What An Islamic Caliphate Would Mean For The West
"The brutal violence in Iraq and Syria isn't only about overthrowing governments. It's about the forces of Islam seeking to re-establish an Islamic state that's ruled by Islamic law, and serves as a power base to spread its influence. CBN News contributor Raymond Ibrahim is the author of Crucified Again: Exposing Islam's New War on Christians. CBN News asked him about the Islamic terrorists' goal of restoring the caliphate and what it means for Christians and the West." . . . CBN
ISIS: “Obama, did you prepare enough diapers for your soldiers?” . . . GatewayPundit |
- Boko Haram Slaughters 100 Christians At Five Nigerian Churches During Sunday Service . . . GatewayPundit
- ISIS Crucifies Nine People In Syrian villages . . . UKTelegraph
- Al Qaeda Breakaway Group, ISIS, Names Leader Of New Caliphate, Formally Declares Islamic State . . . TheBlaze
- Sudanese Woman Previously Sentenced To Death For Christianity Takes Refuge At U.S. Embassy . . . TruthRevolt
- Knowing Bergdahl, Part Three: Find Out How Soldiers Really Died Searching For Bergdahl . . . WesternJournalism
Military Bans Bibles But Forces Soldiers To Adhere To Ramadan Rules
"The U.S. Air Force kicked Christian Gideon’s volunteers off base in March. The Bibles were too offensive and violated the separation of church and state rule. But U.S. military personnel are expected to adhere Islamic practices during Ramadan. Businesses and government offices will reduce hours and most restaurants will be closed during daylight hours. While not required to fast during Ramadan, in Bahrain, Americans can be fined or detained by local authorities for eating, drinking or smoking in public when off-base during daylight hours." . . . GatewayPundit
- Obama’s “Pulling Back Of American Influence And American Ideas Across The World Is Having Catastrophic Effects.” . . . PJMedia
- Allen West: 'Tolerance A One-Way Street To Cultural Suicide' . . . TruthRevolt
- Warren Buffett: King Of Abortion . . . TellTheTruth2014
- Obama To Mock Christianity By Honoring Apostate SBC Pastor At White House LGBT Pride Celebration . . . NowTheEndBegins
- Army’s Apache Under Assault: PC Police Call Helicopter’s Name Racist . . . WashingtonTimes
- The Rot Of Intolerance At Swarthmore . . . TruthRevolt
- Child Takes A Walk; Father Arrested for "Child Endangerment." . . . PoliticalOutcast
The Names Of The Victims
"Three families in Israel are in agony. On June 12, when their sons Naftali Fraenkel, Eyal Yifrah and Gil-Ad Shaer were kidnapped by Islamic savages, the Fraenkels, Yifrahs and Shaers entered a new world where every breath they take is filled with devastating guilt – that they breathe free while their sons suffer unknown miseries." . . . FrontPage
- After Weeks Of Silence, Obama, [having protected Islam as long as possible], Issues Statement On Murdered Boys . . . TruthRevolt
- Stunning Proof Of Islamic Hate For Everyone, While Obama Continues To Give Them A Pass: (Remember Workplace Violence and Obama's Training On The Koran?) Arabs Throw Stones At Ambulance Carrying Bodies Of Murdered Boys . . . Truth Revolt
- In The 18 Days Since The Terrorist Group Hamas Kidnapped Three Israeli Boys, Over 40 Rockets Have Been Launched From The Gaza Strip . . . TruthRevolt
- Stunning Hate Passed To A New Generation! Palestinian Children Wave ‘Three Finger Salute’ Celebrating Kidnapping of Israeli Boys - GatewayPundit
"According to multiple reports, Arabs stoned the IDF ambulance that was carrying the bodies of the murdered Israeli teenagers. The ambulance was forced to stop, its windshield shattered.". . . TruthRevolt |
- Hamas Plays The Race Card: Jewish Murder Of Arab Teen Just Like When They Use Blood For Making Matzah . . . TruthRevolt
- Consul General Of Israel Says No Evidence 'At All' Palestinian Teen Was Victim Of Jewish 'Revenge Killing' . . . TruthRevolt
Arabs Stones Christians On American Soil. (I am beginning to believe too many Americans are really very dumb on how fast their security is being eroded under their feet while their eyes are glued on (oxymoron cough) Smartphones. - Webmaster)
Mexican Militiaman Who Stood Up To Cartels Murdered Along With His Family
"José Santiago Valencia Sandoval was once a soldier for the Knights Templar cartel in Michoacan but became disgusted by all the violence and murder. Eventually José joined the militia movement that started as a counter to the power of the cartels. José wanted to protect his people from the murdering drug dealers but in some cases even the militias have started to become corrupt and dangerous. 'I do not tolerate injustice, and I am not going to represent something that I am fighting,' he told reporters from the Washington Post. 'I want to send that message through the media.'" . . . Breitbart
