Date: February 16, 2014
Week In Review - Top News Stories You Might Not Know About
From: Freedom is Knowledge
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. . . "It Ain't News Until We Say It Is!"
If you actually believe the far-left progressive media and its New York Times mentor are usually interested in your right to know, you may have missed some of this week's news reports - Webmaster
NSA Files Archive - TheGuardian
Boiling Frogs
Join Bill Whittle as he examines our freedoms and everything we hold dear that seem suddenly in jeopardy now - AfterBurner
Source: YouTube |
1. Outrageous! Top Benghazi Official At The State Department Not Fired – But Promoted!
"Charlene Lamb, cited for failures in leadership from the Department of State’s own Accountability Review Board report, has been promoted to Regional Security Officer." - GatewayPundit
"We’ve heard rumor that she’s slated for international duty in Canada. She started the security officer training last week, much to the dismay of many within the State Department.
For those not keeping track, Charlene Lamb was in charge of the office that denied extra security personnel to the U.S. Ambassador in Libya before the Sept. 11, 2011 attacks." . . . Read More
ABC's softball piece from December of 2012 that Lamb and two others were fired by Clinton. But they were not fired according to Gateway Pundit, with Lamb even promoted. - YouTube |
Source: ABCNews (December, 2012) |
House Benghazi Report Concludes Something New That Aide Admits ‘Some People Are Going To Be Upset About.’ - TheBlaze
2. Common Core Curriculum At It Again: Liar, Liar, Pants On Fire
"Common Core math lesson plans attack Reagan, list Lincoln’s religion as ‘liberal’" - DailyCaller
"The lesson plan then offers three websites for obtaining information about American presidents. The 'recommended' site is a page entitled 'Presidents' at the website The page links to a biography of each president and provides some key facts about each president including their home states, their ages at inauguration and their religions. Abraham Lincoln’s religion is listed as 'liberal.'
Any math student who surfs over to the biography of Ronald Reagan is in for a treat. The page duly explains that Reagan’s 'supply side economic program' of 'tax cuts and sharp reductions in government spending' led to the worst recession in 40 years' and a 'constantly growing budget deficit.' The roaring economy and the huge plunge in both inflation and unemployment that ensued rate nary a mention." . . . Read More
3. Zero Tolerance: Chicago School Officials Suspend 11-Year-Old Boy Under Dangerous Weapons Policy for Voluntarily Turning in Non-Firing Toy Gun
"Criticizing Chicago school officials for being overzealous, misguided and incapable of distinguishing between an impotent toy and a dangerous weapon, The Rutherford Institute has come to the defense of an 11-year-old boy who was suspended from school after he voluntarily turned in a non-firing plastic toy gun that had been forgotten in his jacket pocket." - RutherfordInstitute
"Caden Cook, a sixth grader at Fredrick Funston Elementary School, was suspended for allegedly violating the school’s weapons policy against dangerous objects, in addition to being ordered to undergo counseling, and subjected to intimidation tactics, interrogation, and dire threats by school officials—all without his mother being present. Rutherford Institute attorneys have asked that the suspension be rescinded and all references to the incident be removed from Caden’s permanent school record.
'This case speaks volumes about what’s wrong with our public schools and public officials: rather than school officials showing they are capable of exercising good judgment, distinguishing between what is and is not a true threat, and preserving safety while steering clear of a lockdown mindset better suited to a prison environment, they instead opted to exhibit poor judgment, embrace heavy handed tactics, and treat a toy gun like a dangerous weapon,' said John W. Whitehead, president of The Rutherford Institute and author of A Government of Wolves: The Emerging American Police State. 'In the process, school officials sent a strong, chilling message to this child and his classmates that they have no rights in the American police state.'” . . . Read More
Stupid Cupid — School Bans Valentine’s Day Cupid (‘Bow and Arrow’ Promote Violence’) - ClashDaily
An Act Of Civil Disobedience? Connecticut Gun Owners Defy New ‘Assault Weapon’ Laws - GlennBeck
4. Obama Cheerleaders Out Again With Their PomPoms: With No Factual Data NBC News Still Declares Victory For Obamacare Enrollments
"With the announcement from our government that as of the end of January, 3.3 million have signed up for private insurance through ObamaCare, NBC's First Read declared victory for Obama Thursday. The headline reads: '[G]ood health-care news for the White House -- enrollment is no longer a problem.'" - Breitbart
"There is just one problem. No one at NBC News has any idea what the real enrollment numbers are. Regardless, this is what NBC News reports:
Here’s the conclusion you can reach from the new health-care numbers the Obama administration released on Wednesday: Months after the all the website woes, the health law no longer has an overall enrollment problem. According to the stats, 3.3 million have now signed up for health-care coverage through Feb. 1 (1.4 million in state marketplaces, 1.9 million in the federal one), and 1.1 million signed up in January alone. The number of falsehoods contained in just a few NBC sentences is breathtaking." . . . Read More
Colorado Health-Exchange Director Indicted For Fraud, Theft - NationalReview
Massachusetts Obamacare Exchange Granted Federal Extension As Director Gently Weeps - DailyCaller
How Obamacare Will Inevitably Raise Food Prices - LastResistance
NBC Glorifies Russia's Soviet Past As 'One Of Modern History's Pivotal Experiments' - NewsBusters
