Obamacare Architect Emanuel: Most Employers Will Drop Health Coverage [While Obamacare Single-Payer System Pushes Insurance Companies Out Of The Business]
And eventually, they will cut out insurance companies out of the process as the middle man, Emanuel argues, keeping profits for themselves. Insurance companies will have to evolve, he says, or go out of business.
President Barack Obama has said he wants to limit how Obamacare changes the way people obtain healthcare coverage, while not disturbing the employer-provided insurance plans that serve 149 million Americans. However, a "Cadillac Tax" goes into effect in 2018 to help finance Obamacare by imposing a levy on the most generous insurance plans offered by some large companies." - Newsmax
The Obamacare Lawsuit
"The way has now been cleared for the Fifth Circuit to rule on the merits of my lawsuit against ObamaCare. The Fifth Circuit will hear and decide, de novo (a new trial), my two constitutional challenges to ObamaCare which are based on the Origination Clause and the Fifth Amendment Takings Clause in Hotze v. Sebelius, Docket No. 14-20039 (5th Cir.). Legal briefings will be presented to the Fifth Circuit, including amicus briefs, by the end of March. Amicus means friend in Latin. An amicus brief is a separate written legal argument made by a friend of the lawsuit." - CitizensAgainstObamacare
Crime’s Down. So Why Is Police Aggression Increasing?
"The federal Bureau of Justice Statistics reports that the ranks of state and local law enforcement personnel alone swelled from 603,000 to 794,000 between 1992 and 2010. That’s about two-thirds as many men and women as the entire active-duty US military. What these statistics make clear is that policing in America is ramping up even as the crime rate is falling." . . . WhoWhatWhy
(Note: TKS to Ellen of Tennessee for the heads up. Also visit the Rutherford Institute that has been tracking this troubling story for years. Donate if you can. - Webmaster)
Dana Loesch Discuss ATF [Illegal] Raid On Ares Armour of Oceanside, California (Audio interview from The Blaze 3/21 OR click on graphic.)
CPRC on Blaze TV with Dana Loesch discussing the BATF’s Ares Armour Raid in California. - TheBlaze
(Can anyone say Gibson Guitar, a conservative target of Holder's DOJ that donated to the GOP? Remember the Obama administration, (Obama probably forgot), where armed ATF Agents with machine guns swooped down on the company's artisans, later forcing Gibson to give $300,000 thousands to the Obama-supported bully-green organization, National Fish and Wildlife Foundation as a settlement? This was while another guitar instrument company that donated to Obama's election was reported to have been left alone having used the same wood, also legally. - DailyCaller)
(Remember anyone trying to warn you, "Hey, did you see this video from Obama's EPA, saying to crucify some of its citizens first as they did in Rome to get the city's attention?" - Watch LiveLeak!)
(Can anyone say impeach, Nixon's tricks look like Mickey Mouse next to this socialist president and his personally-named Czar pals, a word taken from an earlier time in Communist Russia? Ask the Democrats in Congress what's going on and why Nixon's impeachment isn't being used as a benchmark to remove their 'good old boy' from office.)
A Few Questions For The [Pariah] Cheer Leaders At ABC, NBC, CBS, AP, NYT, et al.
"Can any of you news hounds explain how what happened in Watergate was worse than anything this president has done? Work with me, Media Stars…it’s a serious question.
Nixon had an enemies list. Obama publicly declared his desire to punish enemies and reward friends. Nixon went after whistleblowers like Ellsworth. Obama has prosecuted more administration personnel and journalists for divulging his secrets than any president in history. Nixon tried to get the IRS to hound his enemies. Obama successfully invited the IRS to persecute his. Nixon covered up the political break-in of a hotel office. Obama covered up the facts of the slaughter of an ambassador and three other Americans to protect his campaign." . . . Townhall
NBC Today Giggles: So What Obama's Not On “50 Greatest Leaders” List - ConservativeVideos
They Still Don't Get It! Democrat-Friendly Politico Buries Senator Leland Yee's Stunning Arms Trafficking Scandal
"The world of political news was captivated by Thursday’s report of the arrest for gun trafficking of a famously anti-gun California state senator. Yet while most other news outlets reported the incident, Politico, an outlet that supposedly leads the nation in political news, didn't post a single story on the incident the day the news broke.
