Date: January 6, 2014
OMG, There They Go Again!
From: Freedom is Knowledge
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The Establishment GOP Rides On

The Political Cartoons of Michael Ramirez
Romney Responds To MSNBC's Attack On His Black Grandchild:
Wait For It . . . ‘People Make Mistakes’
"Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney graciously responded to MSNBC host Melissa Harris-Perry’s attack on his family for having a black grandson on 'Fox News Sunday.'
'First let me just note, Chris, we love this little guy a great deal,' Romney told host Chris Wallace. 'He was an answer to prayer and we love that he is a part of our family.'
'That being said, I recognize that people make mistakes and the folks at MSNBC made a big mistake,' Romney continued. 'They’ve apologized for it. That’s all can you ask for. I am going to move on from that. I am sure they want to move on from it.'
'Look, I’ve made plenty of mistakes myself. They’ve apologized for this. You know, I think we can go on from there.'" - DailyCaller
Comment On Romney's Quick Forgiveness
Stunning! I see Romney is still a follower of McLame and company, allowing liberals to continue to wipe their feet all over his family's rug with the hope they will one day love, adore, and beg him to lead their progressive movement. It reminds me of the Michael Ramirez 2013 Christmas cartoon where an establishment GOP pachyderm begs Santa for a spine.
Maybe Romney will run again in 2016 to see how many more points establishment RINOs can lose, as FOX looks on from its fair and balanced PC booth in the sky.
FOX has evolved to a place not unlike an Ailes Alice In Wonderland where O'Reilly identified evangelical Christians as fanatics, Hannity is shoved into a recorded 10 P.M. time slot, and Rove continues to shine as an expert on why the GOP should continue its attack on Tea Party candidates
Eventually conservatives may figure out that FOX is really a fox in the hen house, hopefully before November of 2014. - Webmaster
Encore To Original News Story
Young Yuppie African-American MSNBC Host Is Sorry
The approved culture allowed by MSNBC executives and its cable ISP owner, Comcast, strikes again! - FreedomIsKnowledge
"This won’t likely put a balm on the nerves of conservatives who are incensed by what happened on Melissa Harris-Perry‘s program Sunday concerning Mitt Romney‘s black adopted grandchild, but it is a formal gesture.
'An apology from Melissa Harris-Perry,' the statement on reads. The odd thing is, it’s not a network-wide statement from MSNBC but rather, it looks like a story, complete with a byline from Melissa Harris-Perry. The statement goes on to encapsulate the host’s tweets apologizing to the Romney family. A panel Sunday laughed as comedian guests mocked the black baby for being the only one in a sea of white — they joked — just like the GOP." . . . Read More
Where It All Started: MSNBC Sunday Panel Slaughters Romney's 'Black Sheep.' - Breitbart
MSNBC panel makes fun of Mitt Romney family photo with black grandchild - CNN
Source: CNN |

Obama's signal to progressives in 2007: Their messiah had arrived.
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