Date: February 24, 2014

The World's New Freedom Fighters

From: Freedom is Knowledge


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Obama's Usual Response: Let Me Be Clear . . .



Ukraine's Freedom Fighters, February 2012

Shades of Les Miserables.

Shades of Les Miserables

Obama's Hollywood does it again. If you have the new Blu Ray version of Hollywood's newer movie, Les Miserables, check out the progressive director's irresponsible comment on the disk, comparing America's Marxists and thugs to the characters of Les Miserables. He compares Les Miserables to what Obama's OWS did to Wall Street, drunks and drug users breaking windows and shutting down businesses for months while city mayors could be found filled to the brim with political correctness from the Democrat Party, protecting the thugs Pelosi and Reid called heroes.

Well the real heroes of freedom are not the OWS Marxists lead by the "overwhelm the system" of Cloward and Piven, but instead the ones shown above in a photo from the Ukraine.

Source: America'sFreedomFighters


One of the first to demand their freedoms was the Polish people inspired by the freedom fighter, Lech Walesa, who earned a Nobel Peace Prize in the 1970's for putting his life in danger against the USSR. Decades later he would be dissed by America's 44th president, who also accepted a Nobel Peace Prize for doing nothing.

Other freedom fighters would follow. Then there was the Egyptians, America's 44th president and his enablers in the State Department backing the corrupt Brotherhood. Now it's the Ukrainians, America's 44th president telling them, Let me be clear . . .

All those people over there, who yearn for freedom at any cost after America's heroes lead the way in WWII, are now the obvious new champions at freedom's door.

Ukraine's Moves To Establish Post-Yanukovich Regime - Grants Temporary Presidential Powers To Jailed Speaker Oleksandr Turchinov - France24

This is as America's 44th president uses the country's power to force sexual preferences and abortion onto other nations. He even used American taxpayer money to push an abortion constitution unto the people of Kenya, some dying in riots to try to keep their right of self determination. He did it in an act he said he hated; Colonialism.

The Ukrainians along with others have now proven they know how to get rid of corrupted elected officials. This is while America's 44th president directs our military to build a faux small American town to practice putting down insurrections. But from whom? The question needs to be asked exactly what are they planning that would cause such an insurrection? (Watch video below.)

Those countries over there are smart to no longer wait for America's faux leadership, our western civilization seeming more interested in Miley Cyrus's thong than protecting its Founders' principles. You could see it openly at America's top sporting event in February 2014, as about half of those players on the field in a New Jersey stadium seemed to think they were too cool to put their hand over their heart during the playing of the national anthem.

It has been a time-honored small act to simply honor those fallen Americans who fought for our freedoms over two hundred years ago with no less passion than the Ukrainians in 2014. Now some liberal progressives inspired by the election of America's 44th president brand those former revolutionary heroes as domestic 'terrorists.'

The following video you are about to watch was produced by a source I normally don't pay a lot of attention to. But their new information backed by documentation can no longer be ignored. As the Ukrainians discovered, we live in very dangerous times. Click on this news story where officials representing the new administration can be seen celebrating the faux America city's final construction. - The UKTelegraph

Below you can watch the full video of what is going on outside this strange celebrated ribbon cutting. YouTube

U.S. Army Builds 'Fake City' To Practice Military Occupation Of U.S. Citizens? - YouTube
Source: YouTube


You also need to know about a hate Web site from the Southern Poverty Law Center, (SPLC), which is supported by America's current administration, an organization that seems to be near the center of why this faux city was built in Virginia. In 2009 the FBI under direction of America's new administration allowed the SPLC's URL to be put up on an agency's Web site as an authority for a list of potential domestic terrorists, one where radical Muslim organizations were put aside or ignored.

This organization was also allowed in 2009 to pass their "terrorist" list to the administration's Homeland Security for communicating to local law enforcement agencies, a list that focused on abortion protestors and returning vets with Christian organizations embedded as part of skin heads and KKK hate groups.

Oh, did I mention donors to the SPLC are approved for tax-free deductions by this administration's IRS? You will find the approval and seal on its Web site.


Obama's Personal Hate Machine! - Read More

Southern Poverty Law Center At It Again - Read More

Julian Bond, former leader of hate organizations SPLC & NAACP, targets Tea Party Members to be like the Taliban. Bond was honored in May of 2012 at his retirement from the University of Virginia as an excellent educator.


