Sinking Colorado: 'All Weed, No Easter On Denver Post's Page One'
Obama's progressive mainstream media's continues promoting his administration's social engineering:
"Dan Gainor relayed to me that Sunday's New York Times hasn't a whiff of Easter on its front page -- not even in its blurbs at the bottom, saved for epic stories like 'U.N. Cholera Struggle in Haiti.' Above that is a depressing story about a 12-year-old Ecuadorean girl who committed suicide in Mexico after a second failed attempt at illegal immigration into America.
But it could be worse. Jim Romenesko reports from marijuana-addled Colorado that the Denver Post had nothing on Easter, but a huge writeup on 'Welcome to Weed Country.'" . . . NewsBusters
- Congrats, Colorado! You’ve Become The Sleazy Drug Capital Of America . . . NTEB
- War On Christians: The Politics Of Persecution . . . Breitbart
Spreading Obama's Multicultural Manure: AOL's Huff Po Op-Ed: Hirsi Ali Isn't A Women's Rights Activist
"CAIR National has previously refused to condemn Hamas and Hezbollah as terrorist organizations and has stood by accused terrorists and terror supporters.
After attacking the media’s characterization of Hirsi Ali as simply a "critic" of Islam, Lean stated that Hirsi Ali is not a women’s rights activist: . . . TruthRevolt
You decide: Here is sample of Hirsi Ali's complaint that HuffPo supports as not a women's right issue. - YouTube |
Brandeis University's Anti-Israel "Ethics Center." . . . TruthRevolt
Islam’s Religious War With Everyone . . . FrontPage
The Obama Supported CAIR Urges U.S. Mosques To Apply For DHS Security Grants . . . CAIR
Elections Matter: California's Progressive Supreme Court Advisory Committee on The Code of 'Judicial Ethics' Moves To Now Ban Judges Affiliated With Boy Scouts
"In a move with major legal implications, The California Supreme Court Advisory Committee on The Code of Judicial Ethics has proposed to classify the Boy Scouts as practicing “invidious discrimination” against gays, which would end the group’s exemption to anti-discriminatory ethics rules and would prohibit judges from being affiliated with the group.
'The Committee’s invitation ignores the fact that the change also encompasses other youth organizations whose membership is limited on the basis of gender, e.g., the Girl Scouts, as well as the military, which continues to practice ‘discrimination’ on the basis of gender,” wrote Catherine Short, legal director of the pro-life group Life Legal Defense Foundation, in a letter to the Committee obtained by TheDC that predicts possible implications for pro-life judges in the future." . . . DailyCaller
- Retired Supreme Court Judge, John Paul Stevens: Rewrite the Constitution to Ban Guns . . . TruthRevolt
- Constituent Blasts Democrat Warner, Kaine For Voting To Submit Gun Rights To UN . . . Breitbart
Sharyl Attkisson Suggests Media Matters Was Paid For Propaganda Attack Campaigning Against Her
"Sunday on CNN's [cough] "Reliable Sources," host Brian Stelter was very critical of former CBS correspondent Sharyl Attkisson's reporting skills because she has spoken about her experience at CBS News where she witnessed as a common practice the killing of stories unfriendly to the Obama administration." . . . Breitbart
- Far Left Soros-Funded Media Matters Helped Produce CBS News Reports . . . GatewayPundit
Prepare For Outrage: Far left Judges Allow Destruction Of College Debate Clubs Because Of Racism
"Several college debate clubs that feature members preoccupied with minority issues have decided the traditional tournament format promotes white privilege. They have responded by refusing to play by the official rules, ignoring time limits and rebutting their opponents with rap and spoken-word poetry. Fawning, sympathetic, liberal judges have of course rewarded such antics.
The most recent example came from the March 24th Cross Examination Debate Association, where two Towson University students — identified as black females by The Atlantic – won the championship." . . . DailyCaller
Feminist Thought Police Vs. . . . Wait For It . . . Feminine Kirsten Dunst
"Dunst said: 'I feel like the feminine has been a little undervalued. We all have to get our own jobs and make our own money, but staying at home, nurturing, being the mother, cooking — it’s a valuable thing my mom created. And sometimes, you need your knight in shining armor. I’m sorry. You need a man to be a man and a woman to be a woman. That’s why relationships work.'
Notice that Dunst sensed before she had completed her comments that she was stepping in it. She said, 'I’m sorry.'
Why should she have to preface her heartfelt and innocuous opinion with an apology?" . . . HumanEvents
Surprise, Surprise: This Artist's Painting Hung In The White House For Two Years

"On the podcast that he [Choe] co-hosts with porn star Asa Akira, he recounted the story of forcing a female masseuse to perform oral sex on him after she repeatedly said no. He described the scene to listeners: 'I take the back of her head and push it down on my **** and she doesn’t do it and I go, ‘Open your mouth, open your mouth.’'
His female co-host immediately said, 'You raped.' After Choe laughed, Akira continued, 'Eww, you’re basically telling us that you’re a rapist now and the only way to get your **** really hard is rape,' to which Choe responded, 'Yeah.'" . . . DailyCaller
Western Lawmakers Gather In Utah To Talk Federal Land Takeover
"It’s time for Western states to take control of federal lands within their borders, lawmakers and county commissioners from Western states said at Utah’s Capitol on Friday. More than 50 political leaders from nine states convened for the first time to talk about their joint goal: wresting control of oil-, timber -and mineral-rich lands away from the feds.
