Date: March 2, 2014
Week In Review - Top News Stories You Might Not Know About
From: Freedom is Knowledge
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. . . "It Ain't News Until We Say It Is!"
New York Times |
Comcast / NBC |
Huffington Post |
Head Of The Snake: ASNE --Shades Of Former Progressive Media Destroying Another Democracy --Media's Love Affair
Know the bullies who control the news you're allowed to see. If you actually believe these Media Darlings of Obama's far-left progressive media and their mentor, The New York Times, are interested in your right to know, you may have missed some of this week's news reports they buried as non-worthy news items. - Webmaster
| NSA Files Archive - TheGuardian | The Liberal Media's Agenda Exposed - MRC | Supreme Court: Liberals Gone Wild! - FreedomIsKnowledge |
Constitutional Law Alliance
Finally, A Clear and Straight-Forward Tool That Helps You Sign Up For Obamacare
1. Congress Sees Mass Exodus Of ObamaCare Supporters
"As ObamaCare continues to devolve into a boondoggle of historic proportions, many of its earliest supporters are racing to distance themselves from the unpopular law." - WesternJournalism
"For some – especially the legislators responsible for pushing it through Congress – apparently find it more advantageous to simply resign rather than face increased scrutiny for their misplaced allegiance.
As the Daily Caller recently pointed out, nearly half of the Democrat lawmakers depicted as enthusiastic onlookers in a promotional picture of Obama signing the law in 2010 are now either out of Congress or waiting for their final term to expire.
A total of seven legislators in that photo have announced their retirement in the intervening years. Most recently, Michigan Rep. John Dingell announced he would be retiring by the year’s end after 58 years in the chamber.
'I don’t want people to say I stayed too long,' said the octogenarian upon announcing his decision. After nearly six decades in elected office, however, it is amid the widespread backlash against ObamaCare that he chose to step down." . . . Read More
Obama Liar, Liar, Pants On Fire AGAIN! Agency Employs Orwellian Term “Shared Responsibility Payment” To Describe Obamacare Individual Mandate Tax - AmericansForTaxReform
Democrats Declare War Against Obamacare Cancer Patients - Breitbart
Top Medicare Advantage Insurer Knew Obamacare Would Cause Devastation For Seniors - DailyCaller
Stuck In ObamaCare Hell: Man spends six weeks, 60 hours on phone trying to cancel plan. Still can’t! - JammieWearingFools
2. What's In A Name?! Girl Scouts Hire Lesbian As Chief 'Girl Experience' Officer
"As millions of moms consider digging into pocketbooks for Girl Scout cookies this year, they may be interested to know about the hiring of Krista Kokjohn-Poehler in the Girl Scouts executive office in New York City." - Breitbart
"Her hiring five months ago was largely missed by the coterie of Girl Scout critics around the country who make the claim that the Girl Scouts have drifted leftward in the past 20 years.
San Diego Magazine featured Kokjohn-Poehler’s 2007 commitment ceremony: 'Like many of the best love stories, this one began with a beautiful friendship. Krista Poehler and Ashley Kokjohn were immediately drawn to each other when they met in college, and spent countless hours discussing family, life goals and much more.'
'The brides were radiant in formal white gowns; their parents wore black, and the bridesmaids wore taupe. The couple exchanged matching diamond eternity bands an dread vows they wrote themselves, then their parents joined the bridal party and surrounded them in a ‘circle of love.' Ashley called it beautiful, spiritual and perfect.
According to her LinkedIn profile, as "Chief Girl Experience Officer," Kokjohn-Poehler will 'serve as the chief of girl innovation and be the expert on and organizational voice for girls.' . . . Read More
Eric Holder To State AGs: You Don’t Have To Defend Your State’s Ban On Gay Marriage, You Know - HotAir
NPR Reporter Goes On Set Of Live Porn Shoot - MRCTV
Oregon Attorney General Will Not Defend State’s Gay Marriage Ban - DailyCaller
Threats Of "Physical Action" At Dartmouth: Then And Now - PowerLine
3. Sexing Up Your Kids
What A School May Have For 4th Graders.
