Date: November 24, 2013
Week In Review - Top Ten News Stories You Might Not Know About
From: Freedom is Knowledge
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Obama Saving His Democrat "Assets"
Remembering For A Moment What Two Senators Gave Us This Obamacare Nightmare
Video Exposes MORE Obamacare Navigators Telling People To Commit Fraud - CapitalCityProject
What A Mess, This Marxist President Seeing These People as "Only 5 Percenters."
Woman Hailed By President As Obamacare Success Story Now Can't Afford Obamacare - WeeklyStandard
1. Churches Enlisted As 'Trusted Partners' To Sell Obamacare
"The Obama administration and a closely aligned partner are aggressively marketing Obamacare to American churches, many of them African-American denominations, as part of a multimillion dollar campaign to persuade America’s uninsured to buy health insurance." - WND
"Enroll America, a Washington-based non-profit staffed in part by ex-Obama presidential campaign workers, is leading the enrollment campaign which saw just over 100,000 people “sign up” in October.
Jessica Kendall, director of outreach for Enroll America, calls the task of signing up America’s uninsured the 'largest enrollment effort that has ever been done in our history.' Her group is working with a broad coalition, including hospital associations, labor unions, advocacy groups and religious organizations, to persuade people to submit to Obamacare.
Enroll America’s 'Health Care from the Pulpit' initiative to churches kicked off Sunday, Oct. 27, with 'over 50 events across the country to further engage the faith community in education about enrollment,' according to a press release. Aaron White, regional organizing lead for Enroll America in North Carolina, said there have been 15 to 20 events so far in the Tar Heel state to promote Obamacare to churchgoers. Ten of those occasions involved a minister or someone else addressing a congregation on behalf of Obamacare." . . . Read More
Oprah: To End Racism, Racists Have To Die Out - Breitbart
Obama Awards Presidential Medal of Freedom To Abortion Activist Gloria Steinem - LifeNews
Surprise, Surprise! Black Leaders On Silent Teen Playing Knockout Game - BeforeItsNews
Teen playing the Knockout Game gets shot by victim - YouTube |
Source: YouTube |
2. Where Do You Shop, At Naughty Or Nice?
"AFA's 2013 listing of top retailers and how they recognize Christmas." - AFA
"We continually update the list, so check back often. - AFA
Criteria - AFA reviewed up to four areas to determine if a company was 'Christmas-friendly' in their advertising: print media (newspaper inserts), broadcast media (radio/television), website and/or personal visits to the store. If a company's ad has references to items associated with Christmas (trees, wreaths, lights, etc.), it was considered as an attempt to reach "Christmas" shoppers.
If a company has items associated with Christmas, but did not use the word 'Christmas,'then the company is considered as censoring 'Christmas.'' . . . Read More
Companies For Christmas
ACE Hardware
Banana Republic
Bass Pro Shops
Bed Bath & Beyond
Best Buy
Big Lots
Collective Brands
CVS Pharmacy
Dick's Sporting Goods
Dollar General
Dollar Tree
Gap, Inc.
H.E.B. Stores
Hancock Fabrics
Harris Teeter Stores
Hobby Lobby
Home Shopping Network
JoAnn Fabrics & Crafts Stores
Kohl's |
L.L. Bean
Michael's Stores
Neiman Marcus
Office Max
Old Navy
Pier One Imports
Rite Aid
Sam's Club
Scheels Sporting Goods
Super D Drug
TJ Maxx
Toys R Us
Wal-Mart |
Companies marginal on Christmas
Bath & Body Works
Hy-Vee Stores
True Value
Whole Foods |
Companies Against Christmas
Barnes & Noble
Family Dollar
Foot Locker
Limited Brands
Office Depot
Pet Smart
Radio Shack
Victoria's Secret |
3. Legal Gun Owners Banned From Schools, Arrested And Will Be Shot
"President Obama and the liberal progressive Democrats want nothing more than to disarm the American people. Currently, there are more guns in private ownership than there are people and this is a huge problem for a political group that wants to take over the country and turn it into a socialist nation." - GodFatherPolitics
"Democrats have been pushing for more and stricter gun control laws. They claim it’s to help curb violent crimes, but statistics worldwide show that stricter gun control laws and even outlawing private gun ownership only serves to drive violent crimes higher because law abiding citizens can no longer defend themselves. Most of the places in the US that have the strictest gun control laws are also among the nation’s leaders in violent crimes, so it’s obvious more gun control is not the solution to preventing crime.
Obama and his cronies did their best to pass sweeping control laws earlier this year but they failed. Americans still have their guns and millions of us are not afraid to use them to protect ourselves, loved ones and property.
