetoric drove the national dialogue and shaped public opinion, the IRS received and responded to the political stimuli.'” . . . TheBlaze- IRS Now Poised To Target Churches . . . LibertyCounsel
- The IRS Commissioner Testified Last Week About This Email Scandal. He Wasn't Aware Of Any Department Of Justice Investigation.'. . . NewsMax
- Judicial Watch's Fitton: IRS Probe Is A Justice Scandal Now . . . Newsmax
- Outrageous: Holder And The Obama Admin Are Spitting In The Face Of All Americans . . . WesternJournalism
- Duh! CNN Poll: Trust In Government At All-Time Low . . . PoliticalTicker
8. Tea Party Supporter, True The Vote And Judicial Watch: Historic Indiana Lawsuit Forces Statewide Clean-Up of Voter Registration Lists, Permanent Changes in Election Law Procedures
"According to True the Vote founder Catherine Engelbrecht, 'Despite the length of time this litigation took to come to an acceptable close, Indiana voters can now rest assured that common-sense voter roll maintenance procedures are in place and working in the interests of all. True the Vote hopes this episode serves as a strong example for the power that regular citizens have in demanding their rights as voters be protected.'
According to the Pew Report published in 2012: '[N]early 2 million dead people still registered to cast ballots, about 3 million eligible to vote in two or more states and millions more that are inaccurate, duplicate or out of date. The alarming figures were published this week in a report issued by the non-partisan Pew Center on States. It reveals that approximately 24 million active voter registrations in the United States are no longer valid or have significant inaccuracies. The problem, apparently, is an outdated registration system that can’t properly maintain records.' . . . Judicial Watch
9. Odds Are That Your Pastor Is Keeping The Truth From You Instead Of Preaching It
"That 90% of America’s pastors are not addressing any of the salient issues affecting Christian people’s political or societal lives should surprise no one–especially the readers of this column. It has been decades since even a sizeable minority of pastors have bothered to educate and inform their congregations as to the Biblical principles relating to America’s political, cultural, and societal lives.
But the part of the research that did somewhat surprise me was this statement by Barna: 'What we’re finding is that when we ask them about all the key issues of the day, [90 percent of them are] telling us, Yes, the Bible speaks to every one of these issues. Then we ask them: Well, are you teaching your people what the Bible says about those issues?–and the numbers drop…to less than 10 percent of pastors who say they will speak to it.'
Did you get that? Ninety-percent of America’s pastors say they KNOW that the Bible speaks to all of these issues, but they are deliberately determined to NOT teach these Biblical principles. That is an amazing admission!" . . . WesternJournalism
- No Surprise Then That Young Christian's View Of The Bible Have Been Watered Down: Christian Musicians Mock Biblical Creationists . . . CreationRevolution
- Faithless, Compromised, Lost: the American Church Too Often . . . ClashDaily
- The Spreading Scourge Of Anti-Christian Persecution . . . WashingtonTimes
- Critics Heart Pot-Smoking, Profanity Spewing 'Black Jesus.' . . . Breitbart
10. Readin’, Writin’, And Social Justice Agitatin’
"It’s back-to-school season across the country. But in an increasing number of districts, “back to school” doesn’t mean back to learning. Under the reign of social justice indoctrinators, academics are secondary to political agitation. Activism trumps achievement."
In Massachusetts, the John J. Duggan Middle School will open on August 25 with a new name and mission. It is now a 'social justice magnet school.' As a hiring advertisement for teachers explained earlier this year, the emphasis will be on 'helping students develop the necessary skills to analyze and synthesize information and to generate empathy by looking at multiple sides of important issues facing the world, be that hunger, water quality, racial barriers, child labor or imbalance of power.'
Concise writing, as you can see, is not on the social justice pedagogues’ agenda." . . . MichelleMalkin
- This Teachers Union President Will ‘Punch You In The Face' If You Don’t Like Common Core . . . DailyCaller
- Common Core Test Asks Kids About Global Warming . . . LastResistance
- See Why This Kentucky School District Just Told Michelle Obama To Take Her Lunch Plan And Shove It . . . WesternJournalism
- Progressives At Dictionary.com Define Homeschooling As 'Mindless,' Then When Caught Gives BS Of Never mind. . . . WND- AP Wets Their Panties: White Students To No Longer Be Majority At School . . . AP
- Why Is [99%] Obama Vacationing In The Whitest Place On The Planet? . . . ClashDaily
11. Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke Beats Back Socialist Nanny Bloomberg’s Big Bucks!
"I told you the other day about NYC gun-control freak billionaire Michael Bloomberg’s attempt to unseat pro-Second Amendment Democrat Sheriff David Clarke in Milwaukee County, Wisconsin. Colorado [also] beat back Bloomberg’s big bucks.
And now, Milwaukee County has, too. Congratulations, Sheriff Clarke." . . . MichelleMalkin
12. For Writing Opinion About His Christian Faith, Journalist Is Wanted For Hate Crimes By Fascist Progressives In Canada
"You could’ve timed their response to a stopwatch. Want to see a collectivist conniption? Drop an unvarnished truth bomb in the middle of Canada, most of Europe, or blue-state USA–and sit back for the mouth-frothing. It’s quite a show. The bright light of salty truth both blinds and burns those given over to reprobation.
CBC News, the 'largest news broadcaster in Canada,' reported on both my column and the ensuing response: 'Members of a Newfoundland and Labrador Pride group were so outraged about a two-page [read: Christian] letter to the editor published by an entertainment magazine in the province, they filed a human rights complaint.'Several other rights organizations have since picked up their pitchforks and joined the mob. The Canadian [progressive] government was likewise quick to react." . . . WesternJournalism
- Court: Pregnant Transgender Man Can Divorce Wife
"The lower court had denied the divorce 'on the grounds that Beatie had not shown he was a man when he wed in 2003, and thus could not show he and his wife were a heterosexual couple. Same-sex marriages are not recognized as valid in Arizona.'
The controversy exists because, Beatie, 40, was born a woman, but has lived as a man since his 20s after hormone treatments and surgery to change his gender. Beatie was legally allowed to change his birth certificate and other documents to reflect his being a male.
Beatie filed for divorce in 2012, seeking dissolution of his marriage with plans to marry his new girlfriend." . . . TruthRevolt