"Still Get Your News From The Liberals Of The Democrat Party?"
The New York Times believes its ideology is more important than what America's Founders had envisioned, writing: "But that view is myopic. In some respects, Mr. Obama is far more experienced than other presidential candidates." - Nicholas D. Kristof, New York Times, March 6, 2007
The Shepp Report
A Summary Of The Week's Conservative News
February 23, 2014
Your Vote No Longer Matters If Your Way Of Life Is No Longer Represented

Aspen Airport Shuts Down for Queen Mooch - JammieWearingFools
O'Keefe: Battleground Texas Is The New Obama 'Acorn.' - Breitbart
Obama Tees Off On Oracle Founder's Private Golf Course - Breitbart
Obama Draws Another Faux Line, This Time In Kiev, As His Progressive Media Yawns - CowboyByte
Liberals Lie: Actually, those Evil Koch Brothers Rank 59th in Political Donations, ActBlue 1st - Politisite
George Soros More Than Doubles Net Worth During Obama Years – Now At $20 Billion! - TheUlstermanReport
Dingy Harry Attacks Koch Brothers Before Heading To Fundraiser With Democrat Billionaire Sugar Daddy - JammieWearingFools
U.S. Army Asymmetric Warfare Group's Training Facility
Frightening Spin From The Government
So Ask The Question
Why Did The U.S. Army Build A U.S. ‘Fake City?’ To Practice Military Occupation?
The U.S. Army has built a 300 acre ‘fake city’ complete with a sports stadium, bank, school, and an underground subway in order to train for unspecified future combat scenarios.- InfoWars
Source: WesternJournalism |
U.S. Army Builds Fake City To Shoot At During Training - TheTelegraphUK
(Army says city even contains a Mosque. But there is no Mosque. Only a small Christian church. Which is exactly what you would expect from the Obama supported Southern Poverty Law Center.)
1. Before Another Presidential Election: The Mainstream Media's Fix Is In
CBS News: "Let's Not Talk About Monica Lewinsky for Two Years." - Breitbart
"John Dickerson is the political director for CBS News and also a political correspondent for Slate. Monday he wrote a piece suggesting that everyone would be better off not mentioning Monica Lewinsky, or any other event in Bill Clinton's history, as part of coverage of Hillary.
The piece is eight paragraphs of concern-trolling for the right followed by one paragraph directed at the left. Here's the basic argument:" . . . Read More
Restricted Access - FreeBeacon
Remember How The Elites Of The Mainstream Media Got Obama Elected In 2008? You Better! - HowObamaGotElected
Johnny Carson's Head Writer: Late Night Comics Protect Obama - Breitbart
CNN’s ‘Piers Morgan Live:’ CNN Ties Sixth Worst Primetime Result - DeadlineHollywood
Bill O’Reilly Does Not Look Out for Me (Anymore) - PJMedia
2. WND Report: Girl Scout Leaders Have Promoted lesbian, socialist, and radical liberal women as role models for American girls
"Progressives Brainwash Girl Scouts With Environmental Justice, Global Warming Alarmism." - ClashDaily
"The Girl Scouts’ National Leadership Journeys program requires girls to embrace environmental justice, climate change and green energy in order to earn awards. The Journey Awards-- aimed at giving them the benefits of the Girl Scout "Keys to Leadership:" Discover, Connect, Take Action”--are described on the Girls Scouts website as being designed for girls from kindergarten through high school. The 'It’s Your Planet--Love It' journey page is illustrated with a photograph of a 'green roof' at the California Academy of Sciences in San Francisco, Calif.
'Girls are being exposed to ideas and discussions on the environment every day and everywhere,' the description of the various journeys with this theme states. 'Girl Scouts journeys are packed with the latest research and girl-relevant environmental thinking and offer adults a way to interact with girls on topics of great importance in their lives.'" - CNSNews
(Note: In “Amaze" to the left. "The Twists and Turns of Getting Along,” girls from the sixth to the eighth grade will read a quote from Buddha and be encouraged to explore mazes and stone or dirt labyrinths – symbols rooted in pagan mythology and popular within the New Age movement as meditation tools." - WND)
They will be briefly introduced to Polish poet Anna Swir, known for her feminist and erotic poems, and Jane Addams, an ardent feminist and pacifist who received a Nobel Peace Prize.
