Date: November 17, 2013
Week In Review - Top Ten News Stories You Might Not Know About
From: Freedom is Knowledge
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New York Times Fascists Strike Again: "It Ain't News Until We Say It Is."
New York Times’ Obama Cheerleading Harms The Nation - NewYorkPost
Stunning: MSNBC's Self-Identified 'Christian' Host Personally Attacks Sarah Palin, To Urinate In Her Mouth Over Black Slavery While Silent On The Child Slavery Of His Own Pakistani Heritage - Breitbart
Palin said America could be enslaved to a foreign master over its debt crisis. Duh, MSNBC?! - MSNBC |
Source: MSNBC |
MSNBC Executives Ignore Bashir's Hate Speech And Fascist Remark Against Conservative Governor - Breitbart
Bashir Finally Apologizes - RealClearPolitices
Mr. President, You Lied To Us!
UnitedHealth Drops Thousands Of Doctors From Insurance Plans - YahooNews
More Americans Lose Health Care Than The Population Of 24 States - GatewayPundit
But Can He? Obama Retreats, Allows Existing Low-Cost Policies To Continue - DailyCaller
New Jersey Assn. Of Health Underwriters, On The ‘Fix’: ‘This Is A New Insanity!’ - PJMedia
Disgusting! WebMD Pockets Millions From Feds To Promote Obama's Healthcare -WashingtonTimes
MSNBC's Smerconish to GOP: Apologize to Obama; He Saved Us From 'Junk Plans' - NewsBusters
Woman Who Campaigned For Obamacare Has Her Own Insurance Plan Cancelled - NowTheEndBegins
Concerned Women Of America (CWA) On Blaze's Wilkow
Concerned Women for America Communications Director, Alison Howard, discusses the Federal Government Allowing Plan B, the morning-after pill, to be available to women of all ages without a prescription. - Wilkow |
Source: YouTube |
1. Finally Identified After A Nationwide Search
"When the smiling face of the brunette woman on the federal health care exchange website was replaced with computerized icons, people took notice and wondered who she was and where she went. Now, the woman is speaking out, claiming she was a victim of cyberbullying. And as if detractors needed any more ammunition, she’s not a citizen and isn’t signed up for Obamacare." - TheBlaze
"Adriana voluntarily provided a contact at the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services with family photos. She was notified in the summer that her photo would be used on
Adriana said she has lived in the U.S. for more than six years and is applying for citizenship. She is eligible to sign up for Obamacare but has not done so. The wife and mother living in Maryland told ABC she doesn’t have a position for or against the Affordable Care Act . . . Read More
2. New Obamacare Ads Make Young American Women Look Like Sluts
"For this Democrat Obamacare ad aimed at young adults to sign up for the Affordable Care Act, think of it as if a street walker looking for 'Johns.'" - Webmaster
"So few people have enrolled in Obamacare that desperate Democrats have stooped to launching a war on women with demeaning and sexist ads. The latest marketing campaign [from the Obama Administration] implies that young women would only be interested in Colorado's government-run health care exchange if they get coverage for birth control pills to have sex with strange men.
The most offensive ad shows a 20-something woman named 'Susie' holding a packet of birth control pills with an open-mouth, wide smile. She is wearing a flesh-colored, low-cut, sleeveless top, tight skinny jeans and open-toed black heels. Susie is leaning against 'Nate,' who is wearing an untucked shirt with the top four buttons undone to show his hairy chest. He has a smirk on his face and one hand in the pocket of his jeans.
'OMG, he’s hot!,' Susie is shown saying. 'Let’s hope he’s as easy to get as this birth control. My health insurance covers the pill, which means all I have to worry about is getting him between the covers.' . . . Read More
Never Forget The Pariah, Progressive Democrat Senators (10) That Screwed Your Family's Personal Healthcare (Send them a thank-you note.): Mary (Louisiana Purchase) Landrieu (D-LA), Kay Hagan (D-NC), Mark Begich (D-AK), Michael Bennett (D-CO), Patty Murray (D-WA), Tom Harkin (D-IA), Charles Schumer (D-NY), Dick Durbin (D-IL), Harry Reid (D-NV), and Max Baucus (D-MT) - Breitbart
Oprah Winfrey Claims Americans Hate Obama Because He Is Black - RedAlertPolitics
(Hey Oprah, baby, anytime you want to put a BLACKER African American into the presidency, such as former Congressman Allen West, please be my guest.)
