Date: October 20, 2013
Week In Review - Top Ten News Stories You Might Not Know About
From: Freedom is Knowledge
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Obama Shut Down The WWII Memorial To Arriving Angel Flight Vets But Quickly Opened The Mall For Illegal Aliens To Push Amnesty With Progressive Pelosi In Attendance.
Source: FOXNews
Lt. Governor Dewhurst: President Obama Should Be Impeached - CBSDFW
Dave Ramsey Reports Obamacare Is Not About Politics. It's About Math
Dave Ramsey Destroys Obamacare (Oct 14th.) - YouTube |
Source: YouTube
1. Judicial Watch Sues For Details On Bloomberg's Gun Control Group
"Judicial Watch also seeks specific records pertinent to a January 15, 2013, FOIL request which Bloomberg ignored." - Judicial Watch
"These pertinent records include, but are not limited to:
Any and all records of communication between Bloomberg and/or Chief Advisor to the Mayor for Policy and Strategic Planning John Fibula and Mr. Mark Glaze, Director of Mayors Against Illegal Guns and a Principal at The Ra ben Group, LLC between December 14, 2012 and January 22, 2013.
Any and all records of communication between Mayor Bloomberg and/or any official, employee, or representative of the Office of the Mayor and Vice President Joe Bidden and/or any official, employee, or representative of the Office of the Vice President of the United States." . . . Read More
Major Hit To Hunters & Economy: Ban On Traditional Ammunition Becomes Law In California - ClashDaily
Man Imprisoned Over Legally-Purchased Guns Laments A Life Destroyed - Breitbart
Texas Christian University Forbids Pictures of Guns - Last Resistance
John McCain Again Attacks Conservatives - EagleRising
Leave it to John McCain to step on Senate floor and begin reciting the Democrats talking points over the politics of the shutdown. - YouTube |
Source: YouTube |
Is Obama Creating a Martial-law-ready Military? - AmericanThinker
2. OMG! McCain Blamed Cruz, Conservatives For Obama Mishandling Death Benefits
"Senator John McCain (R-AZ) blamed conservatives like Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) for the Obama administration's initial failure to pay death benefits to the families of fallen American soldiers during the government shutdown." - Breitbart
"In an appearance on Fox News with host Martha Acclaim, McCain said the White House has handled the situation horribly before trying to argue that Republicans were responsible for putting the White House in a position to mishandle the situation.
'I think it's been terribly handled by the White House,' McCain said. 'Let's have a little straight talk, Martha. They wouldn't have had the opportunity to handle it that way if we had not shut down the government on a fool's errand that we were not going to accomplish.'" . . . Read More
Pentagon Unit Held 'Phony' Ceremonies For MIA's, Using Planes That Can't Fly - NBCNews
Ex-Soldier To Finally Receive Historic Medal Of Honor For Valor In Afghan Battle - IdahoStatesman
Feds Removed Handles From 40 Public Water Pumps Along C&O Canal - CNSNews
World Should 'NewAmerican', Says China Following Default Fears - Telegraph
Tea Party Express Sal Russo On CNN About The 2013 Debt Ceiling /Continuing Resolution - CNN
CNN Host Pre-Identifies For Its Liberal Audience Tea Party Guest As Being From The "Hardline" Freedomworks - YouTube |
Source: YouTube |
3. Obama: Islam has Always Been a Part of America’s History
"My response was simple. I said the President’s comment was 'absurd' and that I would like him to explain what significant role in America’s history Muslims have played. In this column I take a closer look at the President’s comment." - PatriotUpdate
"It appears that President Obama is guilty of inventing history as a way to please his Egyptian audience. What is even worse than the President’s inaccurate and misleading statement about the role of Muslim’s in America’s history is how the [Obama] mainstream media simply ignored it.
Had the President been a Republican, mainstream media mavens would have suddenly become experts in American history and taken him to task for making inaccurate, misleading, and undocumented statements in front of a foreign audience. But holding the President’s feet to the fire concerning his public statements no longer interests the mainstream media." . . . Read More
Senator Rand Paul: ‘Worldwide War On Christianity’ Ignored By Obama, Media - TheBlaze
Obama Continues Treasonous Support Of Muslim Brotherhood - GodfatherPolitics
Muslim Convert To Christianity Prays For Men Stoning Him - Zionica
Internal Memo Warns Terrorists May Be Doing Dry-Runs - TheBlaze
United Nations Covers Up Michelangelo’s Sculpture To Appease Iranian Diplomats - AtlasShrugs
Over 380 Detained After Anti-Migrant Riot In Southern Moscow - RT
4. Pointless Tragedy! What The Sex-Change Industry Doesn’t Tell You
"’s Michael Brown shares a shocking and heartbreaking story about 'sex-change' stories that don’t get much press … " - ClashDaily
"The story from Belgium was absolutely tragic. A 44-year-old woman disappointed by her female-to-male surgery decided to die by euthanasia, feeling that the surgery had left her a monster. But the story behind the story is even more tragic.