Girl Scouts Exposed: Lessons In Lesbianism - WND
WND reports on many of the female role models mentioned for the Girl Scouts: feminists, lesbians, existentialists, communists and Marxists. Examples include: Elizabeth Gurley Flynn, chairwoman of the American Communist Party; Luisa Moreno: labor leader married to delegate of the Socialist Party of America; Simone de Beauvoir: existentialist, French author of feminist books, key player in France’s women’s liberation movement; Rigoberta Menchu: Guatemalan activist who joined Marxist guerrilla movement; Emily Greene Balch: writer, feminist, pacifist who campaigned against U.S. involvement in World War I; Billie Jean King: sued for palimony by lesbian girlfriend while she was still married, first prominent professional athlete to come out as homosexual; Jeanette Rankin: pacifist who voted against U.S. entry into World War I and World War II; Carrie Chapman Catt: feminist politician, president of the National American Woman Suffrage Association; Frances Perkins: teacher and U.S. secretary of labor from 1933 to 1945, first woman appointed to the U.S. Cabinet, allegedly had lesbian relationship with Mary Harriman Rumsey; Rachel Carson: marine biologist and nature writer whose book led to the creation of the Environmental Protection Agency; Barbara Jordan: first black woman to deliver keynote address at the Democratic National Convention in 1976, supported Community Reinvestment Act of 1977 requiring banks to lend to poor and minority communities. The Houston Chronicle reported Jordan had lesbian partner of more than 20 years named Nancy Earl. - WND
Mom's Anti-Gay Rejection Of Kid's Birthday Invite A Hoax - Breitbart
Christians Migrate Their Girls To American Heritage - Organization Introduces 'Respect Life' Patch For Pro-Life Service - Breitbart
Girl Scouts Threaten Legal Action Against Critical Pro-Life Groups -Breitbart
3. Obama Warns Uganda of ‘Complicated’ Relationship
"President Obama threatened Sunday that U.S. relations with Uganda could be on the rocks as President Yoweri Museveni was poised to sign a bill that hands down a sentence of life in prison for many same-sex acts." - PJMedia
"Same-sex relationships have been illegal in Uganda since the colonial era, currently punishable by up to 14 years behind bars.
'As we have conveyed to President Museveni, enacting this legislation will complicate our valued relationship with Uganda,' Obama said. 'At a time when, tragically, we are seeing an increase in reports of violence and harassment targeting members of the LGBT community from Russia to Nigeria, I salute all those in Uganda and around the world who remain committed to respecting the human rights and fundamental human dignity of all persons.'
The U.S. has threatened in years past to cut aid to Uganda because of its anti-lefrtist laws. In addition to being Uganda’s largest bilateral donor with hundreds of millions in assistance each year, the U.S. has increased its military partnership with the sub-Saharan nation particularly in the hunt for warlord Joseph Kony." . . . Read More
Boko Haram Islamists Murder 90 Christian Villagers In Northeast Nigeria - GatewayPundit
Islam Continues To Grow In Power And Influence Across Europe. But At A Recent Concert In Germany, One Christian Woman Decided To Stand Up To It - ClashDaily
(Note: Our Government is more and more pushing sodomy and abortion on other countries around the world using its military might to intimidate their people with its new progressive culture of obey. It was Obama, who says he hates Colonialism, yet forced an abortion-friendly Constitution upon its people using American taxpayer money. Read: America Facing Evil. It's who we are becoming, ben laden saying he hit soft targets because they voted governments into power. Will you fight other countries serving our military to force abortion and sodomy upon their peoples? We are quickly coming to that, as a new Navy recruitment ad leaves out "Justice for All" in favor of "Fairness for All," an impossible goal and a leftist term. This is while the murders of Christians by Muslims around the world is openly ignored by Obama, raised as a Muslim in Indonesia and having given the perfect call to prayer at the New York Times. The progressive publisher suggested Obama keep it to himself. - Webmaster)
4. Judge Jeanine: Threat Behind Obama's Pen And Phone Pledge
If video does not load, click on either link below
"Do we want a president who ignores the law, the Constitution and more than 200 years of precedent?" Judge Jeanine - FOXNews |
Source: FOXNews |
5. Pennsylvania Church Finds Out: Sodomy Is All About Pride
"Pride indeed was the sin of Sodom but that doesn’t mean that sodomy wasn’t. In fact, sodomy is the epitome of pride. Nothing demonstrates this better than a recent story in the York Daily Record in Pennsylvania." - ClashDaily
"Stop and think about that. A private organization has stated its beliefs and that an individual who doesn’t want to follow those beliefs cannot be a member. However, the organization, in an extraordinary act of kindness, says that the individual still can attend. The individual spits on this extraordinary act of kindness by continuing to proclaim that he is the victim . . . even as he takes advantage of the offer to continue attending church services.