Herein lies the problem for our Democratic controlled government. So what is their solution? Have law enforcement start arresting legal gun owners, have schools banning gun owning parents from the campuses and some law enforcement shoot anyone carrying a gun." . . . Read More
New Study Plays Race Card On Gun Owners - PolitiChicks
Alliance Defending Freedom Confronts School's Snub To Religious Liberty - AllianceDefendingFreedom
4. Chuck Norris: Feds' 3 Tentacles In The Common Core
"In 2007, a group of governors and state educating chiefs got together to try and remedy the declining and degraded U.S. public academic system. Their goal was to establish a new set of standards that better prepared kids for college, careers and their ever-changing, hyper-connected and globally competitive world. In short, as a result, the Common Core State Standards Initiative, or CCSS, was born." - AFA
"The CCSS website notes: “The standards clearly communicate what is expected of students at each grade level. This will allow our teachers to be better equipped to know exactly what they need to help students learn and establish individualized benchmarks for them,” with a particular emphasis on empowering students’ reading, writing, speaking, innovation, creativity, critical thinking and problem solving.
In 2010, standards were published and made available for mathematics and English language arts. Though standards for science and social studies are still in development, the goal is for states to implement the full spectrum of CCSS by 2015 with 85 percent of their state curricula based upon those standards.
CCSS advocates are particularly selling the initiative by pitching that it is a step in the right direction from the No Child Left Behind federal disaster system. Well, not everyone is catching the CCSS fever, particularly being concerned about federal overreach into their local academic arenas." . . . Read More
This Could Be One Of The Best Classes Ever Made Against Common Core - But No One Expected It To Come From A High School Student - TheBlaze
Tennessee Student speaks out about Common Core - YouTube |
Source: YouTube |
I Love Big Brother – How Common Core Decimates Privacy - ClashDaily
Germany Raises Its Ugly Past Again, This time With Homeschoolers - DailyCaller
Gonzaga Students Threatened With Expulsion For Using Gun To Fend Off Intruder - Breitbart
Freedom Of Speech Trashed By Progressive UC Berkeley: Term “Illegal Immigrant" Is Banned by These Fascists - LastResistance
DMV Officials Plead Guilty To Giving Illegals Driver's Licenses - Breitbart
Education Secretary Arne Duncan Makes Wild Claim About Why Some 'White Suburban Moms' Oppose Common Core - TheBlaze
Scholastic, The World’s Largest Publisher Of Children’s Books, Erases Israel From Geographic Map - TimesOfIsrael
5. Army Veteran Recalls The Unforgettable Moment When A Judge Told Him: Your Time In Iraq Makes You A Threat To Society
"Army veteran Andrew Chambers recently shared the story of how he was sentenced to ten years in prison after a judge allegedly told him that his service in the Iraq war makes him a 'threat to society.'” - TheBlaze
"After explaining that he decided to join the Army following the terrorist attacks on Sept. 11, 2001, Chambers talked about the positive side of joining the U.S. military — traveling the world and experiencing different cultures. He was deployed to Iraq in 2004 after spending a year in Central America.
However, his experience in the devastated country took its toll. Chambers told his audience about the time he was working as a turret gunner on the top of a Humvee when gunfire erupted. He said he heard someone laughing and remembers asking himself, 'who could be laughing at a time like this?'
As it turns out, it was he who was laughing." . . . Read More
Returning Vets Face High Unemployment - NumbersUSA
Disabled Veteran Threatened By Veterans Administration Medical Facility Staff For His Advocacy Of Veterans’ Rights' Is Defended By RI - TheRutherfordInstitute
Christians Face Culture Of Fear, Intimidation in U.S. Military Today - CNSNews
6. Liar, Liar, Pants On Fire! U.S. Government Knew About Al-Qaeda 'Pep Rally For Jihad' In Benghazi That Included Calls For The Murder Of American Diplomats - Just Months Before Terror Attack!
"A report prepared for the government in August 2012 described a massive military presence of Ansar al-Sharia, the group behind the Benghazi attack. It warned 'assassinations' would follow, and said the first attack on the U.S. diplomatic station quickly followed the two-day June rally in Benghazi" - DailyMail
"Al-Qaeda terrorists held a massive military rally just a few miles from the U.S. State Department compound in Benghazi, Libya during the summer of 2012 and called for the murder of U.S. diplomats, it was revealed today. And the U.S. government knew about it by August, a full month before the attack that left the American ambassador and three others dead, official papers state.
Black al-Qaeda flags were out in full force at the June 7-8 event, a two-day rally including 300 armed men gathered in Benghazi's Al-Tahrir Square. Just days later on June 11, bombers targeted the Benghazi U.S. mission, blowing 40-foot hole in the installation's perimeter wall. The larger attack came three months later.
On Wednesday Investors Business Daily drew on research by the nonprofit American Media Institute to detail parts of a damning August 2012 report by the Library of Congress's federal research arm." . . . Read More
Congressman: Benghazi Attackers Knew Location Of Ambassador's Safe Room - FOXNews
Stunning: Obama Wants Muslims Who Hate Us In Charge Of Our Future Technology: Obama Wants Libyans To Come to U.S. And Work In Aviation Maintenance / Nuclear Fields - FrontPage
Navy SEALs Cite Shabby Treatment As Team Obama Helps Hollywood Instead - WashingtonTimes
7. Is There Anything Worse Than A UN Treaty?
"Conservatism is a nuanced philosophy, fiercely debated and rarely serving up easy answers on policy — especially foreign policy. But if we could dare offer one easy, cookie-cutter note for all Republicans to keep in mind, it’s this: If something has the phrase 'United Nations convention' or 'United Nations treaty' in it, vote 'No.' That is pretty much final." - DailyCaller
"And the reasons are simple: At their worst, these deals, crafted by the 'global community,' seek to undermine the interests of America and her allies (see: Arms Trade Treaty); at their best, they simply force our representatives to appear before panels of 'experts' in Geneva to be abused for any number of the perceived grievances ruffling our European friends’ feathers that day (see: International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination).
