Date: November 7, 2013
Question: How Did Virginia's Cuccinelli Lose In A Hostile Obamacare Environment?
From: Freedom is Knowledge
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Answer: "Democrats Were More Interested In His Losing Than Establishment Republicans In His Winning."
Republican Establishment’ Blamed For Cuccinelli’s Slim Loss
"A prominent tea party leader says the Republican establishment deserves blame for Republican Ken Cuccinelli barely losing the Virginia’s gubernatorial race on Tuesday." - DailyCaller
“'Reports that the Republican National Committee spent $3 million in 2009 to help the Republican nominee, compared to $1 million this time, tells the story,' said Jenny Beth Martin, national coordinator for Tea Party Patriots. 'The U.S. Chamber of Commerce, who spent $1 million in 2009 and nothing in 2013.'
'Even against such extraordinary odds, Cuccinelli came within roughly 50,000 votes and 2 percentage points of McAuliffe,' Martin continued. 'Just think what would have happened if the business and donor classes of the Republican Party would have helped.'" . . . Read More
Sarah Palin and John McCain Arrogantly Laughed About Obama In 2008, He's Only A Community Organizer! Did They Forget Karl Marx Was A Community Organizer, Too?
"Obama Campaign Bundler Helped Fund Libertarian In Tight Virginia Gubernatorial Race." - TheBlaze
"A major Democratic Party benefactor and Obama campaign bundler helped pay for professional petition circulators responsible for getting Virginia Libertarian gubernatorial candidate Robert C. Sarvis on the ballot — a move that could split conservative votes in a tight race.
Campaign finance records show the Libertarian Booster PAC has made the largest independent contribution to Sarvis’ campaign, helping to pay for professional petition circulators who collected signatures necessary to get Sarvis’ name on Tuesday’s statewide ballot.
Austin, Texas, software billionaire Joe Liemandt is the Libertarian Booster PAC’s major benefactor. He’s also a top bundler for President Barack Obama. This revelation comes as Virginia voters head to the polls Tuesday in an election where some observers say the third-party gubernatorial candidate could be a spoiler for Republican Ken Cuccinelli . . . "
" . . . In March 2012, ABC News reported Liemandt was among three dozen of the Obama campaign’s largest bundlers invited to a state dinner honoring British Prime Minister David Cameron. ABC News reported the invited bundlers, who also included Vogue editor Anna Wintour and Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein, were responsible for at least $10.7 million of the $250 million the campaign had collected to that point." . . . Read More
Obama Democrat bundler funded Libertarian spoiler in Virginia's Governor Race - TheBlaze |
Source: TheBlaze |
Comrades, It Is A Happy Day! New York City Voters Give Communist Candidate A Landslide Victory, Forming A New Third Party In America
"Make no mistake about the outcome of the mayoral election in New York City. It marks a triumph for the far Left, in the most important big city in the United States." - PJMedia
"The huge electoral majority for Democrat Bill de Blasio is much more than simply a victory of another “progressive,” as he calls himself. It is a victory for the old Communist Left and its descendants, the New Left of the 1960s, and marks a leftward turn in the Democratic Party nationally.
As an analysis in today’s Wall Street Journal by Sophia Hollander puts it, 'New York overwhelmingly elected an unabashed liberal activist and political strategist who is sympathetic to the Occupy Wall Street movement and once spent time in Nicaragua supporting the Sandinistas.'
Just as Chris Christie’s gubernatorial win in New Jersey gives political clout to the anti-Tea Party Republicans nationally, and makes Christie a contender for the Republican nomination for president, the de Blasio win strengthens the most left factions of an already left-leaning party. It will work to push a candidate like Hillary Clinton further to the left in her campaign for the Democratic nomination, as well as give a bounce to those on the left who favor the nomination of Elizabeth Warren as their candidate of choice.
As a shrewd analysis by David Freedlander in The Daily Beast makes clear, it is also a victory for a third political party from which de Blasio emerged, the so-called Working Families Party founded by Dan Cantor, the brains behind the now defunct New Party — the openly socialist group which Barack Obama once affiliated with. It makes the WFP, Freedlander writes, one of the 'political power brokers of the first order' in the new post-Bloomberg city administration.
Cantor, the party’s founder, was a labor organizer in New Orleans and New York who also worked with ACORN before he turned full-time to building the new political organization." . . . Read More
Patriot Action And Jimmy Z On The Virginia And NYC Vote
Yes, the Democrats in a low voter turn out financed two candidates in Virginia to beat the single Tea Party candidate, which the DNC calls fair and balanced. It’s not unlike the attitude when Obama had the Park Department put up barricades on road pull offs to prevent tourists from simply taking pictures of Mount Rushmore, his seeing the prevention of taking photos of America’s parks as part of his government shutdown. But all is well since voting Americans got the government they richly deserved and wanted, and will continue to do so.
Asheville, too, reflects the voter apathy across America with only 19% voting, which allowed a city council member who approved of women's naked breast day, (promoted literally by a clown from Alabama), to be elected again. The council member is also a nationally known atheist, has a book naming Billy Graham the Prince of War, and according to reports has written the baby in its mother's womb is a parasite.
So it looks like everything is normal in what many call "Little San Francisco," or what I refer to on my site as "Boulder East." In 2001 Rolling Stone Magazine even called the city the "Freakiest in America." So again, everything is normal.
It is all no surprise to us, living north of the area for ten years now, that the Asheville area is similar to a stagnant pond in encouraging growth, the local Democrat-run Gannett newspaper having allowed a cartoon a few years ago to refer to a local business group as Nazi SS.
And Asheville’s council in the past has openly promoted illegal aliens in getting jobs over citizens in the approved sanctuary city. With that small 19% turnout, it looks as if some citizens would rather stay home and get food stamps while illegal go out and do the work.
And let’s not forget that North Carolina is the state that allowed The Wilmington Massacre, where Democrats murdered over a dozen Republican black businessmen in 1898, the state going for Democrats until 2010, or 112 years in support of the crime.
You couldn't make this up if you wanted to about Plato’s warning 2,400 years ago that no democracy could ever survive, the one we’re living in now only a quarter century old and is already struggling next to other nations in the world.
With all those so-called Smart phones and iPads, it is again encouraging to see that all continues to be normal in an age where trivia has become king and freedom has been reduced to moving fingers around on a tiny screen. We watched that action recently in an area restaurant, where parents played with their smart phones waiting for the meal to come while no one talked to the kids, staring up at the ceiling as if no one belonged to them. - Webmaster

Obama's signal to progressives in 2007: Their messiah had arrived.
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