Date: October 14, 2013
Don't Mess With Our Vets!
From: Freedom is Knowledge
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Obama's National Online Media Did Not Report On This Event, Dissing The Very Vets That Protected Their Freedom
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Photo: The Blaze
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"Veterans Toss Aside Memorial Barricades, March On White House."
"Veterans from all over the country gathered at the World War II Memorial in Washington, D.C. Sunday morning to protest the closure of the memorials during the partial government shutdown, throwing barricades placed in front of the memorials aside in heaps.
Organized by Brats for Veterans Advocacy, the Million Vet March on the Memorials drew in a crowd of vocal veterans fed up with the federal government’s shutdown decisions waving enormous American and 'Don’t Treat On Me' flags and signs.
'I’m totally, thoroughly disgusted in our government’s decision to close these monuments,' said retired Army Green Beret Mike Freeman, who served in Vietnam.
Retired Master Sergeant Jim Hanson also expressed his anger with the closures, telling The Daily Caller that veterans have every right to visit memorials erected in their honor.
'It’s a disgrace to close this memorial,' Hanson said, indicating the World War II memorial. 'It cost more to close it than to let the veterans pay their respects. The government is not in charge of keeping people out of monuments that were put here in their own honor.'” - Read More
Storming The Barricades In Washington! - Heritage
Palin, Lee, Cruz Rally Veterans At WWII Memorial
"After promising she would attend the 'Million Vet March,' former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin went to the World War II Memorial in Washington, D.C. on Sunday—along with Sens. Mike Lee (R-UT) and Ted Cruz (R-TX)—to support thousands of veterans demanding that President Barack Obama re-open the memorials that have been barricaded due to the government shutdown." - Breitbart
"At the World War II Memorial, Palin said that Obama is showing a 'shameful lack of respect' and a 'lack of valor' by barricading the memorials to veterans from across the country that marched in Washington to demand that Congress pass a law making it illegal for the federal government to close the memorials in future government shutdowns. They reportedly chanted, 'tear down these walls.'
'We were proud to stand with thousands of America's vets and other patriotic Americans today in Washington, D.C. This morning, Todd and I met with Senators Ted Cruz and Mike Lee, and they joined us and other Americans at the World War II Memorial and then at the Lincoln Memorial, where we were met by a SWAT team in full riot gear!' Palin wrote in a Facebook post. 'Watching those who have fought to protect freedom prevented by barricades from visiting these memorials to freedom was truly heart wrenching.'
Palin has said Messrs. Lee and Cruz are leading a party of 'good guys' in the Senate against both party establishments that make up Washington's permanent political class. After the Republican establishment attacked Lee and Cruz during the defunding Obamacare fight, Palin fiercely defended them for representing everyday Americans. Palin has also called for Obama administration employees to engage in acts of civil disobedience regarding the 'Barrycades at the memorials. At the march, veterans removed barricades from the memorial and took them to the White House." . . . Read More
Crowd Storms World War II Memorial
"Thousands of people converged on the World War II Memorial on the National Mall on Sunday morning and tore down the barricades blocking it off, protesting the closure of the memorial during the federal government shutdown." - WTOP
World War II veteran Mike Lauriente accepts thanks for his service from demonstrators at the World War II Memorial on Sunday. (WTOP/Jamie Forzato) |
"Beginning at about 9:30 a.m., Senator. Mike Lee, R-Utah, and Ted Cruz, R-Texas, as well as former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, were among the luminaries in a crowd that chanted 'Tear down these walls!' and sang 'God Bless America' as well as other patriotic songs as they entered the memorial, which has been closed since the government shutdown that began Oct. 1.
Tractor-trailers headed down 17th Street toward the Mall, blaring their horns. The Metropolitan Police Department blocked off the street, prompting the crowd to head up the street, shouting at the police to move their vehicles.
Palin said that closing the memorials was disgraceful, and that President Obama could be here today saying 'Yes, we can tear down these barricades.'