- Federal Gov’t Sues Wisconsin Company, Says English-Language Requirement Is 'Discrimination' . . . CNSNews
- Not Unlike Threats From The SS In Fascist Germany: Medical Staff Warned: Keep Your Mouths Shut About Illegal Immigrants Or Face Arrest . . . FOXNews
- Gohmert: U.S. Will Become ‘Third World Nation’ If Feds Don’t Enforce Immigration Laws (Just Like Sweden!) . . . CBSDC
- Border Patrol Agent: ‘If the Administration Says This Isn’t Amnesty, Don’t Believe Them’ . . . CNSNews
- Sheriff Joe: Obama Calculated Border Crisis To Justify Executive Order . . . Breitbart
- Flashback: Obama Official Claimed Border 'Adequately Staffed Six Days Before Obama Ask . . . Breitbart
- Media Hiding Illegal-Alien Disease Threat . . . WND
- Illegals Bankrupting Small Towns In Border States . . . InfoWars
- Sheila Jackson Lee Brings Lollipops To Illegals . . . Breitbart
- Hey Sheila, Baby, Come On Down And Give These Folks Lollypops, Too! Smugglers Threaten Landowners In Cameron County . . . KRGV/TV5
Border Patrol:: Quarantine Area Nothing More Than Piece Of Yellow Caution Tape . . . InfoWars |
One Of America's Largest Provided Of Pork To American Homes, Smithfield Foods, That Includes Armour, Farmland Brand Names, Closes Its Sale To China’s Shuanghui
"Smithfield Foods, whose brands include Armour, Farmland and its namesake, was founded in 1936. It has grown to annual sales of $13 billion and has about 46,000 employees. The company has said that the buyout and China’s growing demand for pork will be a boon for American agriculture and an opportunity to export to new markets. Smithfield Foods’ existing management team [cough] will remain in place." . . . TimesDispatch
- China Stakes Its Claims On Mars With Rover Bound For Red Planet In 2020 . . . IndependentUK
Exactly Who Paid For The Establishment-GOP Race-Baiting Flier In The Mississippi Election?
"Who paid for it? Who will investigate it? Who will apologize for it? 'It' being the flier distributed in the Mississippi Senate GOP primary, as seen here, whose headline reads: 'The Tea Party intends to prevent blacks from voting on Tuesday.'
The flier says that the Tea Party uses the word 'Democrats' as 'code' for blacks. In short? Somebody out there in Mississippi put out a race-baiting flier to smear both Thad Cochran’s Tea Party opponent Chris McDaniel and the Tea Party itself. Using the worst lie about Republicans — against a Republican. More than a blatant untruth, the flier is now big news itself, featured on talk radio and spread across the Internet and conservative media." . . . AmericanSpectator
- Thad Cochran's GOP Senate Enablers: Here Is Your Hate List Of Establishment GOP Senators Who Backed Cockran Against Tea Party Candidate That Fought For Smaller Government. (You Can't Make This Up - Webmaster). . . SenatorConservative
- Horowitz: Which Party's Base Did Cochran Broaden? . . . Breitbart
- The Magnolia State Stinks . . . Breitbart
- Obama Liberals Paint Whiteface On Black Republican’s Candidate's Yard Signs . . . GatewayPundit
Google Declares War On The Firearm Industry
"Google is taking a Bloomberg inspired step toward 'curbing gun violence." Once again demonstrating the level of ignorance that is prevalent in liberal corporate settings, the software company has decided to expand their ban on firearm-related content. Breitbart reported: According to Google Support's "Dangerous Products or Services" page, the company '[wants] to keep people safe both online and offline, so [they] won't allow the promotion of some products or services that cause damage, harm, or injury.'
Right. Google (ya know, the company that tracks your every move online) is trying to keep us safe. God bless those left coast liberals who are suddenly embracing the manipulative power of big business. Of course Google seems woefully ignorant of the fact that such “dangerous” items, actually keep many people safe every day." . . . Finance.Townhall
- Facebook Carried Out Secret Psychological Experimentation On Over 600,000 Users . . . NowTheEndBegins
Dawn Of The Age Of Oligarchy: The Alliance Between Government And Obama's 1%
"Despite this administration’s occasional rhetorical flourishes against oligarchy, we have seen a rapid concentration of wealth and depressed conditions for the middle class under Obama. The stimulus, with its emphasis on public sector jobs, did little for Main Street. And under the banner of environmentalism, green cronyism has helped fatten the bank accounts of investment bankers and tech moguls at great public expense.