This perfectly demonstrates who sodomites are: sexual anarchists who wish to redefine the truth even as they demand the world participate in their delusion. Everyone must participate. And this is the perfect demonstration of why sodomy is the epitome of pride." . . . Read More
Maryland Legislators Stand Against LGBT Activists to Protect Children - LibertyCounsel
6. Climate Change Is Either A Weapon of Mass Destruction Or . . . Wait For It . . . A Government-Enduced Drought
"Secretary of State John Kerry, always the diplomat, told a group of students and government leaders Sunday in Indonesia that climate change is 'the world's most fearsome weapon of mass destruction.'" - TruthRevolt
"The debate took a different angle on Fox News Sunday with Chris Wallace when he asked, 'When did global warming become climate change?' Kimberley Strassel of The Wall Street Journal responded, 'It became climate change when you couldn't prove that there was much global warming anymore as the temperatures didn't change.' She went on to say, 'So, suddenly we had to have this catch all term [to mean] that any change in the weather somehow supported the theory.'
Another panelist, Kirsten Powers of USA Today, blames the California drought not solely on the climate but also on the government that exacerbated the situation by protecting an endangered species of fish. As she points out, there is plenty of water that could be providing aid to local farmers but because of the Delta Smelt fish, the water is being diverted to the ocean in order to protect it because it is on the endangered species list.
The ever poignant George Will summed up the entire debate on Fox News quite succinctly as Wallace asked if he buys the president's assertion that climate change is causing these weather-related disasters:" . . . Read More
Al Gore Wrong Again! Arctic Ice Cover 50% Thicker This Year Than in 2012 - GateWayPundit
Al Gore warns in 2009 Polar Ice may be gone in five years. "Hey Al, still pulling in all that money on your faux 2014." - YouTube |
Source: YouTube |
Hey, John, Look Behind Your Aircraft Next Time You Fly: Kerry Generates 12 Tons of CO2 On Trip Discussing Climate Change - NationalReview
The Second Biggest Abuser Of Electricity In California, The Island Of Hollywood, Begs Lawmakers For Tax Breaks To Stop The Bleeding - TruthRevolt
Kerry Burnishes Green Badge in Asia as Volcano Disrupts Trip - Bloomberg
Climate Democrat Parasites: The Answer to 'Climate Change Deniers' - AmericanThinker
The Party Of Death At It Again: Liberals Choose Fish Over California Farmers - AmericanSpectator
OMG, Californian Drought Is Not About ‘Climate Change’ – It’s About Failed Liberal Policy - GatewayPundit
Climate Scientists Slam Obama Science Czar’s ‘Pseudo-Science Rambling’ On Global Warming - DailyCaller
"Kaku Has No Effing Clue What He Is Talking About -- 'Unstable Jet Stream' -- Huh?" - TruthRevolt
Progressive CNN Hypes Obama's Climate Change Using His Former Communist Green Czar
Communist Van Jones Outrage for the day - MRCTV |
Source: CNN |
7. Another Liberal Failure To Obey: Zero Tolerance!
"Chicago School Officials Suspend 11-Year-Old Boy Under ‘Dangerous Weapons’ Policy For Voluntarily Turning In Non-Firing Toy Gun." - RutherfordInstitute
"Caden Cook, a sixth grader at Fredrick Funston Elementary School, was suspended for allegedly violating the school’s weapons policy against dangerous objects, in addition to being ordered to undergo counseling, and subjected to intimidation tactics, interrogation, and dire threats by school officials—all without his mother being present. Rutherford Institute attorneys have asked that the suspension be rescinded and all references to the incident be removed from Caden’s permanent school record.
