Date: March 19, 2014
How Progressive Could Use Common Core To Corrupt The Meaning Of Diversity
From: Freedom is Knowledge
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Arrogant Media . . . "It Ain' t News Until We Say It Is!"
New York Times |
Comcast / NBC |
Huffington Post |
The Head Of The Snake: ASNE --Shades Of Former Progressive Media Destroying Another Democracy --Media's Love Affair
- Fascism Comes To America -
How Progressive Liberals Could Define Diversity To Students
- Join Us Now And Take A Look At America Through The Bully Lens Of Liberal Progressives -
Retired Lt. Col. Allen West

Problem: Not Black Enough For CBC or NAACP
Attitude: Too Courageous
Note: The Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) doesn't like West as a conservatives, encouraging blacks to be too independent. The CBC was also angry at West, when serving as U.S. House of Representative in Washington he brought Chick-Fil-A to a CBC dinner.
Media Revenge. The Far-Left Palm Beach Post during an election accused West of being a loose cannon for saving lives in Iraq. The Huffington Post, also during an election, attacked West for writing porn to his wife while serving overseas. |
Dinesh D'Souza

Problem: Not Brown Enough To Be A Serious Member Of A Minority
Attitude: Loves Individual Freedom Too Much
Note: Reports came out that Obama was furious over Dinesh D'Souza's movie, 2016, the film warning what America could look like if Obama was re-elected in 2012. While Obama received $600 million in 2008, his Department of Justice in 2014 was able to indict D'Souza for questions on $2,500. At the same time U.S. Senator Chuck Schumer and other Democrats want Obama's IRS to bar Tea Party Christians from U.S. politics.
Media Revenge: Media gives Obama's DOJ a pass on its attack of a conservative Hollywood director. |
George Washington

Problem: Belief System Should Have Kept Him From Serving His Country
Attitude: An Extremist Who Belonged To Hate Group
Note: American Founding Fathers were extremists who had no concern for the common man, creating a document that's old fashioned and the antithesis of working with world governments.
Media Revenge: Over the last forty years the American Civil Liberties Union, founded by a communist, and the National Education Association, lead by a leader calling conservatives bastards, have been removing paintings and pictures of George Washington from school walls and text books. |
Former Governor Palin

Problem: Too Patriotic
Attitude: Sees Individual Freedom As A Right
Note: Seen by establishment Republicans as a radical that demands her individual rights of expression. Her working with Tea Party groups caused many Democrat Senators to view her as dangerous revolutionary and radical, not unlike America's founders.
Media Revenge: Was forced out of the governor's office by constant harassment by progressive journalists. Early on someone setting fire to her church.
National media portrayed her as dumb and stupid, a dangerous supporter of the conservative CPAC. |
Tinker Bell

Problem: None, Sexual Orientation Protected By American Society Of Newspaper Editors (ASNE) Along With Its Directive To The Media On The Hiring Of Progressive Journalists
Attitude: In Line With The Popular Folsom Street Fair While Mocking People Of Faith
Note: Media and large corporations use social engineering on citizens to accept tolerance to these sexualized ideals.
Media Revenge: None. Media encourages attacks on any conservative against sodomy and S&M. Corporations in turn encourage leftists to be brave in a store promo featuring Lady Gaga, who loaded a selfie to the Internet. |
President Barack Obama

Problem: None, Perfect Balance Of A Radical White Mother And Black Socialist Father. Trained In The Worship Of Islam. Later Mentored By Communist, Frank Marshall Davis.
Attitude: Perfect. In This Photo He Gives A Symbolic 'Finger' Gesture To Patriotism While The National Anthem Is Played, Delighting Liberal Progressives.
Note: Helped to ensure military acceptance of multiculturalism. Qualified the murder and injury of U.S. soldiers at the hands of Jihadist on their own soil by identifying the act as workplace violence. By doing that victims of the attack would be denied old fashioned and nationalistic Purple Hearts of the past. |
November 2008: The Beginning Of Turning America's Christian Influence On Its Head
Obama correctly declares America no longer rooted in Christianity - Watch
Obama allows his First Interview as President of the United States to the Muslim Media Outlet, Al-Arabiya - Read More
Georgetown University gives Obama permission to cover up symbol of Christ in black, a symbol of death - Read More
Follower of the Obama-Supported Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) attempts assassination of AFA executives - Read More
Founder of the Military Religious Freedom Foundation (MRFF) Scores Direct Hit On Graham's Christmas Efforts - Read More
During his first four years, Obama successfully attacked Christian values at least 50 times - Read More
Air Force Spits On Christian Freedoms. MRFF wants cadets who post Bible verses in dorm rooms court martialed - Read More
(“[Postings] massively poured fundamentalist Christian gasoline on an already raging out-of-control conflagration of fundamentalist Christian tyranny…” - MRFF)
Christians mocked at Easter - Watch
Personality mocking Christians is also cash cow for HBO corporate executives - Watch
Google allowed trainer to play video that mocked Christ: - Watch
Beer manufacturer supports mocking of Christians at Easter - SFWeekly

Attacks On A Conservative African-Americans Deemed Well Deserved By Progressives

(Note: Notice the far-left cartoon, printed by liberal progressive newspapers across U.S., uses a black caricaturist of fat lips, progressives liberals seeing these images as cool. Conservatives, if they do anything, are sucked in as racists. Notice the above cartoon drawn during the Bush administration shows Condi Rice, like Allen West, not black enough. Rice's parents were sharecroppers.) |
MSNBC Successfully Edited News Video To Make Black Gun Owner Look White At Obama Rally

Obama's signal to progressives in 2007: Their messiah had arrived.
Looking around, George Bailey got his wish.
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Western North Carolina
Freedom is Knowledge
Background photo source: President George Washington