Date: January 26, 2014
America's Mainstream Liberal Media's Mission Statement . . .
From: Freedom is Knowledge
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. . . "It Ain't News Until We Say It Is!"
If you actually believe the far-left progressive media and its New York Times menotor are always interested in your right to know, you may have missed some of these news reports - Webmaster
NSA Files Archive - TheGuardian
Warning To Not Use E15 Gasoline
As tax revenue from gasoline sales go down due to more fuel-efficient cars on the road, lawmakers in Oregon and Virginia want to implement a per-mile tax on all cars to make up for lost gas tax revenue. Remember when citizens cut back on water in California? Remember how that work out? (Dec. 2012) - YouTube |
Source: YouTube |
Global Warming Warning Labels Proposed For California Gas Pumps - SanFranciscoCBSLocal
Surprise, Surprise! Idiot, Who Got Ship Stuck In Ice Trying To Prove Ice Was Melting, Wins Global Warming Award - FrontPageMagazine
1. Planned Parenthood Did One Adoption Referral Per 149 Abortions
"In its latest annual report, released in December, Planned Parenthood says it did 327,166 abortion procedures in the course of one year and 2,197 adoption referrals. That works out to approximately 149 abortions for each adoption referral." - CNSNews
"The data comes from an accounting of 'patient care' Planned Parenthood says its 'affiliate health centers' did in the year that ran from Oct. 1, 2011 to Sept. 30, 2012. Planned Parenthood says in it new annual report that it received a total of $540.6 million in government grants and reimbursements for the fiscal year that ended on June 30, 2013. That accounted for almost 45 percent of the organization’s total revenue of $1,210.4. The 327,166 abortions Planned Parenthood did in the year from Oct. 1, 2011 to Sept, 30, 2012 was down 6,798 abortions from the 333,964 abortions the organization did in the year from Oct. 1, 2010 to Sept. 30 2011.
Still, the 327,166 abortions that Planned Parenthood did from October 2011-September 2012 works out to approximately one abortion every 96 seconds." . . . Read More
America's Progressive Women: If They Could Only Enjoy The Dumping Of Their Babies - Breitbart
2. This Inspirational, Disabled Family Lost Its Health Coverage, And It’s Obamacare’s Fault
"The Daverts are just one of the thousands of American families who lost healthcare coverage after Obamacare forced their insurance company to cancel their plan." - DailyCaller
"But the Daverts aren’t like any other American family. Twin children Austin and Michaela have brittle bone disease, as does their mother, Melissa. Their father, Ken, has cerebral palsy. Though their handicaps–and medical expenses–are significant, life together is not just manageable, but happy, in their Bay City, Michigan home.
Things have become much more difficult, however, since recently implemented provisions of the Affordable Care Act cause their insurer to drop the children from their health plan. And even after spending hours and hours navigating the labrynthine and demanding answers from confused call center bureaucrats, Melissa Davert’s children remain uninsured, despite their constant medical needs.
And she knows exactly who is to blame. “We did not put ourselves in this situation,” she told The Daily Caller. “The government put us in this situation.” Melissa and Ken are covered under Medicare. Medicare, however, has never included their children, who are covered by a separate plan. Under that plan, which was well suited to the family’s needs, the children’s combined health-care costs could not exceed $2,500 per year." . . . Read More
3. We've Seen Before How This Can End If Allowed To Continue: Glenn Beck Excoriates New York Governor For Telling ‘Extreme Conservatives’ To Get Out Of The State
"New York Governor Andrew Cuomo made headlines over the weekend for comments he made about 'extreme conservatives' in New York State. During an interview with Susan Arbetter on WCNY radio on Friday, Cuomo criticized 'right-to-life,' 'pro-assault weapon,' conservatives." - GlennBeck
"Cuomo: 'The Republican Party candidates are running against the SAFE Act — it was voted for by moderate Republicans who run the Senate! Their problem is not me and the Democrats; their problem is themselves. Who are they? Are they these extreme conservatives who are right-to-life and pro-assault-weapon? Is that who they are? Because if that’s who they are and they’re the extreme conservatives, they have no place in the state of New York, because that’s not who New Yorkers are.'