'This case speaks volumes about what’s wrong with our public schools and public officials: rather than school officials showing they are capable of exercising good judgment, distinguishing between what is and is not a true threat, and preserving safety while steering clear of a lockdown mindset better suited to a prison environment, they instead opted to exhibit poor judgment, embrace heavy handed tactics, and treat a toy gun like a dangerous weapon,' said John W. Whitehead, president of The Rutherford Institute and author of A Government of Wolves:
The Emerging American Police State. 'In the process, school officials sent a strong, chilling message to this child and his classmates that they have no rights in the American police state.'” . . . Read More
Maryland School Claims Immunity in Lawsuit Over Wrongful Suspension of Lacrosse Players for Possession of Deadly Weapons (Penknife, Lighter) - RutherfordInstitute
Police Kill An 80-Year Old Man In His Own Bed Over Drugs That Weren’t There. (No, Not In Russia. In An America Continuing To Turn Into A Progressive Police State. - Webmaster) - ClashDaily
Archbishop: 'The More That Gov't Mandates Evil Actions, The More Likely Civil Disobedience Becomes' - CNSNews
Black Mobs Terrorize Victoria's Secret Shoppers - WND
Supporters Treat Obama's Face As If A South American Dictator. No, This Is Not From Overseas. Welcome To The Banana Republic Of Progressive America And Its Socialist King - Breitbart

8. Students Forced To Compete In “Condom Olympics”
"Millions of conservative parents are rightfully outraged at the public school system’s usurpation of custodial rights in regard to sex education. While young children are being exposed to graphic lessons and the implicit message that there is nothing wrong with engaging in promiscuous sex, the message becomes even more blatant in many of the nation’s colleges." - WesternJournalism
"According to recent reports from the University of Arizona, one class in particular is mandating students organize and participate in a campus-wide event known as the Condom Olympics. A student newspaper article described a few of the outrageous contests, including 'a condom-wrapped egg toss' and 'a condom scavenger hunt.'
'Sex, Health, and AIDS' professor William Simmons explained that he is opposed to traditional learning and assigned this project based on his unorthodox style. He said he hopes his students will leave the assignment 'knowing what condoms are.'
While wrapping prophylactics around eggs and turning them into works of ‘art’ might introduce a theoretically unfamiliar student to what they are, it in no way emphasizes how they should be used. As with many university assignments, this is apparently just another opportunity to impose social leftism onto a captive audience of tuition-paying young adults.
The event coincided with SexTalk Week Resource Fair, which took place on campus and included a number of questionable events." . . . Read More
Health Department Launches New Look For NYC-Branded Condom, Larger ‘KYNG’ Size - CBSNewYork
9. Senate Candidate From North Carolina Named Best Candidate By Beck
"It’s no secret that Glenn is not a fan of politicians, and he speaks to all of them with great skepticism. But on radio this morning, he spoke with a Senate candidate from North Carolina, Dr. Greg Brannon, and he was pleasantly surprised by what he heard. In fact, Glenn went so far as call Brannon 'perhaps the best candidate [he has] ever talked to the first time out of the shoot.'" - GlennBeck
"Brannon is a father of seven, practicing OBGYN, and longtime listener of the program, who openly discussed what led him to run for Senate and what he believes to be the biggest issues facing the nation. To begin, Glenn asked him why he chose to enter the political fray.
"'Well first off, I believe it’s a service not politics. I’m 53. Our generation is going to pass on a less free America, unless we stand. And I’m not going to look at my children’s face and the 9,000 babies I delivered 15 years from now and they say:
[We are] 'in the fight for liberty. This is 1770 all over again,' Brannon said. 'Mike Lee, Ted Cruz, Rand Paul – that’s our future of our country. It’s going back to our foundational core beliefs and who we are. And I’m not going to sit here on the sidelines.'
One of the things about Brannon that most impressed Glenn was how well read he is. Brannon chose to read H.R. 2590 (aka Obamacare) in its entirety because he believes “in knowing how things work and why.” He also explained how effected he was by a letter between Thomas Jefferson and his nephew that Glenn has referred to." . . . Read More
If video doesn't load, click on either link below. |
Glenn talks to Dr. Greg Brannon who is running for Senate in North Carolina - GlennBeck |
Source: GlennBeck |
U.S. House Representative, Louie Gohmert, Launches Conservative PAC To Defend Conservative Candidates Against Attacks By . . . Wait for it . . . Establishment Republicans - DailyCaller
OMG Not Again! Barbara Boxer: 'GOP Would Be Happy if Minimum Wage Was Still a Buck an Hour.' - PJMedia
10. Planned Parenthood Murders Both Mother And Child In Horror Show Abortion
"'If there’s one thing the past few years have shown is that Planned Parenthood isn’t going anywhere,' Obama said as the crowd cheered. 'It’s not going anywhere today, it’s not going anywhere tomorrow.'” - NTEB
"CNSNews.com – On Feb. 7, Planned Parenthood of Illinois, Northwestern Memorial Hospital, and Northwestern Medical Faculty Foundation agreed to pay the family of Tonya Reaves, $2 million after she died from hemorrhaging from a botched abortion in 2012. Reaves received the abortion at a Planned Parenthood clinic on 18 S. Michigan Ave in Chicago, Ill.