One of the richest woman in American and she calls us racists when she doesn't even know us. She needs to take a cue from Dr. Ben Carson and sit down with him to help pass out her millions to a list of poor I am sure he would be happy to share. - RedAlertPolitics |
Source: YouTube |
ESPN Host: 'I used N-Word All Day, Everyday!' - Breitbart
3. How Saul Alinsky Taught Barack Obama Everything He Knows About Civic Upheavel.
"Throughout Barack Obama’s campaign for the presidency and his subsequent time in that office, two things have been said again and again: 1. He has a grudge against America. 2. He takes his marching orders from Saul Alinsky (1909-1972), particularly as encapsulated in the book 'Rules for Radicals.'" - Breitbart
"In a National Review column, dated May 14, 2009, we see that “Obama’s mentors from his Chicago days studied at a school Alinsky founded, and they taught their students the philosophy and methods of one of the first 'community organizers.' That same column cites a photo that was on Obama’s presidential campaign website: a photo that showed 'Obama in a classroom teaching students Alinskian methods.' It showed Obama standing in front “of a blackboard on which he’d written ‘Relationships Built on Self Interest,’ and illustrated by a diagram of the flow of money from corporations to the mayor.'
His immersion in Alinsky’s teachings is certain from the scenario relayed in National Review. And anyone who’s read 'Rules for Radicals' and noted the number of times 'change' and some variant of 'community organizer' appear may have even asked themselves: Did Barack Obama write this book? Of course he didn’t. But his language and actions so perfectly mirror the language of Alinsky and the actions Alinsky promoted that it’s hard to tell the one community organizer-turned-president from the other community organizer-turned-cult hero. For example, from 'Rules for Radicals,' consider Alinsky’s words of wisdom for emerging community organizers:" . . . Read More
White Man Pretends To Be Black To Win Election! - EagleRising
Obama Blows Off 150th Anniversary Of Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address: Too Busy - GatewayPundit
Record High 91.5 Million People Not Included In Labor Force - DailyCaller
4. What Obama And I Learned At Columbia: How To Destroy America From Within
"Remember when Geraldo opened Al Capone’s vault live on national TV? Well I’m about to solve the mystery of Obama. I’m about to break 'the Obama code.' I’m about to tell you everything about the way Obama, and the people around him, really think. I’m about to rip open the true Obama plan to destroy our country. Because I was there when the plan was hatched." - TheBlaze
"America’s decline under Obama isn’t due to mistake, ignorance, or incompetence at the hands of a community organizer. It’s a purposeful, brilliant plan hatched at Columbia University to destroy capitalism, American exceptionalism, Judeo-Christian values, and the American Dream.
I never met Obama at Columbia. We were both Political Science majors, both Pre Law. We graduated on the same day. There were perhaps 100 to 150 of us in the Political Science department. And I thought I knew all of them.
As the token big-mouthed conservative patriot, I know they all knew me. But not Obama. I never met him, saw him, or even heard of him. Not one of my friends at Columbia ever met him either. At our 30th class reunion last May, I could not find a single classmate who had ever met him. Strange story, but I digress.
What matters is what Obama learned and experienced at Columbia. My classmates hated America. They spoke with glee about one day 'taking the system down.' They blamed America for 'unfairness, racism, inequality, and lack of social justice.' Recognize those words?
My classmates proudly called themselves socialists, communists, and Marxists. Even though almost all of them came from wealthy families (or perhaps because of it), they hated the rich and despised business owners. They talked about how the “white power structure” had to be dismantled, business owners bankrupted, and capitalism destroyed. Everything in their minds was based on 'social justice.'" . . . Read More
Obama’s Defenders And Presidential Lies - NewMediaJournal
The Lonely Guy - VanityFair
Guide To The George Soros Network, An Open Supporter Of The Election Of Barack Obama - DiscoverTheNetworks
“Mandatory” Abortion Advocated By A Former White House Ally - WesternJournalism
5. Support For Hillary Clinton Overflows With Huge Energy: The Washington 'Pom-Pom' Post
"The Washington Pom-Pom Post is at it again on Sunday with the article 'Support for Clinton overflowing in Calif.' The only thing missing was an exclamation point and hearts to dot the I’s. It was 'another stage, another overflowing ballroom.'" - NewsBusters
"Post reporter Matea Gold – a recent transplant from the Los Angeles Times – features Hillary mugging in photos with rock star Lenny Kravitz and panel discussions with Rob “Meathead” Reiner. Everywhere she goes, liberals pile on to create a 'Hillary Effect' for the next campaign:
'There’s huge energy for her, not only here, but all over California,' said Mickey Kantor, who served as commerce secretary under Bill Clinton. 'Her roles as a senator, as secretary of state, as first lady – they’ve made her a star.' Without a campaign to serve as a receptacle for their excitement, Clinton backers are boosting the fortunes of groups that come within Clinton's orbit. Call it the Hillary Effect.