Cuomo did lend his support to the 'moderate Republicans' that have consistently worked with Democrats to pass his agenda. But he urged the 'extreme conservatives' to 'figure out if your extreme conservative philosophy can survive in this state and the answer is no.' On radio this morning, Glenn questioned whether or not the New York outpost of TheBlaze would still be welcome in the state given the company’s pro-life, pro-Second Amendment stance." . . . Read More
Glenn reacts to NY Governor Cuomo's declaration conservatives not welcomed in the state - GlennBeck
Conservatives Not Welcomed - TheBlaze
“'I stand by that 100 percent,”' de Blasio told reporters at the U.S. Conference of Mayors in Washington, D.C. on Thursday." - Breitbart
CNN, What Some Dare To Call A "News" Network And That Employs Governor Cuomo's Brother, Is Completely Silent On Governor Cuomo Telling Conservatives To Get Out Of The State. (Can We All Say, Hmm. - Webmaster) - NewsBusters
Rev. Jeremiah Wright At MLK Breakfast: 'Tea Party Is 2.0 Upgrade of Lynch Mobs.' - GatewayPundit
4. America's dumb and dumber Voters Show They Have No Idea What's Going On Around Them! Millionaire Congresswoman makes the observation, Income Inequality is 'Existential Threat' to U.S.
Rep. Rosa DeLauro (D-Conn.), who is worth millions of dollars according to her congressional financial disclosure statement, says Congress needs to tackle income inequality because it 'poses an existential threat to our nation and our way of life.' - CNSNews
"Looking as if a character from a Woody Allen movie, on the Connecticut's House floor last Wednesday DeLauro said, 'Every generation of leaders in this institution has faced their own time of testing. Whether it’s an economic panic, Great Depression, slavery, Jim Crow, Civil War, World War, Cold War. There are times when our country is confronted with a crisis that poses an existential threat to our nation and our way of life and Congress needs to stand up and act.'
The question before us now is: are we going to continue to be the land of opportunity, social mobility and the nation that forged the largest middle class in human history during the 20th century, or are we going to become a nation of very few haves and millions of have-nots?" . . . Read More
“The question before us now is: are we going to continue to be the land of opportunity, social mobility and the nation that forged the largest middle class in human history during the 20th century, or are we going to become a nation of very few haves and millions of have-nots?” - MRCTV |
Source: MRCTV |
5. New Declassified Docs Expose Obama’s Benghazi Lies
"Newly declassified documents reveal that high-ranking members of the Obama administration were aware that the September 11, 2012 assault on the American consulate in Benghazi was a 'terrorist attack' only minutes after the battle began." - FrontPageMagazine
"'In classified testimony given on June 26, 2013 to the House Armed Services Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigation, Gen. Carter Hamm, former head of the United States Africa Command (AFRICOM) revealed he was the one who broke the news to former Defense Secretary Leon Panetta and Gen. Martin Dempsey, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. According to declassified testimony obtained by Fox News, Hamm testified that he learned about the attack only 15 minutes after it began at 9:42 p.m. Libya time. Thus, the administration’s carefully crafted narrative that the attack was based on a video has once again been revealed for the lie it always was.'
'My first call was to General Dempsey, General Dempsey’s office, to say, 'Hey, I am headed down the hall. I need to see him right away,’ the General told lawmakers. 'I told him what I knew. We immediately walked upstairs to meet with Secretary Panetta.' Hamm characterized the ability to meet with both men so soon after the attack occurred as a fortunate 'happenstance' because 'they had the basic information as they headed across for the meeting at the White House." . . . Read More
Devastating Benghazi Timeline: Obama Missed Intel Briefing Five Days In A Row Before Jihad Attack, Went To Campaign Rally Instead - PamelaGeller
6. FBI Won’t File Charges Against IRS For Targeting Conservatives After Interviewing Only Three Tea Party Groups
"IRS auditor reaffirms that conservatives, not liberals, were targeted within at least 292 conservative groups." - WashingtonTimes
"In a remarkable admission that is likely to rock the Internal Revenue Service again, testimony released Thursday by House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Dave Camp reveals that an agent involved in reviewing tax exempt applications from conservative groups told a committee investigator that the agency is still targeting Tea Party groups, three months after the IRS scandal erupted.
