Date: August 13, 2014
Americans Better Learn Quickly: When Progressives Win, Expect To Lose Everything You Fought For!
From: Freedom is Knowledge
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Harvard's Radical Graduate Wrong . . .
Spectacularly Wrong - FactNotFantasy
You Were Warned: America Facing Evil
1. About The Middle East
PR Rules By Hamas: Progressive Journalists Too Delighted To Play By Them - CNSNews
New York Times Reporters Stick Up for Hamas on Social Media, Television - NewsBusters
ABC, NBC Ignore Heartbreaking Video of Iraqis Desperately Escaping ISIS Terror - NewsBusters
Egypt Votes To Dissolve The Obama-Taxpayer Supported Muslim Brotherhood - NowTheEndBegins
2. About Russia / The Soviet Union
Obama's 1%: Shopping in Russia, Hollywood's Mickey Rourke proudly wears Putin tee - RT News |
Warning! Note this shopping center in Russia is not unlike the high-end ones in the U.S. It's how communism can easily fool you into thinking it's something else, which Hollywood liberals can jump to in an instant. |
Putin gives "Greetings From Crimea" - new t-shirt rage with Russian people - RT News |
Acceptable Collateral Damage: Holocausts Follow When Democrats Lose Won Wars - Breitbart
Watch: Losing The Peace In Iraq - BillWhittle
3. About Culture And Jobs
Outside rioters reported to use killing as an excuse to loot local stores that serve this community, many black owned. - YahooNews
American Midwest City Erupts: Residences Report Most Came From Outside Their Town To Attack Police Cars, Loot, And Torch After Vigil For Teen's Death - GatewayPundit
Holder-Supported New Black Panthers Rally at St. Louis County Courthouse - GatewayPundit
Remember What Happened During Katrina, Progressives And The Media Attacking Bush? - FreedomIsKnowledge/
4. Progressives Then Reward This Radical As Their Hero
California State Senate Passes Bill REQUIRING Schools To Teach About President Obama - Breitbart
“It’s So Exciting To See Him Play Golf” - CBSBoston
America's First Crotch-Salute President

Obama took time from his August vacation to attend the Leftist Games. His priorities are always predictable, not taking time to heed warnings from the Kurds about ISIS. Obama had also compared terrorist organizations to a basketball team.
Too Busy: Fundraiser-In-Chief
Obama's lack of attention allowed the ISIS army to control much of Iraq, the efforts of 4,000 of our Marines killed freeing Fallujah from the Taliban tossed aside by this crotch-salute president elected by progressives in 2008 as their hero. Obama's inaction allowed ISIS to chase 40,000 Iraqi Christians into the mountains without food and water, beheading children on its march. |

Looking around America today, George Bailey did get his wish.
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It is no measure of health to be well-adjusted to a profoundly sick society - J. Krishnamurti
| Fascism Comes To America | It Doesn't Matter?! | What Privacy? | America Facing Evil | Whistleblower | Historic Biblical Times |
Obama's 1990 article - “We’re Going To Reshape Mean-Spirited Selfish America.” | Print Page |

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When there also enjoy the Grocery Store Wars video.
Western North Carolina
Freedom is Knowledge
Background photo source: President George Washington