This is the same Politico that managed to publish 90 separate stories on the Herman Cain sexual harassment scandal when it broke – within six days." . . . Breitbart
Once Again, Elections Have Consequences: The Environmentalist Eugenics Of The Left.
If you loved Obama's Margaret Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood, you'll love Obama's new 'Jewell.'
"When Obama’s Interior Secretary Sally Jewell visited Alaska, she told the residents of an Eskimo village where nineteen people had died due to the difficulty of evacuating patients during medical emergencies that, 'I’ve listened to your stories, now I have to listen to the animals.'
Ducks don’t talk, but environmentalists do, and they had vocally opposed helping the people of King Cove. Jewell had received the Rachel Carson Award, named after an environmentalist hero whose fearmongering killed millions." . . . FrontPageMagazine
(Birds Of A Feather: Nancy Pelosi receives Planned Parenthood award on March 27th honoring Eugenicist, Margaret (human weeds) Sanger - CNSNews)
Woman Flees State To Protect Child In Her Womb
"The couple, who already have a couple of special needs children, don’t want another one and say the most 'humane option' for this child is 'pregnancy termination.' But this baby girl is in your uterus. They won’t budge. This isn’t the baby they ordered. They offer you an extra $10,000 to have an abortion." - PatriotOutcast
(Note: Professor Peter Singer of Princeton's 'Human Ethics Department' would love this story. - Webmaster)
Aborted Baby Bodies Were Used To Heat Brit Hospitals
"The bodies of at least 15,500 unborn babies have been incinerated over the past two years, with some of them used to generate power to heat NHS hospitals, a new investigation has revealed. The report for Channel 4's 'Dispatches' programme, which airs tonight, also found that parents who lose children early on in pregnancy are treated without compassion, and often have no say in what happens to the remains." . . . Breitbart
EPA Reported To Use Satellites, Drones To Find Standing Water And Then Fine Citizens Tens-Of-Thousands Of Dollars A Day To Bankrupt Them
"What’s more, Hurt claims that the EPA uses satellites and drones to fly over America and 'compare maps' to find if any 'new standing water' has been created. If the EPA can identify that you have created a pond on your property, they can 'come after you and accuse you of violating The Clean Water Act, and interfering with a creek.' Hurt makes clear that this is a serious matter because these rural dwellers often don’t make a lot of money and don’t have the resources to fight the EPA lawyers." - BreitbartBigJournalism
(Note: Remember the video below from a regional manager of the EPA, recommending the tactics to 'crucify' a few citizens outside the city you're invading and everyone else falls into line . . . all this under a Marxist White House? Watch! - Webmaster)
House Oversight Issues Subpoenas Over Bizarre ATF Sting Operation
"He wants to know more about allegations that facilities used in the operation were abused, merchandise was stolen (including firearms!), mentally handicapped people were involved… and, as FOX News reports, “one operation was located across the street from a middle school.” - HumanEvents
Common Core MAP TEST . . . For Kindergarten?
"Kids in one class took five hours to finish. Kids were crying in 4 of 5 classes. There were multiple computer crashes (“okay, you just sit right there while we fix it! Don’t talk to anyone!”).
