Date: November 28, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving: Amazing Concert, Tocatta and fugue in D Minor

From: Freedom is Knowledge


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Happy Thanksgiving!


Bach Concert on The Glass Harp, by Robert Tiso - YouTube
Source: YouTube

Source full wide screen: Tocatta and fugue in D Minor

Content contributed by Dr. Ellen Rudolph, Tennessee


Ave Maria Duet on the Glass Harp




Who's Feeding Who?
November 17, 2013

By Dr. Carl Mumpower

If you're not familiar with Screwtape and Wormwood, you might want to look over your shoulder. These mischief makers are ramrodding America's public policies and maybe yours too.

How else can one explain educators condemning inner-city charter schools for poor students while parents conduct street protests against alternative condemnation to public failure academies? Or segregation for African-Americans censored as a bad thing while segregation for American Indians is cheered as a good thing? Or immigration practices encouraging illegal aliens to risk life and limb to steal a piece of the American Dream while ignoring the safe and secure employers funding the scheme? Or doomed-to-fail ground wars in Iraq and Afghanistan in fantasized connection to America's freedom?

SNAP, the Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program is no exception. Though authorities enthusiastically dispel abuse assumptions, go to any Craigslist site, drug dealer, or unscrupulous convenience store for lessons in "snapping" for fun and profit. Then note that SNAP expenditures expanded 100 percent during Obama's first term - twice what we invest in the federal highway program.

Food stamps, or more correctly food cards, are the equivalent of a "feed the bears" program for humans and hold the same dangers. Though Screwtape and Wormwood have otherwise convinced the left - people, like bears, make poor pets. Neither is designed to eat out of somebody's hand.

I own a '58 Ford diesel tractor. It's a hard starter. A mechanic told me to try ether. "It will fire that old girl up faster than a new T-Bird," he said. "Just one thing - if you start using it plan to keep using it. Sluggish diesels get jitter juice dependent real fast." People and tractors have that in common.

Food stamps are really a welfare program for politicians - lazy politicians - finding it easier to throw other people's money at problems over real solutions. Our recent meltdown can be well traced to a governmental mishmash of inefficiency and manipulation. Free food isn't a replacement for jobs, a sound economy, and mature leadership supporting us in eating from our own hand.

C.S. Lewis, the guy who first fingered Screwtape and Wormwood as Satan's point men, serves wholesome food for thought, "Love is something more stern and splendid than mere kindness." Public assistance should be administered like antibiotics - for the right condition, in the right dose, and for the right amount of time. Throwing pills, money, or plastic at people makes us hungrier.

Dr. Mumpower is a practicing psychologist and a former U.S. congressional candidate and Asheville City Council member.

Contact him at [email protected]




NewsBusted: 11/19/13
Source: NewsBusters




We live in historic Biblical Times



How To Search Our Conservative Portal

Freedom is Knowledge content can be easily word-searched using the Atomz Search Engine at the top of its homepage along with Windows "Ctrl + F" FIND feature used for locating search words on any pages brought up in an Atomz search.

Once you review the HTML pages brought up by the Atomz Search Engine, click on a page to brought up. It will appear in your browser. Hold the "Ctrl +F" keys and a box will appear in the upper left top of the page. Type in the exact same word(s) you used in the original search.

The word you typed in will immediately be highlighted where it is located on the page. Click the Next Button to see if it appears anywhere else on the page, or back up using the Previous Button.

Try it now.

Louis Fox's Free Range Studios, which produced Grocery Store Wars, has produced over 70 issue-related shorts. His 'virally' popular 2003 hit, 'The Meatrix,' won awards at the Webbys, SXSW, Ottawa Animation Festival, and Holland Animation Festival among others. Fox lives in San Francisco.

Go to Atomz Search Engine at the top of the Freedom is Knowledge homepage and type in Darth Tader. Click on the gray bar. A page will come up with two selections to the words you typed in.

Click on the URL of either one. When the page loads hit the "Ctrl +F" keys together. Type in (or paste in) Darth Tader into the empty box at the upper left top of the page. You will be immediately taken to where the words Darth Tader appears. Enjoy the Grocery Store Wars video.

Western North Carolina


Background photo source: President George Washington




"Freedom is Knowledge"