"Here Is A Book Called “It’s Perfectly Normal,” That Is On The UT Extension Web Site As Recommended Reading. Textbook Advocate Karen Bracken says, 'I have no doubt these books are in our schools, we just don’t have any real hard proof.'
Karen continues, 'When I do my presentations on Common Core I bring this book with me because the National Sexuality Standards are strongly influenced by Planned Parenthood.' It’s Perfectly Normal is written by Robie H. Harris, who is associated with PP and PP endorses this book.
So it is my assumption it will be a recommended book for children 10 years and up when the National Sexuality Standards are implemented. I have been given second hand stories of parents from TN that stated this book is in the schools.”
The author of the book is Robie H. Harris, she is a member of PPFA’s National Board of Advocates, and Planned Parenthood people helped her write the book. After it was written, PP endorsed the book and even held book signing parties for Ms. Harris." . . . See More
Blocked: Facebook Blocks Sharing About 4th Graders Sex Book; We Wish Teachers Would As Well - ClashDaily
Democrats 1% Hollywood Star Glorifies Clinton And The Soiled Blue Dress: "He Monica Lewinsky-ed all on my gown." - FishWrapper
"Driver roll up the partition please/ I don't need you seeing Yonce on her knees ...
Oh he so horny, yeah he want to f---
He popped all my buttons, and he ripped my blouse
He Monica Lewinsky-ed all on my gown . . . " - Read More
"Oh Look Who's Trying to Steal the Raunch Crown from Queen Miley." - FishWrapper |
Source: YouTube |
Obama Protects Political Correctness At All Cost: Beyoncé Is The Perfect Progressive Role Model For My Daughters - TheGuardian
It is no measure of health to be well-adjusted to a profoundly sick society - J. Krishnamurti
4. Go Jogging Without Identification? Get Handcuffed And Manhandled Into Police Car
"Sitting at Starbucks, on the corner of 24th and San Antonio, I noticed a particularly odd situation." - Political Outcast
"Two Austin Police officers standing outside the Castilian just lingering. Every time I looked back there was a different student holding a carbon copy of what looked to be a jay walking citation.
Suddenly, one of the cops shouts at an innocent girl jogging with her headphones on through West Campus. He wobbled after her and grabbed her by the arm. Startled, and not knowing it was a cop, she jerked her arm away.
The cop viewed this as resisting arrest and proceeded to grab both arms tightly, placing her in handcuffs. She repeatedly pleaded with them saying that she was just exercising and to let her go. She repeatedly cried out, 'I did not do anything wrong…just give me the ticket.'" - Read More
5. Harvard Writer: Free Speech Threatens Liberalism And Must Be Destroyed
" If this Harvard University student got her way, free speech on campus would be abolished and professors with dissenting views fired, because radical leftism is the only permissible political philosophy and the First Amendment is a barrier preventing modern colleges from fulfilling their proper role as indoctrination camps." - DailyCaller
"Her name is Sandra Korn. She is a senior at Harvard and columnist for the Harvard Crimson. In a recent column, Korn unambiguously insisted that the university should stop guaranteeing professors and students the right to hold controversial views and pursue research that challenges liberalism.
'If our university community opposes racism, sexism, and heterosexism, why should we put up with research that counters our goals?'” asked Korn in her column. The column’s subtitle was even more direct: 'Let’s give up on academic freedom in favor of justice.'
Korn cited several instances of perspectives that clashed with her own being banned from campus as triumphant examples of the way Harvard should be run. The firing of Subramanian Swamy, a Harvard summer school instructor who was dismissed for his anti-Islamic views, was one such triumph.
