In America today, Muslim and radical student groups feel free to attack Jews and Christians on some college campuses. This is as progressive intellectual administrators sit by and yawn, knowing full well what is going on outside their offices. One could say they almost seem to encourage it. (See documentation below.)
Their arrogance is allowed by secure job salaries they know will be paid through tuitions from willing parents, paid through the approval of over-burdened student loans, and/or backed by filled-to-the-brim endowments that seem to have no end at Ivy League schools.
The goal is to actively divide and weaken a strong and successful independent society so it can be replaced with one that demands a new defined common good of fairness for all.
This would replace the previous mission statement that had defined fairness as justice for all. Even a newer recruitment ad for the U.S. Navy illustrates how this is already being set into motion, a directive that radiates out from a federal government led by a president who bestowed the title of 'Czars' on those surrounding him.
Surviving Jews of the Holocaust tried to warn Western leaders how fast political correctness had developed around them in Germany, its purpose to cleanse their contributions to a society that would soon be convinced by the state it no longer wanted them or needed them.
Yet decades after the Holocaust too many have ignored these warnings, going on with their daily routine believing it can't happen here. "Not in America," they say. Being too busy with their lives, they ignore the intellectuals being put one by one into life-changing positions, radicals trained at Harvard and other elite universities to fill leadership roles in Washington D.C. with the goal to move the president's socialist ideas into the mainstream.
Their objective, through regulations and huge government agencies that reported back to the president, was to slowly but forcefully push the society into obeyance, giving it now and then what an Obama Czar referred to as a "nudge."
But this time it's not 1930. It's ironically a new millennium that heralded hope of peace into the world through cheering millions the night of New Year's Eve during the last hours of 1999. At that time no one suspected a radical American leader would be elected by a majority of registered voters only eight years later.
The year before the 2008 election the Democrat candidate running for president gave an intentional and disrespectful signal during the playing of the National Anthem at a fundraiser in Iowa in the summer of 2007. It would be called by some in the military as his "crotch salute," which the candidate knew would be captured on video for the world to see.
In other words, this candidate for the office of U.S. President had purposely and knowingly stuck his middle finger into the face of America's patriots. Through that direct and purposeful action and without saying a word, he would inform his waiting progressives that their messiah had arrived and was ready to serve their collective agenda to change the country.
Eighty-four years ago a similar movement had been created by another set of intellectuals with intent to change a society, all members of a new Party. That party would effectively use the heel of fascism with total support of a fawning national mainstream media to turn one citizen against another through propaganda efforts never before realized in human kind.
The party's purpose was to promote social engineering upon every citizen under the promise of a new world order, a Fatherland, lead by a mesmerizing leader guaranteeing hope and change. In the name of political correctness, children would be encouraged to turn on their parents while neighbor would be encouraged to turn upon neighbor, dividing the population until only one ideology would dominate. The rest would either follow in obedience or be deemed to suffer the consequences in re-education camps from which they would never return.
In 1945 involvement from a concerned free world would finally shut the progressives and their hateful media down, people around the globe only then discovering the horrors created from a social-engineered society.
But in 2008 and then in 2012, intellectuals would raise their heads up again but this time not in uniform. They would shed the military symbols and promote their propaganda while dressed in everyday street clothes to better identify with average citizens. They would announce their allegiance to a new Party, a neo-Democrat Party that was moving on from everyday politics, and referred to as a progressive movement . . . one that would bring hope and change to America.
For decades progressives had already been infiltrating themselves into America's fourth estate. Their numbers came from women's liberation movements, leftist activist movements out to destroy traditional family values with hate slogans such as breeders, thug atheists who attacked faith-based believers at every opportunity, and animal rights radicals who believe the end justifies whatever the means.
Their mission would be defined in the media by an organization formed in the 1970's called the American Society of Newspaper Editors, or the ASNE. Its goal was to try to become part of the decision-making of every newspaper across America on how minorities, race, and social issue would be presented to readers. The ASNE would then suggest what other issues or stories could be pushed aside as possibly unhealthy in their view for the country. The ASNE would also recommend the hiring of journalists, putting sexual orientation on the front burner while taking people of faith literally off the stove and into the garbage.
Progressives and their media would also push for drugs to be made available whenever possible, hoping to add more individuals to their ranks. Their simple mission was to always divide one American against the other, the movement greased even faster through the direction of their new divider-in-chief, a Saul Alinsky on steroids.
He would promise every citizen an equal piece of the pie, the goal to create more citizens taking benefits than those working to pay for them. His socialist program, already born from the mind of Karl Marx, would be given legitimacy by his referring to it as justice . . . social justice.
Columbia University's Cloward & Piven in the 1980's had given this program another name, which they hoped at the time would allow their allegiance to socialism to replace capitalism. They referred to its effect as overwhelming the system, creating greed within the society instead of productivity. This, they believed, would allow the system to crash by encouraging too many people to demand more benefits than they needed to survive.
Once the system would crash, it was to be replaced with a socialist form of government that no longer protected individual achievement but instead a collective for the common good, expressed in the warning video below.
While this was actually attempted in New York State, it failed to achieve the results Cloward & Piven wanted with the new Mayor of New York, Rudy Giuliani, catching onto what was going on with the cost of social services off the chart.
However the new president elected in 2008 to serve the United States would grab this concept and spread it from coast to coast and to all places in between that would buy into the lie.
In 2014 America has finally reached that tipping point and may never find its way back. Republics like this one are made from scratch on the backs of patriots and those who sought to guarantee individual rights promised by God, even following it to the death.
Once those patriots die off, their motivation to keep a free country for others dies with them. And with that the Republic hoped for can't be brought back, as Rome discovered. Plato said it best 400 years before the birth of Christ that you would know your successful democracy was failing when puppy dogs stood on their hind legs and demanded their freedoms, too.
Plato understood how freedom evolved, knowing when the flame went out it signified that the society in general no longer had the will, desire, or passion to keep their Republic alive. In other words, the society was satisfied with what was left, no longer having the stomach to protect what others had created and passed to them to keep sacred.
That is when freedom is no longer defined as liberty but instead by whatever you want it to be. Then liberty stands for everything. And when it stands for everything, it stands for nothing.