CBS Blames Global Warming For Bad Winter - Breitbart
Obama To Announce One Billion Dollar 'Climate Resilience Fund.' - Breitbart
TV Propaganda And The Mind Control Culture - NewMediaJournal
5. Obama Administration Unilaterally Changes Law To Allow Immigrants With ‘Limited’ Terror Contact Into U.S.
"The Obama administration has issued new exemptions to a law that bars certain asylum-seekers and refugees who provided 'limited material support' to terrorists who are believed to pose no threat from the U.S." - DailyCaller
"The Department of Homeland Security and the State Department published the new exemptions Wednesday in the Federal Register to narrow a ban in the Immigration and Nationality Act excluding refugees and asylum seekers who had provided limited material support, no matter how minor, to terrorists.
'These exemptions cover five kinds of limited material support that have adversely and unfairly affected refugees and asylum seekers with no tangible connection to terrorism: material support that was insignificant in amount or provided incidentally in the course of everyday social, commercial, family or humanitarian interactions, or under significant pressure,' a DHS official explained to The Daily Caller." . . . Read More
For First Time, Anti-Terrorism Law Used to Have Americans Protesting Keystone XL Pipeline Arrested - Dissenter
Uncovered by JW: Top Pentagon Leader Ordered Destruction of bin Laden Death Photos - JudicialWatch
6. Treasury: Employers Must “Self-Attest” That ObamaCare Not Behind Staffing Decisions – Under Penalty Of Perjury
"After its latest delay in implementing the employer mandate, the Obama administration rebuffed criticisms that the law incentivizes employers to shift to part-time work by announcing the Treasury Inquisition." - HotAir
"The latest announcement comes after the administration heard from businesses about their concerns with the looming ObamaCare rules. However, the change is sure to raise more questions about the health and implementation of the law. Fewer workers getting insurance through their employers could mean more individuals on the ObamaCare exchanges seeking subsidized coverage, increasing the cost to taxpayers.
Some lawmakers, though, have claimed that the mere threat of the employer mandate is causing companies to shed full-time workers in the hope of keeping their staff size below 50 and avoiding the requirement.
Administration officials dispute that this is happening on any large scale. Further, Treasury officials said Monday that businesses will be told to 'certify' that they are not shedding full-time workers simply to avoid the mandate. Officials said employers will be told to sign a “self-attestation” on their tax forms affirming this, under penalty of perjury.
Officials stressed that the latest reprieve applies to a relatively small percentage of employers — albeit companies that employ millions of workers." . . . Read More
DOC SHOCK’ Spreads, As Obamacare Commissars Try To Legislate It Away - HumanEvents
7. Renting A Womb:
"When Alana S. Newman attended a conference on family formation, she was shocked to find that surrogacy has become a 'booming' market among leftist couples." - ChristianPost
"'The event was overflowing with a shocking enthusiasm for motherlessness, and it served as an opportunity to promote the fertility industry's most lucrative package: egg donors plus surrogates, for male couples and single-dads-by-choice,' said Newman of the Anonymous Us Project, an organization which focuses on the topic of 'third party reproduction,' while describing the event (sponsored by American Association for Adoption and Reproductive Technologies Attorneys) that took place in Charleston, S.C.
Newman says male couples are the most targeted demographic by American surrogacy agencies. She told The Christian Post that the increased focus on surrogacy came from many social factors, including 'celebrity normalcy, Perez Hilton, Elton John, Neil Patrick Harris, desire to spread their genes, [and] devaluation of motherhood.'
She explained to CP that with nations like India banning surrogacy, the United States has become the new major market for the practice." . . . Read More
Judge Reduces Unsafe Illinois Abortion Clinic's $36,000 Fine To . . . Wait For It . . . $77 - Breitbart
University of Alabama Removes Offensive Pro-Life Display - Breitbart
8. 100% Of The 501(c)(4) Groups Audited By IRS Were Conservative!