In closed door testimony before the House Ways & Means Committee, the unidentified IRS agent said requests for special tax status from Tea Party groups is being forced into a special “secondary screening” because the agency has yet to come up with new guidance on how to judge the tax status of the groups.
In a transcript from the committee provided to Secrets, a Ways & Means investigator asked: 'If you saw — I am asking this currently, if today if a Tea Party case, a group — a case from a Tea Party group came in to your desk, you reviewed the file and there was no evidence of political activity, would you potentially approve that case? Is that something you would do?" . . . Read More
When You Can't Tell The Good Guy From The Bad, There Are No Choices - Breitbart
7. Government Retaliates Against Navy Chaplain Who Sued Over Government Shutdown Of Catholic Mass
"Father Ray Leonard, the Catholic Navy Chaplain who sued the Department of Defense and the Navy after he was barred from celebrating Mass at Kings Bay Naval Submarine Base in Georgia during the recent the Government shutdown, is now the target of Government retaliation even though the Department of Justice indicated the day after the lawsuit was filed that he could resume his duties as a Navy Chaplain." - ThomasMore
"The retaliation involves repeated Government assertions that the employment contract under which Father Leonard was working is no longer “valid”, demands that he must sign a new contract containing several pages of onerous new terms if he wants to be paid and refusals to pay for services he had already performed.
As a result, the Thomas More Law Center ('TMLC'), a national public interest law firm based in Ann Arbor, MI, on January 6, 2014 filed an amended complaint in their original federal lawsuit to prevent further retaliation against Father Leonard for exercising his constitutional rights. The amended complaint added a claim against the government for its retaliation toward Father Leonard which occurred after the filing of the initial complaint.
Father Leonard just returned to America after spending ten years ministering to impoverished Tibetans in China. Consequently, withholding Father Leonard’s earnings for approximately two months left Father Leonard himself in an impoverished condition. Yet, he continued to minister to his congregation by scraping up enough money for food and rent payments for housing near the Naval Base which he serves." - Read More
Change In Military Dress Policy Will Allow Turbans, Beards If Worn For Religious Reasons - BlogAl
8. Democrats Just Love It! High School Teaches Children 'Oral Sex' and 'Anal Sex' Are Ways to . . . Wait For It . . . Express Feelings
"Sometimes we share our feelings in conversation. Sometimes we cry. Sometimes we laugh. Sometimes we have anal sex." . . . GatewayPundit
"A Kansas high school is teaching kids that 'oral sex' and 'anal sex' are just another way of expressing your feelings.
EAG News reported:
A Kansas father is not too happy with his local school district after his daughter brought home a picture of a school poster about 'oral sex' and 'grinding.' SexfeelingsThe poster – titled 'How do people express their sexual feelings?' – lists numerous types of sexual activities that Hocker Grove Middle School parent Mark Ellis believes are inappropriate for his 13-year-old daughter, FOX News reports.
'It upsets me,' Ellis told the television station. 'And again, it goes back to who approved this? You know this had to pass through enough hands that someone should have said, ‘Wait a minute, these are 13-year-old kids, we do not need to be this in-depth with this sexual education type program.'" . . . Read More
Common Core Sends Kids To Profane Sex Quiz - WesternJournalism
Judge Forces Boys To Wrestle Girl - WesternJournalism
Wisconsin University Bans The Bible From All Their Campus Center Rooms - ClashDaily
9. Texas Taxpayers Pay Billions For Illegal Aliens To Use State Services
"A new report from the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR), provided exclusively to Breitbart News, shows that Texans are footing a massive financial bill because of illegal aliens in the state." - Breitbart
'"After a brief hiatus that coincided with the worst of the economic recession, Texas’s illegal alien population is on the rise again,” the opening paragraph of the report reads. 'There are about 1,810,000 illegal aliens residing in Texas — 70,000 more than resided in the state in 2010 when we estimated the fiscal burden at nearly $8.9 billion annually.'