She also invoked the academic boycott of Israel — something condemned by Harvard President Drew Faust and numerous other university presidents — as an example of the kind of tactics leftists should defend and use in order to get their way on campus." . . . Read More
The Fix Was In For One Of The Most Corrupt Administrations: 4 Out of 5 Authors Of Invasive FCC Media Study Donated To Obama - DailyCaller
FCC Whistleblower: Monitors In Newsrooms ‘Suspended,’ Not ‘Canceled’ - WesternJournalism
Media Silence Explained? Soros Fingerprints On FCC Newsroom Probe - Breitbart
From The Other Shore - MRCTV
Levin Addresses Tea Party Patriots - MRCTV |
Source: MRCTV |
6. Obama's Social Engineering Drops Into Your Home: NBC Crime Drama Portrays Real-Life Conservatives As Co-Conspirators
"The creators of a new dramatic television series are apparently having trouble keeping their personal partisanship separated from the task of producing a fictional tale." - WesternJournalism
While it is not unusual for Hollywood leftists to shoehorn their own ideals into projects, Monday evening’s episode of the NBC show “The Blacklist” took that practice to a new level by melding fact and fiction into its storyline.
Actor James Spader portrays fictional criminal mastermind Raymond Reddington, who has teamed up with the FBI to capture other criminals with whom he had previously interacted. "As part of the most recent plot, he led investigators to a prolific thief named Madeline Pratt. While Pratt is obviously a figment of the writers’ imaginations, the political connections she supposedly made during her criminal career are all too real. Instead of creating fictional characters – even those based on real individuals – as is the common practice of countless other programs, the creators of this episode chose to manipulate images of actual Tea Party leaders in an effort to portray them as Pratt’s high-profile connections.
'The Madeline Pratt you know fosters relationships with incredibly powerful people,' Spader’s character told FBI officials. 'The one you don’t exploits those relationships in ways that impact national security.' The program clearly shows Pratt interacting with conservative political leaders including Allen West and Ted Cruz. Suspiciously absent, however, is any association between the fictional criminal and any real-life leftists." . . . Read More
The Obama-Supported Southern Poverty Law Center’s Ridiculous ‘Hate Group’ List - FrontPage
7. Western Spy Agencies Build ‘Cyber Magicians’ To Manipulate Online Discourse
"Satellite dishes are seen at GCHQ's outpost at Bude, close to where trans-Atlantic fibre-optic cables come ashore in Cornwall, southwest England." - RT
"Secret units within the 'Five Eyes" global spying network engage in covert online operations that aim to invade, deceive, and control online communities and individuals through the spread of false information and use of ingenious social-science tactics.
Such teams of highly trained professionals have several main objectives, such as 'to inject all sorts of false material onto the internet' and 'to use social sciences and other techniques to manipulate online discourse and activism to generate outcomes it considers desirable,' The Intercept’s Glenn Greenwald reported based on intelligence documents leaked by former NSA contractor Edward Snowden.
The new information comes via a document from the Joint Threat Research Intelligence Group (JTRIG) of Britain’s Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ), entitled 'The Art of Deception: Training for Online Covert Operations,' which is top secret and only for dissemination within the Five Eyes intelligence partnership that includes Britain, the US, Australia, Canada, and New Zealand." . . . Read More
JTRIG's ultimate purpose, as defined by GCHQ in the document, is to use "online techniques to make something happen in the real world or cyber world." These online covert actions follow the “4 D's:” deny, disrupt, degrade, deceive. - RT |
TKS for the heads up to James of Florida |
NSA Wants To Expand Phone Database . . . Because Of Privacy Suits - NationalJournal
Gov't Handbook For Internet Trolls Uncovered - WND
Not Even A Smidgen Of Corruption? - GatewayPundit
8. My Loss Of Faith In America
"Captivated By Kiev, I'm Disgusted By My Generation" - DailyClash
I watched a video this afternoon that came from a mall that I assume was somewhere outside Kiev. A man was riding up an escalator and suddenly he turned to the crowd eating in the food court below and yelled out SLAVA UKRAINI (Glory to Ukraine).
"The crowd below returned his cry and it was one of the coolest and inspiring things I’ve seen on Youtube. This sent me on a journey of introspection today about why I have been so captivated by the horrors and triumphs in Ukraine. What I found will upset some of you but my prayer is that many of you can take something from what I have to say.