'It’s simply time,' said Rep. Ken Ivory, R-West Jordan, who organized the Legislative Summit on the Transfer for Public Lands along with Montana state Senator Jennifer Fielder. 'The urgency is now.'" . . . SaltLakeTribune
OMG. HHS Moves To Cancel More Insurance Plans
"Health insurance industry representatives say that fixed indemnity plans have been attracting more interest as many Americans look for a way to mitigate against the high deductibles applicable to many insurance policies available on the Obamacare exchanges (fixed indemnity plans are not Obamacare-compliant, but they are seen by some consumers as pairing nicely with Obamacare-compliant insurance.)
But the HHS rule would effectively ban them, overriding regulation that has up until now been the preserve of state governments. The rule would state that these plans can only be sold to consumers where that consumer also purchases Obamacare-compliant insurance." . . . Breitbart
- Nearly 1,000 Doctors Listed On California Obamacare Web Site . . . Don't Accept Plans . . . Breitbart
Around The Bowl And Down The Hole: Probe Finds 104 School Staff-Student Flings Since 2009
"The special commissioner of investigation for city schools, Richard Condon, has fielded 593 complaints about such illicit relationships since April 2009. His office substantiated 104 cases, it revealed Friday.
'I’m absolutely stunned at that number,' said Laura Timoney, a Community Education Council member whose 15-year-old daughter attends a city high school on Staten Island. 'It’s shocking, but what do you do to stop this?'
Social media and smartphones have fueled the epidemic of hookups, experts say, with teachers and students easily able to flirt under the radar of parents and colleagues." . . . NewYorkPost
Top Socialist Economist Says He’s Been Working With Democrats & Obama “For A Long Time”
"Have you ever wondered why the Obama Administration’s plans for improving the U.S. economy always seem to fall flat? It just might have something to do with the fact that the Obama Administration has been working with someone who doesn’t like capitalism.
According to an article on, a well known economist who isn’t fond of capitalism, but promotes Socialism, has been working with the Democrats and the Obama Administration 'for a long time." . . . GatewayPundit
Doing Something! Taking practical Action Against Common Core
"In fact, as Common Core has been implemented in area schools this school year we have begun to hear the cries of parents and teachers alike who strongly disapprove of the changes made in both math and language arts or English.
I don’t think it would be an overstatement to say the implementation of Common Core has brought added chaos to an already “chaotic” local school system. Frustrated by this heavy-handed change in education, a group of local parents came together ….and we decided to open our own school." Making that decision was easy……Deciding exactly what kind of school we would open was a bit harder.
After a couple months of rigorous study in educational philosophy . . . we chose the method of instruction used to educate the great minds of the American founding period, men like Jefferson, Franklin, and Madison." . . . ClashDaily
- Common Core’s Dirtiest Trick: Dividing Parents and Children . . . EducationViews
Do As We Say, Not As We Do: EPA ‘Jetting Around the Country’ for Week-Long Earth Day Tour
"The Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility took a swipe at the EPA for sending bureaucrat Gina McCarthy on an greenhouse gas generating five city tour for Earth Day. Administrator McCarthy will undertake a greenhouse gas laden week-long tour that will "far exceed" any benefit from her climate change proselytizing.
'Frenetically jetting around the country appears to undercut [the] EPA’s message to ordinary Americans that they should conserve, consume less and reduce transportation pollution,' PEER Executive Director Jeff Ruch said in a statement." . . . Breitbart
EPA Concedes: We Can’t Produce All The Data Justifying Clean Air Rules - CNSNews
- Wait for it! . . . Sierra Club Top Elitist Officials Promote Fuel Efficiency, But Drive Gas-Guzzling Jaguars . . . DailyCaller
HuffPo Finally Admits The Existence Of . . . Wait For It . . . Global Cooling . . . Breitbart
As Candidate Obama Promised! Electricity Price Surged To All-Time Record For March 2014

"The average price for a kilo watt hour (KWH) of electricity hit a March record of 13.5 cents, according data released yesterday by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. That was up about 5.5 percent from 12.8 cents per KWH in March 2013.
Candidate Obama in 2008 promised to raise America's energy prices, liberal voters loving the thought of his picking their wallets - YouTube |
The relative price of electricity in the United States tends to rise in spring, peak in summer, and decline in fall. Last year, after the price of a KWH averaged 12.8 cents in March, it rose to an all-time high of 13.7 cents in June, July, August and September. If the prevailing trend holds, the average price of a KWH would hit a new record this summer.
The BLS’s seasonally adjusted electricity price index rose to 209.341 this March, the highest it has ever been, up 10.537 points—or 5.3 percent--from 198.804 in March 2013." . . . CNSNews
Median Income Of Women Dropped 4% In First 3 Years Of Recovery . . . CNSNews
- Is One of the Most Famous Exonerations In U.S. History About To Fall Apart? . . . AmericanThinker
- Obama To Burn More Than 35,000 Gallons Of Fuel On Earth Day, Emitting 375 Tons Of Carbon Dioxide . . . DailyMail