Jubilant officials at the International Medical Corps, a humanitarian nonprofit based in Santa Monica, said the group raised close to $2 million after featuring Clinton at its annual awards celebration Friday night at the Beverly Wilshire hotel, whose ballroom was jammed with 880 people. Bill Clinton made an appearance at the VIP champagne reception beforehand, mugging for photos with singer Lenny Kravitz, among others." . . . Read More
47 Bodies Left In The Wake Of Hillary Clinton: Part 1 - TheBlackSphere
47 Bodies Left In The Wake Of Hillary Clinton: Part 2 - TheBlackSphere
6. Barack Obama Using Food-Stamp Cash To Fund His Wife's, ‘Let’s Move’
Sesame Street was taken over by Progressives years ago, using puppets on liberal-run PBS to indoctrinate your children from potty training to adulthood
Sesame Street kidnapped by liberals, understanding it's important to brainwash children at a young age. |
Photo Source: NYPost |
"As you dig into your Butterball with all the trimmings this Thanksgiving, remember that millions of famished school kids around America may be forced to forgo classic turkey — and chow down instead on vegan black-bean patties and organic locavore quinoa salad.
On Nov. 1, sizable cuts were gouged into the federal food-stamp program (or, as it’s now called, SNAP, Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program), which feeds 47.6 million people, or nearly one in six Americans. In the city, 1.9 million folks get the bulk of their Jell-O and Campbell’s Soup from stamps. But news has spread among the poor, like leafy green vegetables, that it wasn’t heartless Republicans who triggered the cuts. Rather, some of the food-stamp cash was snatched to pay for Michelle Obama’s pet project, Let’s Move. What?
It’s come to this. Some 76 million meals a year will vanish from this city — poof! — partly because the president diverted money from SNAP to the first lady’s signature program, part of her Let’s Move anti-obesity initiative — the bean-sprout-heavy, $4.5 billion Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act." . . . Read More
7. Political Correctness Gone Mad: Reporters Distributing Photos Of Jihad Terror Suspect "Are Arrested By Brits For Racially Aggravated Public Disorder."
"This is the same Britain that banned Pamela Geller and me from the country for opposing jihad terror, while admitting Mohammed al-Arefe, who advocated jihad terror. This is the strong and courageous Britannia that is striding confidently toward surrender and Sharia in the 21st century." - Jihad Watch
"Police hunting a runaway terror suspect swooped on a mosque in West London and nabbed… a tabloid newspaper reporter.
The journalist had been distributing posters in the area around the mosque where Mohammed Ahmed Mohamed dodged the long arm of the law by donning a burka, offering a reward for the 27-year-old Somali-born Briton’s arrest. A mob soon gathered and someone complained to Plod." . . . Read More
British-Educated Woman Speaks For Hamas Government In Gaza - AlArabiyaNet
Surprise, Surprise! Islam's Taliban Hate Peacemakers, Wish Us All Dead. Hear That, Barack? Pakistani Private Schools Ban Muslim Hero Teen's Book - Breitbart
Not Much Better In U.S. - Michigan Muslims Plot Islamic-Law Court - WND
8. Iran General: No Doubt Israel And America Will Be Attacked
"Even before the nuclear negotiations between Iran and the 5+1 world powers ended in Geneva early Sunday with no deal, an Iranian general lashed out at America Saturday and warned both the U.S. and Israel that they will be attacked." - DailyCaller
"According to Fars News Agency, the regime’s outlet run by the Revolutionary Guards, Gen. Massoud Jazayeri, deputy chief of staff of Iran’s armed forces, said 'America’s interests and all of Israel are within the range of the Islamic Republic and there is not the slightest doubt among Iran’s armed forces to confront the American government and the Zionists (Israel).