Specifically, in 2013 alone, FAIR estimates Texans were on the hook for $12.1 billion because of illegal immigration in the state. 'That amounts to more than $1,197 for every Texas household headed by a native-born or naturalized U.S. citizen,' FAIR wrote. 'The taxes paid by illegal aliens — estimated at $1.27 billion per year — do not come close to paying for those outlays, but we include an estimate of revenue from sales taxes, property taxes, alcohol taxes, and cigarette taxes.'
A breakdown of the costs shows that illegal aliens in Texas are accessing a wide variety of public services they are not supposed to have access to, placing a burden on taxpayers throughout the state. For instance, FAIR found that annually the estimated 195,000 illegal alien students and 481,000 U.S.-born children of illegal aliens place an $8.5 billion burden on taxpayers for their education costs. Many of those students require special needs help with the English language, too, driving the cost even higher for Texas taxpayers." . . . Read More
10. Surprise, Surprise! Obama's Kerry Dismisses 98% Support For New Egypt Constitution As Just One Election and Not ‘Inclusive’
"When millions of Egyptians wanted the Muslim Brotherhood leadership out, President Obama noted that Mohammed Morsi won his presidential post in an election. When nearly 20 million Egyptians — more than 98 percent of votes cast — approved a new constitution to replace the one forged by Islamists, Secretary of State John Kerry . . . Wait For It . . . said elections aren’t everything." - PjMedia
"Egypt’s new constitution was written by a committee of 50 including women, Christians, one Salafist and one independent Islamist, while the last constitution was written by the Muslim Brotherhood and associated Islamists. The new document forbids “religion, race, gender or geography” from being the basis to form a political party while guaranteeing freedom of religion and granting, for the first time, Copts the right to build churches without permission of the president. Women are recognized as equals in Egyptians society." . . . Read More
11. O'Reilly Said On January 20, 2014, (Talking Point 1/20), "To His Credit, Obama Has Not Used Race In His Quest For Power."
"Hmm. Bill's been so nice to Obama for so long. Think he might be trying to get an interview? In doing so Obama is the one who has obviously wrapped O'Reilly's mega-ego around his little finger. Of course, O'Reilly will tell you he's the only one to ask those "tough questions." But it seems that it's Obama who is really in the driver's seat." - Webmaster
Obama's Eric Holder: U.S. Still A Nation Of Cowards On Race - DailyCaller
Bob Beckel Trashes Glenn Beck: ‘No Wonder The Son-of-a-Bitch Is Off The TV,' [While The FIVE Doesn't Blink An Eye And Goes On With Its Happy Talk.] - Mediaite
Not unlike the Wizard of Oz, FOX News realized in the end that all it needed to succeed was a God. |
Dead In The Water
12. Didn't Believe Me When I Said Fascists Would Come From Liberal Democrats?
Well now you can! Tea Party Actress: "Threats To Burn Down Theater Forced Her To Leave Play." - Breitbart
"Donnelly is a staunch advocate against illegal immigration and supports a smaller, more streamlined government.