Of course, if we simply believed the glowing reports in the media, you would think that everyone who has sex-change surgery is perfectly happy with the results. In keeping with that mentality, there’s a new term we are supposed to use—namely, gender-realignment surgery. This replaces the previous new term, sex-reassignment surgery, which replaced the more graphic term, sex-change surgery.
And make no mistake about it: This is a radical surgery involving removing and changing perfectly healthy organs and body parts simply because the person is convinced in his or her mind that the parts should’t be there." . . . Read More
Los Angeles School District Wants Teachers To Wear Pro-Gay Badges - DailyCaller
14 Monumental Sculptures Of Unborn Babies By Controversial British Artist Unveiled In Qatar - LifeSiteNews
George And Barbara Witness A Wedding: When A Private Act Sends A Public Message - Creationevolution
UK’s Daily Mail Removes False Trans Harassment Story - DailyMail
5. Student Sues College That Trampled The Constitution . . . On Constitution Day!
"The California community college student who was prevented from passing out copies of the Constitution — on Constitution Day, of all days — is now fighting back in court." - DailyCaller
"Robert Van Tine is suing Modes to Junior College over the September 17th incident during which a campus security officer hauled Tine before a college administrator who told him that he could not distribute leaflets on campus without a permit. Modes to has a designated 'free speech zone' where students may pass out papers, but the tiny square of concrete was booked that day.
Van Tine believes his right to distribute political pamphlets is enshrined in the very political pamphlet he was trying to distribute: the Constitution.
[MJC administrators] really don’t see that what they are doing is preventing the free speech of students,” Van Tine told The Daily Caller. MJC President Jill Stearns sent Robert Van Tine a letter apologizing for how he was treated. Still, the college did not change its policies, and instead criticized the media for blowing the incident out of proportion — leaving Van Tine little choice but to sue." . . . Read More
Expanded JLF Report Tackles Key Common Core Questions - CarolinaJournal
Arizona High School Play Portrays Sex With Goat - PoliticalOutcast
Wait . . . What Is This? - My2CrazyCurls
Wyoming ‘Hate-F***’ Hoaxer Adds To Checkered Criminal Past, Now Attends Law School - DailyCaller
6. Ben Carson Warns: ‘Socialized Medicine Is Keystone To Establishment Of A Socialist State'
"Dr. Ben Carson, the former director of Pediatric Neurosurgery at Johns Hopkins University and Hospital, drew a parallel between Obamacare and 'socialized medicine' and cited Communist leader Vladimir Lenin’s support for government-run health care as the 'keystone to the establishment of a socialist state.'' - CNSNews
"Speaking at the Values Voter Summit in Washington, D.C. on Friday, Dr. Carson said that Obamacare 'was never about healthcare. It was about control,' and making all Americans 'subservient to the government.'
He then commented on why the Democrat-dominant Congress in 2010 moved swiftly to pass the Affordable Care Act, a.k.a. Obamacare. 'And why did they want to pass it so badly?' said Dr. Carson. 'Well, as I said the other night on television, Vladimir Lenin, one of the fathers of socialism and communism, said that socialized medicine is the keystone to the establishment of a socialist state." . . . Read More
When Lenin and the Bolsheviks took over Russia in 1917-18, health care became a government-run operation.- YouTube |
Source: YouTube |
Patients Pay Before Seeing Doctor As Deductibles Spread - BloombergNews
Democrat Says Reading Obamacare Not My Responsibility - EagleRising
It's Back With A Vengeance: Private Debt! - CNBC
Obamacare ‘Navigator’ Stormed GOP Official’s Property - DailyCaller
Bonnie Doon Ice Cream Blames Obamacare For Plant Shutdown - FOX28
Debt And Destruction - LewRockwell
Obama's Fawning Networks Blame Shutdown On GOP In 41 Stories, ZERO For Dems - WashingtonExaminer
Obamacare Website Violates Licensing Agreement For Copyrighted Software - WeeklyStandard
Feds Reviewed Only One Bid For Obamacare Web site Design - WashingtonExaminer
Obamacare Is The Biggest 'Bait & Switch' Since Social Security - FOXNews
You Know It's Bad With Liberals When Even HuffPo Gets Nervous With Obamacare - HuffingtonPost (Cruz discovered sometimes it's just impossible to help. Anyone for the straight talk of Doc Martin?)
7. Edward Snowden Says NSA Surveillance Programmers 'Hurt Our Country'
"Video clips posted to WikiLeaks Web site show former NSA analyst speaking for the first time since July asylum plea." - TheGuardian
"The National Security Agency whistleblower, Edward Snowden, has said that the mass surveillance programmers used by the US to tap into phone and internet connections around the world are making people less safe.
In short video clips posted by the WikiLeaks website on Friday, Snowden said that the NSA's mass surveillance, which he disclosed before fleeing to Russia, 'puts us at risk of coming into conflict with our own government'.