Jazayeri said Israel is pulling the strings of Washington and 'the American government is one of the most hated and evil governments in the world.'” . . . Read More
Revealed: Iranian Supreme Leader’s $95 Billion Business Empire - AlArabiyaNet
Egypt Turns To Russia After Kerry’s Failed Trip: Americans Can’t Be Trusted - GatewayPundit
9. Cause To Outlaw Christian Morality . . . And 10 Establishment Republicans Support It
"The religious liberty death spiral continues with Senate passage of ENDA, the Employment Non-Discrimination Act." - GodFatherPolitics
"One of the most dangerous and discriminatory pieces of legislation in modern times – the ironically tagged “Employment Non-Discrimination Act,” or ENDA – passed the U.S. Senate on Thursday by a vote of 64-32. Ten Republicans disgracefully joined liberal Democrats in this effort to ultimately outlaw the Judeo-Christian sexual ethic.
According to its leftist proponents, ENDA would merely insulate people who choose to engage in homosexual conduct (sexual orientation) or those who suffer from gender confusion (gender identity) against employment intolerance. In truth, however, this legislation effectively would codify the very thing it purports to combat: workplace discrimination.
Writing in the Huffington Post, [of course] popular homosexual radio personality Michelangelo Signorile confessed that, of any potential ENDA legislation that might reach President Obama’s desk for his pledged signature, “none should include any religious exemptions” whatsoever." . . . Read More
The Sunday Assembly Atheist Mega-Churches Take Root In America - NowTheEndBegins
10. Veterans Join Tea Party To Defend Constitution At Home
"On Breitbart News Sunday on Sirius XM Patriot channel 125, veterans who are involved in the Tea Party movement joined Breitbart News Executive Chairman and host Stephen K. Bannon to discuss why they joined the movement to fight for the country at home after serving abroad." - Breitbart
"Christian Stevens, an Army veteran, said he often sees the same people at VFW and Tea Party meetings, and he emphasized that he took an oath to 'protect against all enemies foreign and domestic--and Tea party is doing the domestic side.' Mark Herr, an Air Force veteran, is involved in the Center for Self-Governance and the Mid-South Tea Party movement, and he told Bannon that he never understood the oath to the people of America until after he joined the military. He said there is a 'sense of obligation to stand up and defend the republic so that the next generation can enjoy the freedom and liberties brought to us by the Founding Fathers.'
Stevens emphasized that the Constitution is a limiting document and what worries him is that he has seen countries abroad break apart because of too much government, and that is a major reason why he has been so involved in the Tea Party movement." . . . Read More
Don't Believe It! GOP Establishment Concedes Tea Party Will Not Retreat, No Longer Views Movement As 'Fad." - Breitbart
Chinese Refugee Reveals The Horrors Of Communist China And How There Are State Workers Whose Only Job Is To Capture Women - TheBlaze
Part 1: Pastor Bob Fu, the founder and president of ChinaAid and the author of God’s Double Agent: The True Story of a Chinese Christian’s Fight for Freedom, appeared on the Glenn Beck Program Tuesday to share the horrors of what it means to live in communist China for the average citizen. - TheBlaze |
Source: TheBlaze
"Bob Fu has dedicated his life to bring freedom of religion to the Chinese people. His story is a testimony to the power of faith and an inspiration to people struggling to break free from oppression." - Mrs. Laura Bush
"The riveting account of a student leader of the Tiananmen Square protests who becomes a literal prisoner for Christ and then escapes to the West. Impossible to put down." - Eric Metaxas, New York Times Best selling author of Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Martry, Prophet, Spy and Amazing Grace: William Wilberforce and the Heroic Campaign to End Slavery
"This compelling and deeply moving account of Bob Fu's escape from China and his heroic work on behalf of other human rights workers there is likely to become a classic. From the very first page, you are hooked. There are few more convincing narratives of Christian courage under persecution and suffering." - David Aikman, Former Senior Correspondent for Time Magazine, author of One Nation Without God?
"Bob Fu's story is a gripping and inspiring account of courage and endurance. His personal experience of China's struggle for democracy, religious freedom, free speech, and human rights-particularly coercive population control-makes this an indispensable book, especially for anyone who admires China and its people and who yearns for reform and change. I feel privileged to have had a small walk-on part in what is a story of suffering but tempered by hope." - David Alton (Rt. Hon.Professor Lord Alton, House of Lords, Parliament, UK) |
Crypto Locker Virus Warning | Truth or Fiction | Snopes |

Obama's signal to progressives in 2007: Their messiah had arrived.
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Background photo source: President George Washington