Wall Street grandees, many of whom should have spent the past years studying the inside of jail cells for their misbehavior, are only bothered by how to spend their ill-gotten earnings, and how not to pay taxes on it. The Obama Administration in concert with the Congress , have consented to allow the oligarchy to continue paying capital gains taxes well below the income tax rate paid by poor schmuck professionals, small business owners and high-skilled technical types.". . . NewGeography
- Obama's Send Video Greeting For [Millionaire] Spike Lee's 'Do The Right Thing' Bash . . . Breitbart
- Spike Lee [Director Of Violent Movies] Now Blames NRA, Video Games, And John Wayne For Violence In America . . . Breitbart
- Obama Honors Team USA With Photo . . . Wait For It . . . Of Himself . . . TruthRevolt
- Professor Who Specializes In Poverty Issues Makes $205,400 A Year . . . Teaching One Class A Semester! . . . WesternJournalism
- UN “Human Rights” Bureaucrats Demand Global “Law” For Detroit . . . NewAmerican
- Obama Continues His Attack On U.S. Energy . . . FactNotFantasy
- Former IRS Attorney Donated $12,831 To Democrats . . . CNSNews
Ginsburg: 'Radical' Hobby Lobby Ruling May Create 'Havoc'
"But in a blistering, 35-page dissent, Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, joined by Justice Sonia Sotomayor, lambasted the majority opinion—delivered by five male justices—as 'a decision of startling breadth' that would allow corporations to 'opt out of any law … they judge incompatible with their sincerely held religious beliefs.'" . . . NationalJournal
- It Was The GOP With John McCain's Vote On August 3, 1993, That Guaranteed Ruth Bader Ginsburg A Slot On The Supreme Court, Two GOP Senators Voting No With One Abstention. Know Your History! - Webmaster
- Liberal Leader, The New York Times, Fawns: "Ginsburg Shares Views On Influence Of Foreign Law On Her Court, And Vice Versa." . . . NewYorkTimes
- So Who Is Ruth Bader Ginsburg?
"Ginsburg spent several years in academic posts at Columbia and Rutgers Universities, studying international law and becoming expert in Swedish jurisprudence. In 1972 she became the first tenured female professor at Columbia Law School. That same year, she served as the first Director of the American Civil Liberties Union's Women's Rights Project. In 1973 she became General Counsel of the ACLU, a position she would retain until President Jimmy Carter appointed her to the United States Court of Appeals in 1980. During her time as a professor and ACLU counsel, Ginsburg worked to advance various feminist causes." . . . Read More / DiscoverTheNetworks
- White House Uses Hobby Lobby Decision As Campaign Club . . . DailyCaller
- Pubic Union Can't Make Nonmembers Pay Fees . . . AP
- The New York Times Once Agreed With America's Founding and Defended The Religious Liberty Of All Americans . . . DailyCaller
Liar, Liar, Pants On Fire! NOAA Finally Reinstates July 1936 As The Hottest Month On Record
"Watts’ accusation of NOAA climate data manipulation comes after reports that the agency had been lowering past temperatures to create a warming trend in the U.S. that does not exist in the raw data. The ex-post facto data manipulation has been cataloged by climate blogger Steven Goddard and was reported by the UK Telegraph earlier this month.
'Goddard shows how, in recent years, NOAA’s US Historical Climatology Network (USHCN) has been ‘adjusting’ its record by replacing real temperatures with data ‘fabricated’ by computer models,' writes Christopher Booker for the Telegraph. 'The effect of this has been to downgrade earlier temperatures and to exaggerate those from recent decades, to give the impression that the Earth has been warming up much more than is justified by the actual data,' Booker writes.". . . DailyCaller
- Al Gore Denounced In Australian Press As Money Hungry 'Ferengi' For Suspicious Mining Magnate Alliance . . . NewsBusters
- EPA Spends $1.6 million On Hotel For ‘Environmental Justice’ Conference . . . FOXNews
- Oceans of Water Deep Beneath The Earth? . . . ICR
Rasmussen: Common Core Support Plummets Among Parents With School-Age Children
“'Common Core proponents always banked on stealth -- on keeping parents from knowing about the Core until it was too late,' Stergios told Breitbart News. 'When that didn't work, they paid for push polls to fabricate a sense of popular support.' 'What's important about the Rasmussen poll is it's the first high-quality poll done on the question of support for Common Core,' he added. 'And what it tells us is unsurprising: The more people learn about the mediocre quality, the unfunded mandates and the questionable legality of the Core, the less they like it.'” . . . Breitbart
- In Reversal From Last Year, More California Voters Oppose Common Core Standards . . . Breitbart
- Edmonds School District Submits To Michelle Obama: Progressive Dictatorship: No Birthday Food Celebrations . . . PoliticalOutcast
- A Disturbing Look At Common Core Tests In New York . . . WashingtonPost
- Growing Rejection Of Common Core . . . EagleForum
- Mike Adams: Questions From A Concerned Parent . . . RightlyConcerned