The latest offender is the U.N. Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD). What kind of modern monster could be against that, right?
Certainly not the GOP’s reliable internationalists, Senators Mark Kirk, John McCain, Kelly Ayotte and John Barrasso, nor former Senator Bob Dole, whose letter to the Senate fretted that American 'leadership' on disabilities 'will be imperiled without the United States’ ratification of the CRPD.'" . . . Read More
Vomit Bag Warning! McCain: Tons Of People Want Me To Run For President Again - DailyCaller
8. Americans Participation In Labor Force Hits 35-Year Low
"The percentage of American civilians 16 or older who have a job or are actively seeking one dropped to a 35-year low in October, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. In September, the labor force participation rate was 63.2 percent, but in October it dropped to 62.8 percent—the lowest it has been since February 1978, when Jimmy Carter was president." - CNSNews
"The labor force, according to BLS, is that part of the civilian noninstitutional population that either has a job or has actively sought one in the last four weeks. The civilian noninstitutional population consists of people 16 or older, who are not on active-duty in the military or in an institution.
At no time during the presidencies of Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush, Bill Clinton or George W. Bush, did such a small percentage of the civilian non-institutional population either hold a job or at least actively seek one.
The BLS has been calculating the national labor force participation rate since 1948. From that year until 2000, when labor force participation peaked at 67.3 percent, the percentage of the civilian noninstitutional population that either held a job or was seeking one generally was on the rise. Since 2000, the percentage has been trending down." . . . Read More
9. Mark Levin: Schweizer's 'Extortion' Revels Obama Justice Department Worse Than Mafia
"On Wednesday, Breitbart News Senior Editor-at-Large and Government Accountability President Peter Schweizer shocked conservative talk radio host Mark Levin with revelations from his New York Times best-selling book, Extortion: How Politicians Extract Your Money, Buy Votes, and Line Their Own Pockets, prompting Levin to say Attorney General Eric Holder's Justice Department was reminiscent of the old Soviet Union and worse than the mafia." - Breitbart
"Schweizer noted that Levin served at senior levels in the Reagan administration as the chief of staff for Attorney General Ed Meese. During that time, Reagan was defeating the Soviet Union. Schweizer described how President Barack Obama's Justice Department is staffed with top bundlers at the very highest levels in an unprecedented way, which is allowing it to be used as 'a tool for intimidation to go after companies and individuals who were not in support of the president" by "enforcing vague laws" and threatening them with consequences. Schweizer emphasized that the 'bigger problem in Washington' is not bribery but extortion,' and the information he discovered about Obama's Justice Department validates that.
'They can literally identify laws and pressure points and intimidate very, very powerful corporations and individuals into basically paying protection money or getting them to lay off their political activities for fear they can have the book thrown at them or bad things will happen to their company,' Schweizer said. Schweizer has also detailed how there was statistical proof that the chances of being prosecuted get lessened if companies and individuals under investigation make donations. He has also detailed in the book how the Obama administration's Justice Department targeted industries and individuals that supported the Tea Party movement after the historic 2010 midterm elections." . . . Read More
IRS Sent 655 Refund Checks To Single Address In Lithuania – 343 Refund Checks to Address In Shanghai - GatewayPundit
C.I.A. Collecting Data on International Money Transfers, Officials Say - NewYorkTimes
D.C. Awash In Contracts, Lobbying Wealth - StLouisPostDispatch
Reid, Democrats Trigger ‘Nuclear’ Option; Senate Thugs Eliminate Most Filibusters On Nominees - WashingtonPost
10. 82-Year-Old Man Stops To Help Broken-Down Motorists When He Made A Tiny Mistake. The Black Woman Then Beat Him For Ten Minutes With A Screwdriver
"A Chicago woman is being held on $2 million bail after she allegedly brutally beat and stabbed an 82-year-old man after he pulled over to help her but then bumped her with his car in the process." - TheBlaze
“'I was stabbed several times in the back and stomped and everything else,' Tucker said.
He said he fell unconscious and woke up in the ambulance. He’d been stabbed in the head multiple times, Dibler said, and when police found him he was bleeding from the right side of his head and had lacerations on his upper and lower back.
Police recovered a yellow screwdriver they believe Tucker was stabbed with, according to the Sun-Times. The senior citizen was later listed in stable condition at a local hospital.
'Yeah, I pulled his a** out of the car and beat the f*** out of him,' 38-year-old body said of the incident, according to the police report (redacted)." . . . Read More
Give Thanks On Thanksgiving, Remembering Anything Is Possible

Obama's signal to progressives in 2007: Their messiah had arrived.
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