The show's producer, Eliana Lopez, told KPIX 5 that Alonso's removal from the show made sense, saying, 'Doing what she is doing is against what we [Hispanics?] believe.'" . . . Read More
Tea Party Mission Statements that are against Ms. Lopez belief system: Low taxes; Dramatically smaller government with a much reduced role; Substantially less central government and a preference for states rights; More individual freedom; Free market prosperity. The opposite of this is Fascism/Marxism. - Read More
Democrat Party's Elected Leader, Barack Obama: Abortion Helps Women Fulfill Their Dreams - Breitbart
Democrat Party's First Lady: Harvard Graduate, Michelle Obama, Chooses Jane Fonda As Role Model To Look and Live Like - Breitbart
Wendy Davis Attacks GOP Opponent Saying He 'Hasn’t Walked a Day In My Shoes' … That’s Because He’s a Paraplegic, Wendy - GatewayPundit
Board To Offer Reinstatement To Middleton Teacher Who Looked At Porn While At Work - JournalTimes
The Eternal Darkness of the Progressive Mind - NewMediaJournal
Imprisoned Pastor Saeed Needs Surgery From Beating Injuries By Iranians, While Nobel Peace Prize Winner, Obama, Prances Around U.S. Refusing To Help - CBNNews
Iraqi Muslim Gang-Rape Elderly Colorado Woman - YouTube
What Was Warned In November of 2011 - FreedomIsKnowledge
13. Congress Must Pass Sanctions Against Iran . . . After Obama's Surrender
"On January 14, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani tweeted, 'Our relationship [with] the world is based on [the] Iranian nation’s interests. In Geneva agreement world powers surrendered to [the] Iranian nation's will.'" - Breitbart
"While the tweet has since been deleted, the point is clear: when negotiating, you know you’re getting a bad deal when the other party interprets your acceptance as surrender. Yet this is exactly what happened last week after the Obama Administration signed an agreement with Iran over its nuclear program.
The interim deal signed between Iran and the P5+1 countries has now gone into effect. Iran will supposedly freeze components of its nuclear program, and in return, we will undo our most important sanctions against them, to the tune of $20 billion. Iran will benefit even more than that though when foreign companies are allowed to re-enter its markets.
Iran’s oil and gas industry alone would see billions of dollars pour in. After the initial deal was agreed to in December, European energy companies wasted no time before meeting with the Iranian oil minister. If foreign companies are fully allowed back in, $20 billion would be a drop in the oil drum compared to what Iran would then get in energy investment alone. This would also make it tougher to re-introduce sanctions should Iran renege on its side of the deal.
It is clear how much Iran benefited from this agreement, but what did the rest of the world get? Unfortunately, not much except for a guarantee that the world could very soon be a more dangerous place." . . . Read More
14. Chart Proves America Being Bled By Progressive's Cloward–Piven Strategy
"Record 20% Of Households On Food Stamps In 2013." - CNSNews |
Source: CNSNews |
CNN No Longer Interested To Just Report The News. Now It Wants To Create It. - BizJournals
Reply To Facebook Comment On Chart
"Yes, you’re spot on and in the end America’s ultimate demise.
Cloward & Piven, Marxists instructors at Columbia University, understood the greed that would overwhelm the system. They had hoped to replace individual rights with the collective in New York State in the 1980's.
They pushed additional benefits across the state people didn’t need, harassing welfare offices to offer them. Cloward & Piven wanted the citizens getting added checks to no longer see those benefits as temporary but as permanent baby bottles, allowing them to suck unlimited milk and honey provided on the backs of others.
Now Obama does the exact same thing not for one state, but instead for all 50 including Mexico. America will collapse. It is not if, but when.
Freedom has to be fought for. It will never stand under its own weight if no one cares. Glenn Beck tried to warn everyone about the motivation of Cloward & Piven when he was on FOX, I believe having four million viewers. But Roger Ailes simply wanted to make money off of conservative viewers. He hoped those viewers wouldn’t notice FOX’s move to the left, Ailes a liberal to the core. And obviously he nailed it, didn’t he.
I had warned about this in an early piece I wrote for my Web site about seven years ago titled, ' How to capture wild pigs,' the wild pigs fighting for freedom yet in the end easily seduced. We watched that happen in the real world on Monday on the FIVE when Ailes’s thug, Bob Beckel, called Glenn Beck live on the show a “Son of a bitch.”
A year ago there was outrage when Beckel used those words on Hannity’s show, not knowing they were live. Now the cancer has spread with everyone yawning at FOX this time. Viewers are lead to believe the conservatives on the FIVE run the show. But in reality they are just the circus’s sideshow while Beckel does Ailes’s dirty work in the center ring."
Our Heroes Are Back! (Onze helden zijn terug! - Netherlands) - YouTube |
Source: YouTube |

Obama's signal to progressives in 2007: Their messiah had arrived.
Looking around, George Bailey got his wish.
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