There were kids sitting for half hour with volume off on headsets but not saying anything. Kids accidentally swapped tangled headsets and didn’t seem to notice that what they heard had nothing to do with what they saw on the screen. Kids had to solve 8+6 when the answer choices were 0-9 and had to DRAG AND DROP first a 1 then a 4 to form a 14." . . . EducationNews
Teacher’s Resignation Letter After 25 Years Describes ‘Disturbing Era’ In Our Public Schools
“'In this disturbing era of testing and data collection in the public schools, I have seen my career transformed into a job that no longer fits my understanding of how children learn and what a teacher ought to do in the classroom to build a healthy, safe, developmentally appropriate environment for learning for each of our children,' Sluyter wrote in her resignation letter to the Cambridge Public School District in Massachusetts in February." . . . TheBlaze
You’ve Just Got To See What A ‘Frustrated Parent’ Wrote On His Child’s Common Core Math Assignment
"That seemingly perplexing question prompted a response to the fictitious 'Jack' character from the parent.
“Dear Jack,” the upset parent wrote. “Don’t feel bad. I have a bachelor of science degree in electronics engineering which included extensive study in differential equations and other higher math applications. Even I cannot explain the Common Core mathematics approach, nor get the answer correct.”
“In the real world, simplification is valued over complication,” he added, signing the letter as a “frustrated parent.” . . . TheBlaze
Democracy Morphing To Socialism? Citing UN Treaty, Scotland Assigns Overseer to Every Child
"Citing a radical United Nations treaty known as the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC), lawmakers in Scotland approved a deeply controversial new law assigning an individual government overseer to each and every child in the country charged with monitoring their development. However, the draconian measure, which has sparked criticism and outrage around the world as a brazen assault on parental rights and privacy, is already in the process of being challenged in court." - TheNewAmerican
NBC Not Great On Christian News, But Will Report Americans Are Losing Faith: 21 Percent Of Americans Say Religion Is, 'Well, Just Not That Important.'
"Twenty one percent of respondents said that religion is 'not that important' to their lives, compared to 16 percent who said the same in 1999. In 1997, 14 percent of Americans said religion did not play an important role in their lives.
The poll showed that these less religious Americans are more likely to be men, have an income over $75,000, to live in the Northeast or West [duh] and to be under the age of 35." . . . NBCNews
Vatican Chief Justice: Obama ‘Aggressively Promotes Anti-Life And Anti-Family Policy’
“'It is true that the policies of the president of the United States have become progressively more hostile toward Christian civilization. He appears to be a totally secularized man who aggressively promotes anti-life and anti-family policies,' said Cardinal Burke. Cardinal Burke said of the Affordable Care Act’s birth-control mandate, 'such policies would have been unimaginable in the United States even 40 years ago.' The cardinal called policies like president Obama’s 'deadly' and said they lead to the 'loss of freedom' that democratic institutions exist to protect.
He explained that the president believes one is free to act according to his conscience within his place of worship, but once he leaves, the government can constrain him to act against his 'rightly formed conscience.'” . . . NationalReview
North Carolina Teacher Tells Elementary School Student Her Hero, "Can’t Be Jesus!"
"Heather Watts said her daughter attends second grade at Cerro Gordo Elementary School in Columbus County. Watts said the teacher asked her 8-year-old daughter Ryleigh, 'Can’t you write about something different?'" . . . ClashDaily
World Vision: Why We're Hiring Gay Christians In Same-Sex Marriages
"World Vision's American branch will no longer require its more than 1,100 employees to restrict their sexual activity to marriage between one man and one woman. Abstinence outside of marriage remains a rule. But a policy change announced Monday [March 24] will now permit gay Christians in legal same-sex marriages to be employed at one of America's largest Christian charities." . . . ChristianityToday
Franklin Graham Comments: MRCTV
Conservatives In California Grow Tired Of Being Lead By The State's Socialist Progressives, As Plan To Split California Into Six States Gains Ground (Not my pun.)
"A plan to divide California into six separate US states is closer to making it on to a November ballot, with organizers gaining approval to collect signatures. The seemingly far-fetched initiative, sponsored by Silicon Valley venture capitalist Tim Draper, claims 'political representation of California's diverse population and economies has rendered the state nearly ungovernable.''" . . . YahooNews
Ukraine Asks Obama For Military Assistance – And He Gives Them Food Rations - GatewayPundit