Date: April 13, 2014
The Truth About The Bundy Ranch Dispute
From: Freedom is Knowledge
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Nevada Rancher: |
“I Did Not Graze My Cattle On United States Property.” |
"Glenn spoke with Bundy about the escalating conflict and why Bundy has refused to pay grazing fees associated with his use of the public land (4/14)." - TheBlaze |
Source: TheBlaze |
Is Harry Reid Involved? Seven Answers to Seven Questions You’re Probably Asking Right Now About the Nevada Rancher Situation - TheBlaze
Arrogant Senator Harry Reid On Nevada Ranch Battle: ‘It’s Not Over’ - TheBlaze
Reports: Company Tied To Reid's Son Wants Land In Bundy Standoff - Newsmax
The Bundy Ranch Dispute Explained |
Federal Land Policy and Management Act of 1976 - YouTube |
TKS for the heads up from Jimmy Z |
BLM Releases Bundy Cattle After Protesters Block Southbound I-15 - CanadaFreePress
Hey, Big Government Jackasses: ‘Control Our Borders, Not Our Ranchers!’ - ClashDaily
Feds Back Down From Bundy Siege After Infowars Exposé of Chinese Solar Farm Tied To Harry Reid - Infowars
[Don't Hold Breath. Will Nevada Recall?] Reid Smelling Anything But Rosy In Ranch Fight - WND
Save The Earth And Kill The Birds: Birds Killed, ‘Entire Food Chains’ Disrupted By Solar Panels - ClashDaily
“Good God, didn’t he grow up in this country? Are we gonna give it up? This is a helluva lot bigger than Clive Bundy.” - WND |

Obama's signal to progressives in 2007: Their messiah had arrived.
Looking around, George Bailey got his wish.
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Western North Carolina
Freedom is Knowledge
Background photo source: President George Washington