Date: October 7, 2013
Remember When Obama Said To Save Money, Give The Elderly Woman A Pain Pill?
From: Freedom is Knowledge
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What Is Wrong With This News Report From A Local Tennessee TV Station?
WRCB Happy Report: News outlets flocking to new Obamacare Enrollee, Chad Henderson - YouTube |
Source: YouTube |
Couldn't Find Anything Wrong From The Station's Report? Here Are Some Missing "Minor Details"
"He filled out an application and figured out how much he'd have to pay, but he didn't enroll, Health and Human Services secretary Kathleen Sebelius retweeted his concocted claim." - PoliticalOutcast
Media Concealing The Extent Of Chad Henderson's Partisanship
"Chad Henderson is the kid who, somehow, became the media's face of Obamacare sign ups. Yesterday Sarah Kliff at the Post did a story titled 'Meet Chad Henderson, the Obamacare enrollee tons of reporters are calling.'" - Breitbart
"If you read the Post story you'll get a bit of Chad's personal biography and this self description 'He describes himself as a supporter of President Obama who has anxiously awaited Obamacare's rollout.' What the Post and others have not pointed out is that Chad Henderson is not just another Obama voter, he's a longtime Democratic activist. Here's a bit of his bio from his Linked In page:
Volunteer: Organizing for America
March 2007 – Present (6 years 8 months)
Help elect Barack Obama as our 44th President and to continue his agenda.
President: Walker County Young Democrats
January 2011 – November 2012 (1 year 11 months)
Help organize local young Democrats by registering them to vote and recruit.
Executive Director: High School Democrats of Georgia
November 2008 – February 2011 (2 years 4 months)
Help recruit high school teenagers to the Democratic Party.
I won't embed it but there's a video on his You Tube channel of Henderson in the front row at an Obama rally earlier this year. He also attended an Obama fundraiser last year. And did I mention he's a partisan?

Henderson made it clear how he sees his role in his interview with the Chattanooga Times Free Press "I'm honored, and I'm happy that I could help out with the cause." . . . Read More
Meet The New Poster Boy For Obamacare Propaganda
"Henderson first got famous when he wrote on Twitter, '[E]nrolled in #Obamacare just now! Looking forward to having affordable healthcare for the first time!' He addressed this tweet to three different news organizations, two of which, so far, have interviewed him. In one of those interviews, Henderson said, 'I'm happy that I could help out with the cause.' What cause would that be, Chad?" - PoliticalOutcast
"Well, it turns out he didn't actually enroll in Obamacare. He filled out an application and figured out how much he'd have to pay, but he didn't enroll. Now he's claiming he never said he enrolled, but The Twitter doesn't lie:
'enrolled in #Obamacare just now! Looking forward to having affordable healthcare for the first time! @newschannelnine @WRCB @TimesFreePress — Chad Henderson (@ChadHenderson) October 1, 2013'
If he wasn't paid to propagate his lie, the administration doesn't mind using it to propagate theirs; Health and Human Services secretary Kathleen Sebelius retweeted his concocted claim." . . . Read More
Obamacare Patient Zero:
"Affordable Care Act site ‘needs to be fixed for sure’" - DailyCaller
"Asked if other users would wait around as long as he did to sign up for insurance, Henderson told TheDCNF he 'can see why someone would give up instead of waiting for a long time.'
"The young colossus of communal medicine added, 'Something needs to be fixed on the website for sure.' Henderson also seems to have mixed feelings about his new status as the Greatest Living American." . . . Read More
Charming Chad Henderson:
"Fake Obamacare Insurance Buyer, Big Obama Fan." - Newsbusters
"On July 29, 2013, Henderson posted a photo of an admission ticket: ' CHA-1 Warehouse -- just picked up my ticket with xxxxxx to see President Obama tomorrow in Chattanooga! SO EXCITED!!'
The next day, he posted a picture of 'The President shaking our hands today in Chattanooga!' On July 24, he posted a picture of a tweet he wrote which said (punctuation unaltered): 'So my entire life will be put on hold this Tuesday BECAUSE PRESIDENT OBAMA IS COMING TO CHATTANOOGA! And I. WILL. BE. THERE!'
On July 25, he posted a picture of a bakery's 'Obama doughnut,' which showed that 'Chattanooga is already getting pumped for the President's visit!' When combined with what Sexton at Breitbart reported, this is all really precious, because yesterday on Twitter Henderson tried to pretend that he is just an ordinary Obama supporter." . . . Read More
While Obama's (cough) Affordable Care Act . . . covers existing conditions, as mentioned in the top news story from the Tennessee TV station, you can see in the video below how the father of the Affordable Care Act, Dr. Barack Obama, really feels about spending money on the health of America citizens. In other words, expect coverage will change just as the government is already changing the definition of cancer.
For this massive take over of our freedoms, a big thanks goes out to Former Congressman Stupak and Chief Justice Roberts for allowing the feds to now define what healthcare will be now that it has been allowed to own it. Like I had mentioned in an earlier e-mail, kisses go out to dumb and dumber.
Is The Love Affair Over? - TheDailyBeast

Obama's signal to progressives in 2007: Their messiah had arrived.
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