A U.S. court has charged Snowden with violating the Espionage Act, for disclosing the programmers which he described as a 'dragnet mass surveillance that puts entire populations under sort of an eye that sees everything even when it's not needed.'" . . . Read More
Snowden receives Sam Adams Award in Moscow - RT |
Source: YouTube |
NSA Collects Millions Of E-mail Address Books Globally - WashingtonPost
8. Crew Members: ‘Captain Phillips’ Is One Big Lie
"It’s made for Hollywood: the story of an average American family man, captain of a cargo ship in dangerous waters, his vessel overtaken by armed Somali pirates demanding ransom, saving his crew by allowing himself to be removed from the boat and taken hostage." - NewYorkPost
"All of this is the basis for 'Captain Phillips,' starring Tom Hanks as the titular, real-life hero. The only problem, say some members of the real Capt. Phillips’ crew, is none of it is true. Capt. Richard Phillips, they say, is no hero, and the film is one big lie.
'Phillips was’t the big leader like he is in the movie,' says one crew member, who, for legal reasons, spoke with The Post anonymously. He worked very closely with Phillips on the Makers Alabama and was alarmed by his behavior from the beginning. Phillips, he says, had a bad reputation for at least 12 years prior, known as a sullen and self-righteous captain. 'No one wants to sail with him,' he says.
After the hijacking, 11 crew members have sued Makers Line and the Waterman Steamship Corp. for almost $50 million, alleging 'willful, wanton and conscious disregard for their safety.' Phillips is a witness for the defense." . . . Read More
Food Network’s Ratings Plummet After Dumping Paula Den - ClashDaily
Nancy Pelosi: Submitted To The Women's Hall Of Fame - Breitbart
But Pelosi Sure Didn't Make It Into The Beautiful Women Hall Of Fame - Diamagnetic
9. STILL WAITING FOR ANSWER! Who betrayed Navy SEAL Team 6?
"Congress must discover how they were marked for death." - WashingtonTimes
"What really happened to Navy SEAL Team 6? In August 2011, the elite special forces unit suffered the worst battlefield calamity in its history. A Taliban fighter shot down a Chinook helicopter carrying 22 Navy SEAL Team 6 members in Afghanistan. All 38 persons on board — the Navy SEAL warriors, other U.S. military personnel and seven Afghan soldiers — were killed. Grieving family members have been demanding answers. They may now get some as Congress finally opens an investigation.
Navy SEAL Team 6 has attained international prominence for one reason: They were responsible for killing Osama bin Laden. They are American heroes. Yet, their own government betrayed them. Several days after the bin Laden operation, Vice President Joseph R. Bidden Jr. — in a pathetic attempt to spike the football and gloat — publicly revealed their central role in the raid.
His revelations put a giant target on the backs of every Navy SEAL Team 6 member. A covert unit, whose mission is to operate in the murky shadows, was exposed as the group that eliminated al Qaeda’s chief mastermind. Mr. Bidden’s reckless actions — followed by President Obama’s own words acknowledging the secret unit’s operation — jeopardized the Navy SEALs’ safety. Jihadists bent on revenge began an intense manhunt. The hunters now became the hunted.
Upon hearing of Mr. Bidden’s disclosure, SEAL members were stunned. Many of them immediately contacted family members, warning them to eradicate all personal information from social-media sites. Aaron Vaughn, one of the SEALs eventually killed in the ambush, told his mother, Karen Vaughn, to delete every reference to SEAL Team 6 from her Facebook and Twitter accounts." . . . Read More
Seal Team 6 parents outraged over Imam cursing son at funeral - YouTube |
Source: YouTube |
The Destruction of The United States Military: Obama's Removal Of 19 Top-Ranking Military Leaders - TheOldSquid
10. Stunning Technology! Flying Mini-Robot Cleaners Win Electrolux Design Lab 2013 Contest
"So you think Electrolux may be only a vacuum cleaner company no longer in business. Think again." - Webmaster
"What does the future of the home hold? Flying mini-robot cleaners, expanding walls that filter the air and 3D food printers are just some of the visions in the Electrolux Design Lab competition, arranged now for the 11th consecutive year. The flying robot concept “Mab” was awarded first prize in competition finals at the Fotografiska Museum in Stockholm, Sweden.
The winning concept, by Adrian Perez Zapata from Colombia, is an automated cleaning system consisting of hundreds of flying mini-robots. The robots clean surfaces by touching them with a drop of water. Mab scans the house, determine the areas to clean and sends the robots flying.
'I was in my university gardens when I observed the controlled flight of bees pollinating a flower, and how magical it is to see swarms of bees working together,' Perez Zapata said. 'My concept Mab only requires a short initial configuration to function autonomously, so you could arrive home and see a swarm of mini-robots roaming around cleaning independently. This means you could sit back and relax, as you observe with great astonishment the little Mab ‘fairies’ working their magic autonomously.'" . . . Read More
Other 2013 Submissions
Nutrima is a foldable electronic appliance that calculates nutritional values. Watch
A vacuum cleaner that changes form and breezes across floor - Watch
Kitchen appliance that embraces laser hologram technology - Watch |
Finalist Electrolux Design Lab 2013 - YouTube |
Source: YouTube |

Source: YouTube
On The Lighter Side: Mark Lowry Comedy Video - YouTube, January 2011 |
Source: YouTube

Obama's signal to progressives in 2007: Their messiah had arrived.
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Background photo source: President George Washington |