'Planned Parenthood is a billion dollar a year baby killing business,' Day Gardner, president of the National Black Pro-Life Union, told CNSNews.com. “The money awarded to Tonya’s son is a pittance in comparison to what they are worth – $2 million dollars is just a tiny drop in a bottomless bucket. The truly sad thing is that no one can put a dollar value on the life a human being – a life snuffed out way too soon.
Reaves, a healthy 24-year-old black woman, was 16 weeks pregnant at 11 a.m. on Friday, July 20, 2012, the time of her abortion. Her death, according to the autopsy report, was due to “hemorrhage resulting from cervical dilation and evacuation due to an intrauterine pregnancy.” It shows that she suffered a 3/16 inch perforation of the uterus from forceps (a tool used during the D&E abortion procedure to dismember the fetus). She also had “extensive” perforation of her broad uterine ligament.
After the botched abortion took place at Planned Parenthood, Reaves bled for five and a half hours without medical treatment." . . . Read More
Students For Life Wins First Amendment Fight At University of Alabama - Breitbart
11. Health Industry Group: Yes, We’ve Suffered Massive Obamacare Job Losses!
Only America's progressive Obama would assign the nation's abortion queen, accepting huge donations from Kansas's Tiller The Baby Killer's, To America's Health Care System, Filled With Lies Her Hands Cover In Blood Of Fetuses - Webmaster
"A new report from a top health care industry trade organization contradicts Kathleen Sebelius’ recent claim that no job loss will occur under Obamacare. Obamacare’s medical device tax has already created a job loss of 33,000 in the medical device industry and 132,0o0 more job losses are expected, according to a new report from the industry trade group the Advanced Medical Technology Association (AdvaMed), obtained by the Daily Caller.
'There is absolutely no evidence, and every economist will tell you this, that there is any job loss related to the Affordable Care Act,' Sebelius said Monday in Orlando. 'Part-time physicians are actually down since 2010, not up. The number of full-time workers continues to increase. I know that’s a popular myth that continues to be repeated but it just is not accurate.' . . . Read More
Liar, Liar, Panties of Fire! More Jobs Lost As Fourth Georgia Hospital Close Due To Obamacare Payment Cuts - DailyCaller
The Party Of Death Continues. "Democrats Laugh When Obama's Affordable Act Savings For American Families Goes Up In Smoke. ("Hell, The ******** Didn't Even Read It! Obama Voters Got The Government They Richly Deserved. The Rest Of You Got ******." Webmaster) - YouTube
"What's so funny? It's an atrocity! What are they laughing about? The Joke's on us!" - Blogger Comment |
Source: YouTube |
12. America Loves It! Miley Cyrus Simulates Oral Sex On Bill Clinton Impersonator To Start Her Tour
"America evolves to the worship of young sex objects following Rome's social arrogance into history that it could never be defeated. - Webmaster
"Don't throw away the old bucket until you know whether the new one holds water." - Swedish Proverb
No Cigar?
Barely legal Miley Cyrus pulls a Monica Lewinsky on a Bill Clinton Impersonator in the above video . . . giving Bill's image a another well-deserved blow job, reminding us all when Hillary went after Clinton's play things, not woman enough for him. Now America's progressives are ready to vote this socialist lib as their president.
Asian world leaders must be jumping up on down as America shoves its title of moral leader of the world out the window, choosing instead to wallow in slut celebs approved by too many of the country's grass roots along with pin stripe executives where erections equal elections via TV content for all to suck on and enjoy. As shown on the right, these women are America's toys that simply want to be played with. Just don't touch. STDs just aren't worth it, as promoted daily by Planned Parenthood making big bucks off of sex and its related horrific abortions as acceptable collateral damage. - TMZ
America Sucks It Up

"It is no measure of health to be well-adjusted to a profoundly sick society." - J. Krishnamurti |
Source: YouTube |
Source: Sports Illustrated |
Professor Exposes Obama’s Communist Roots And Mentor
Here is a fascinating, extended interview Mark Levin did the other night with Dr. Paul Kengor, Professor of Political Science at Grove City College, on “Who exactly is Barack Obama?” - MarkLevinShow
Source: MarkLevinShow |
Sarah Palin: Establishment Republicans Told Her To Shut Up About Obama
"I Was Not Allowed" To Tell The Truth About Obama" - Sarah Palin - FOXNews
Source: FOXNews |
The Privileged People - John Stossel, CapitalismMagazine

Obama's signal to progressives in 2007: Their messiah had arrived.
Looking around, George Bailey got his wish.
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