The simplest answer I came to after talking to my dad this afternoon is I crave that level of national unity. I never really thought myself to be a nationalist but I guess in a lot of ways I am. I am so inspired by these people who stand up for what they believe, like a raging fire on a windy night refusing to be extinguished. They are one voice calling out and will not be ignored. We in America have not been that for a very long time.
We have become complacent in our freedoms and no longer care to exercise them. We would rather accept a government bribe for our rights than fight to maintain them." . . . Read More
Putin Orders Combat Readiness Test For Troops On Ukrainian Border - Breitbart
Shot Fired Across The Bow Of Ukrainian Freedom Fighters: Armed Men Seize Government Headquarters In Crimea And Raise The Russian Flag Over the Building - JammieWearingFools
Stunning Weakness: Kerry Tries to Placate Russia Over Ukraine: ‘This is Not Rocky IV’ - CNSNews
Democracy crushed? Lawmakers Allow Putin To Use Military In Ukraine - TimesUnion
Miley Cyrus, The Antithesis Of Freedom In A Corrupted Society
9. Hagel Proposes Massive Defense Cuts . . . While Money Keeps Rolling In!
"Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel is calling for a cut to the Army to Pre-World War II levels. The proposed 2015 budget calls for a smaller force than any since before WWII but keeps defense spending at levels above that of cold war spending." - TruthRevolt
"According to Times, 'Today’s low-cost warplane, the F-35, costs $160 million per copy, compared to its predecessor, the $20 million F-16. The cost per troop jumped from $55,000 in 1998 to $80,000 by 2009. Atop those rising costs, Congress has steadfastly refused to shutter unneeded military bases. All the services have said they have at least 20% more real estate—Army and Marine ranges, Air Force runways and Navy ports—than they need.'
Still Congress refuses to allow any of the these bases to close for fear of job loss in their districts. That means more money, less defense." . . . Read More
Seven Egyptian Christians Found Shot Dead Near Benghazi - GatewayPundit
PC Brits Say Muslim Fundamentalist That Hacked UK Soldier To Death Is Really Only An Extremist - Gets Life Sentence That Will Allow Him To Convert Other Prisoners - NYPost
FBI Agent: U.S. Has Evidence To Indict CAIR for Terror - WND
Islamists: Pay Gold Or Die, Christians! - WND
Trading Defense For Welfare - PatriotPost
Judicial Watch Reveals Obama’s 2013 Vacations Cost Taxpayers $7,396,531 - JudicialWatch
10. Media's Progressive Mentor Finally Tells The Truth: The New York Times’ Eliminationist Rhetoric.'
"Global warming has made much of the country so cold that the Times is instructing its readers to use giant icicles to bludgeon the non-believers to death." - - PJMedia
"Before declaring radical environmentalism passé by cashing out last year to Big Oil, Al Gore titled his 2008 book on his global warming obsessions The Assault on Reason — apparently the Times is taking his advice all too literally. According to this Website, the above cartoon is part of a new series that debuts at the start of the year.
In their lengthy and once-respectable history, other than reporting on the editorial cartoons of other newspapers, the New York Times has never really been known for cartoons of any sort; after this stillborn attempt at “humor,” they would be advised to reconsider their current experiment." . . . Read More
Failed Climate Prophet, Al Gore, Warns Of ‘Coming Dust Bowl’ Unless Billions Are Spent - NowTheEndBegins
Greens Exploit Widespread Science Ignorance - FactsNotFantasy
Greenpeace Co-Founder: No Scientific Evidence Of Man-Made Global Warming - DailyCaller
Finally A Real Scientific Consensus – Everyone Agrees That The Recent Displaced Polar Vortex Wasn’t Caused By Global Warming - WUWT
Article asks: Useful Idiots For Baal? - RedState

Obama's signal to progressives in 2007: Their messiah had arrived.
Looking around, George Bailey got his wish.
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Background photo source: President George Washington