Date: October 21, 2013
Obama Voters: Screwed Working Americans!
From: Freedom is Knowledge
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Obama Voters: Screwed Working Americans!
Their President: Liar Liar, Pants On Fire!
Watch candidate Obama's socialism in action in 2008 with rows of willing progressive Democrats nodding their heads in the background: Obama: Doctors Choose Amputation Because Surgeons Get Paid More Than Physicians - YouTube |
Candidate Obama tells a daughter her elderly mother should be given pain pill instead of pacemaker, while his fascist media agrees in silence. - YouTube |
Source: YouTube |
Source: YouTube |
Obama as president continues the lies. Listen! "WE WILL KEEP THIS PROMISE TO THE AMERICAN PEOPLE!" - YouTube
Source: YouTube |

Source: InternationalBusinessTimes |
Remember these are monthly increases in 45 states. For final cost you need to multiply by 12. For instance in Texas for a family of four, annual health insurance cost was $7,197. After Obama gets his hands on it, it will be $9,321 in 2014; the following year, unknown. Also for adults who refuse Obama's health insurance, while the Supreme Court's named penalty tax will be the lowest in 2014, it raises sevenfold in the next four years. But will there be a penalty now? Don't like something? Just change the rules.
Thousands Get Health Insurance Cancellation Notices - NBCNews
Tax Dollars At Work: Sex Toy 'Workshop’ At Public-Funded University - ConservativeVideos
Never Forget The Two Key Obama Enablers Who Pushed This Socialist National Medical Plan On ALL Americans. Their Names? Dumb and Dumber |
Our Congress: Liar, Liar, Pants On Fire!
"Most Americans believe it's illegal for politicians to profit from their public office but, as Steve Kroft reports, that's not the case." - CBS60Minutes
60 Minutes CBS reporter Steve Kroft and Government Accountability Institute (GAI) President and Breitbart News Senior Editor-at-Large Peter Schweizer Investigate PACs - Breitbart

Obama's signal to progressives in 2007: Their messiah had arrived.
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And of course please enjoy the Grocery Store Wars video.
Western North Carolina
Freedom is Knowledge
Background photo source: President George Washington |