"Today Rep. Dave Camp (R-MI), the chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee, confirmed that 100% of the established 501(c)(4) groups the IRS selected for audit were conservative." - GatewayPundit
"A Republican House committee chairman said the Internal Revenue Service targeted tax-exempt conservative groups for audits, widening the scope of GOP ire over the agency’s oversight of political activities. House Democrats pushed back, saying Republicans were seeking to use the IRS controversy to score political points with their conservative base in an election year.
The IRS has been under scrutiny since an inspector general’s report last May found that the agency had targeted conservative groups for lengthy and heavy-handed review of their applications to become tax-exempt organizations under section 501(c) 4 of the tax code. The controversy led to significant management shakeups at the IRS and generated a slew of congressional investigations, some of which are still going on. On Tuesday, House Ways and Means Chairman Dave Camp (R., Mich.) said his committee’s continuing investigation has found that the IRS also singled out established conservative tax-exempt groups for audits." . . . Read More
9. American Media Ignoring The Truth About The U.S. And Sodomy
"Politically conservative people always can be counted on to do one thing: accept premises that the left sets and fight any effort to undo them. This holds true for sexual morality. That’s why more and more conservative figures are denouncing a Russian law that protects children. That’s why they issue ultimatums about having no friendship with anyone who opposes sodomy. And that’s also probably why they are ignoring the truth about the atrocities that America is committing against children and Christians inside the U.S." - ClashDaily
"But if people still want to think that what one Russian comedian said is a horrible thing it still doesn’t compare to how American politicians—people who actually make laws—treat children and Christians living in the U.S. For instance, Houston mayor Annise Parker is a sodomite and anti-Christian extremist. She used the mayoral office to attempt to violate the law to favor sodomites and subvert Christianity (“Judge: Houston Mayor, City Must ‘Cease and Desist’ Recognizing Same-Sex Marriage and Providing Benefits” – Texas Values, December 2013).
And then there was the “Human Rights Commissioner to Evangelical pastor: you and your family ‘deserve to burn in hell’” (LifeSiteNews, July 2013.) . . . Read More
NBC Commentator's Wardrobe Shows Support For LGBT - TruthRevolt
Ex-Olympic skater and current NBC commentator for the Sochi games Johnny Weir is not shy about protesting Russia's homosexual laws live on air, if his wardrobe has anything to say about it. - TruthRevolt |
French President, Francois Hollande, Halts Same-Sex Parenting Law After Huge Pro-Traditional Family March - Breitbart
Lawmaker to Christians: ‘We’ll Take Your Children’ - PoliticalOutcast
10. NAACP Requires Marchers Protesting North Carolina Voter ID law To Show Photo ID
"North Carolinians marching to protest voter-ID laws must present a valid photo ID to participate in an NAACP-hosted protest against voter-ID laws in Raleigh on Saturday." - DailyCaller
"According to official NAACP flyers passed out at the rally, protesters must carry the precise kind of ID that they would be expected to present at the voting booth." . . . Read More
11. Democrats’ New Rallying Cry: Work Is A Trap And We Celebrate Those Who Can Avoid It
"My, oh, my, how times have changed. America now has a government that views work as a trap and celebrates those who escape it." - GatewayPundit
"Among its many stamps, the Postal Service has a series called 'Made in America, Building a Nation.' The strip of 'forever' stamps is a collection of iconic photographs of 20th-century industry featuring men and women toiling on railroads, skyscrapers and factory floors.
A celebration of work and workers, the series quotes Helen Keller saying, 'The world is moved along, not only by the mighty shoves of its heroes, but also by the aggregate of the tiny pushes of each honest worker.' . . . Read More
It’s the Democrat's new rallying cry. "Work is a trap and we celebrate those who can avoid it." - YouTube
Source: GatewayPundit |
Leisure Studies Professor Rebukes Republicans For "Liking Jobs," Lauds Obama For Unemployment - DailyCaller
Hey Obama! I Am A Factory!
Remember When This Spoof Was Funny Because Our Constitution Protected Us?
Now The Real President Kids Around: I Can Do Whatever I Want!
President Obama "quipped" today during a visit to Monticello with the French president, "That's the good thing about being president, I can do whatever I want." - YouTube
Source: WeeklyStandard |
- Ambassador Shirley Temple Black - A Trail Blazer For Conservative Women -
TKS to Ellen of Pennsylvania

Obama's signal to progressives in 2007: Their messiah had arrived.
Looking around, George Bailey got his wish.
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Western North Carolina
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Background photo source: President George Washington