Frank Marshall Davis Mentored Barack Obama. How's that working out? - Read More

Brussels headed toward radical Muslim Sharia Law . . . fulfilling Obama's promise - Read More




At The Heart Of What's Going On In The Obama Administration


Complete text of pamphlet from Horowitz's Frontpage.

“This [social engineering] concept first appeared in 2009 with a book by Richard Thaler and Harvard law professor Cass Sunstein called Nudge, on ‘how government and other organizations could induce people to avoid common errors.”

We all have “a little Homer Simpson in us,’ says Sunstein, referring to the slothful, selfish cartoon character on the FOX animated show The Simpsons; and once people realize that, “then there’s a lot that can be done to manipulate them” by nudging them in the right direction.

Sunstein was an official advisor to President Obama (and happens to be the husband of the influential Samantha Power, new ambassador to the United Nations, where she will be able to nudge American foreign policy into line with the will and interests of the international community.)

Sunstein, who once wrote that “there is no liberty without dependency” – itself an exemplary nugget of doublethink – is the author of another book which argues that citizens’ rights exist only to the extent that they are granted by the government.  In 2012, he gave a lecture at Yale on the topic of nudging and has a book forthcoming in 2014 called – with apparent seriousness – Nanny Statecraft. [Disturbing article from MIT Technology Review.]

Sunstein and his comrades in arms are designing ‘choice architectures’ that rescue us from our Homer Simpson-like incompetence and sloth, and guide us, like cattle, in the direction of what the state deems to be the proper moral and societal choices.  To apply this theory to policy-making, the Obama administration recently announced the creation of a “Behavioral Insights Team.”

This may sound rather innocuous and even beneficial, but as David Brooks put it in the New York Times, 'This kind if soft paternalism will inevitably slide into a hard paternalism, with government elites manipulating us into doing the sorts of things they want us to do.'”

[Underlines added by Webmaster]

Content Source: Obama 1984, by Mark Tapson, copyright 2013, $3.00 each, 25 or more $1.00 each [order online], David Horowitz Freedom Center, P.O. Box 55089, Sherman Oaks, CA  91499-1964; [email protected]


Play Obama Bingo




Obama's hand placement during the playing of the Naitonal Anthem at a 2007 Democrat summer fundraiser in Iowa has been named by some in the military, "The Obama Crotch Salure."

Obama's signal to progressives in 2007: Their messiah had arrived.

Looking around, George Bailey got his wish.

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Louis Fox's Free Range Studios, which produced Grocery Store Wars, has produced over 70 issue-related shorts. His 'virally' popular 2003 hit, 'The Meatrix,' won awards at the Webbys, SXSW, Ottawa Animation Festival, and Holland Animation Festival among others. Fox lives in San Francisco.

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Please then enjoy the Grocery Store Wars video.

Western North Carolina

Freedom is Knowledge

Background photo source: President George Washington


What will America look like under a second Obama presidency?  If you don't have a clue, you better find one! Check alpha by state/city where this film is playing before November 6, 2012. Unofficial bio of Gerald R. Molen. A picture is worth a thousand words!  This photo was not actually aT the White House, but, regardless of WHERE it was taken, the fact is that he cancelled the National Day of Prayer, said that we are no longer a Christian nation, and has no problem taking part in Muslim prayer.  U.S. President Barack Obama bows to Tampa Mayor Pam Iorio at MacDill Air Force Base on January 28, 2010, in Tampa, Florida.   Iorio had honored CAIR annually in Tampa with its own day in November 2008, acknowledging the large amout of Muslims living in the area. "Ayers, now a professor at the University of Illinois at Chicago, claims to abhor nostalgia ("Nothing is more boring than some old person going on and on about the way things used to be"). But he has been thinking lately about the past—both his and the country's—and soon he will likely be engaged in what he calls "a dialogue" about the sixties, the antiwar movement, and the radical life he led. The spur for this dialogue will be the publication of Fugitive Days (Beacon Press, $24), a memoir Ayers has written about the trajectory of his life, from a pampered son of the Chicago suburbs to a young pacifist to a founder of one of the most radical political organizations in U.S. history."  Allow video to download and start in Window's Media player. “The North American jet that flew Obama and his traveling crew around for much of the primary season was refurbished with new seats and power for each passenger a must on the campaign trail. And the plane that once had an American flag on its tail now sports the Obama ‘O.’”