Cruz said that President Obama was using veterans as political pawns in the shutdown. Lee shouted, 'The sons and daughters of the United States of America are meant to live in liberty.'" . . . Read More
Protesters Push Through Barriers At WWII Memorial
"A crowd converged on the World War II Memorial on the National Mall, pushing through barriers Sunday morning to protest the memorial's closing under the government shutdown." - Newsmax
Sen. Ted Cruz speaks at a rally at the World War II Memorial on the National Mall in Washington Sunday. (AP) - Newsmax |
"The memorial has become a political symbol in the bitter fight between Democrats and Republicans over who is at fault since the shutdown began. Earlier rallies have focused on allowing access for World War II veterans visiting from across the country with the Honor Flight Network.
Sunday's rally was more political. A protest by truckers converged with a rally by a group called the Million Vet March at the World War II Memorial. Participants cut the links between metal barriers at the National Park Service site and pushed them aside.
Jeff Thompkins of New York told WRC-TV he was there because people fight and died for the freedom to visit public spaces and to protest." . . . Read More
More Photos From WWII Memorial Protest - PJMedia
Additional Photos - Powerline
Victory For War Heroes And The Constitution As War Memorials Reopen For First Amendment Activity
"This morning, a legal team from the ACLJ went down to the WWII Memorial after there were reports that a “designated First Amendment area” had been set up at the memorial." - ACLJ
"This was certainly not the case last week when I and others on our team were excluded from the war memorial on two separate days. Importantly, I specifically stated then that I wished to exercise my First Amendment rights to assemble in honor of our war heroes. At the time, I was not only told no, but I was forcibly escorted off of the premises.
Today, our team arrived to a far different scene. Barricades in the front that were once wired shut had been moved just wide enough for people to walk though. There were dozens of people walking around the inside of the memorial, paying their respects. These were World War II veterans and ordinary Americans alike.
Our team encountered a new set of National Park Rangers who stated that although the memorial was officially 'closed,' it was nonetheless open for 'First Amendment activity.'" - Read More
NEVER FORGET What Obama's Progressive Supporters Did In 2010 To The Vets WWII Memorial
Nasty Obama-supported One Nation Rally: Delighted to show its dirty underwear to WWII Vets and their Memorial - YouTube |
Source: YouTube |
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Need more proof the Obama progressive media purposely buries stories its managing editors don't want the American public to know about? At 4 P.M. on Sunday, October 13th., the Major National Online News Outlets that ignored the Veteran Protestors at WWII Memorial on their online Web sites are as follows:
Al Jazeera News, CBS News, ABC News, MSNBC, And CNN News!
Note: NBC buried the URL but when found its agenda first pushed video of vet protestors against riot police, finally showing Palin talking to Vets. No written story was with these videos. - Webmaster |
CNN Finally Shows It's True Colors: Mocks Million Vet March as Tea Party Crazies - PatriotUpdate
A Question Is Now Asked After Today's Event That Cannot Be Ignored: How Much More Will Our Military Take?
The Obama administration is bending over backwards to destroy the spirit of our Military forces. - YouTube
Source: YouTube |
Above video discusses McCain and Songbird. Here is video of patriots that are angry with McCain and why. You decide. - YouTube
Source: YouTube |
A photo that still haunts America's past . . . and future?

"In the Vietnamese Communist War Remnants Museum (formerly known as the "War Crimes Museum") in Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon), a photograph of John Kerry hangs in a room dedicated to the anti-war activists who helped the Vietnamese Communists win the Vietnam War. The photograph shows Senator Kerry being greeted by the General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam, Comrade Do Muoi." . . . WinterSoldier
“'If the U.S. Army suffered numerous humiliating losses, [Democratic presidential nominee Sen. John] Kerry would emerge as the superman of the American people,' said Mohammad Amin Bashar, a leader of the Muslim Scholars Association, a hard-line clerical group that vocally supports the resistance." - WashingtonTimes, October 27, 2004 |
Obama's Progressives and their hissy fit - TheDailyBeast

Obama's signal to progressives in 2007: Their messiah had arrived.
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Background photo source: President George Washington |