Date: May 21, 2013
President Barack H. Obama - You Can Be Confident I Am Totally In Charge
From: Freedom is Knowledge
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Links to Web sites are highlighted in color
When Obama Puts Out One Hand, Watch Out For The Other. - The Blaze, April 22, 2013
Richard Milhous Obama - RealClearPolitics
CBS News Concerned IRS Should Have Done More To Target Conservatives?! - PoliticalOutcast
Justice Department Labels Fox News Journalist As Possible ‘Co-conspirator’ - FOX News
DOJ Leaked Docs To Smear Fast & Furious Whistleblower - Breitbart
IRS Deliberately Chose Not To Fess Up to Scandal Before Election - TheWeeklyStandard
Catholic Scholar: IRS Asked Who Paid Me To Write Anti-Obama Articles - Breitbart
Two IRS Offices Targeted Hawaii GOP Leader At The Same Time - DailyCaller
IRS: Are You Now, Or Have You Ever Been A Christian? - PoliticalOutcast
Krauthammer on IRS Testimony: ‘You've Got to be a Knave or a Fool to Say That and an Idiot to Believe It’ - MRCTV
Source: YouTube
Obama Can Hide Behind Gangstra Rap, But Rock n' Roll Still Knows His Game.
Source: YouTube
Fingerprint File Lyrics
Fingerprint file, you get me down
You keep me running
Know my way around. Yes, you do, child
Fingerprint file, you bring me down
Keep me running
You keep me on the ground
Know my moves
Way ahead of time
Listening to me
On your satellite
Feeling followed
Feeling tagged
Crossing water
Trying to wipe my tracks
And there's some little jerk in the FBI
A keepin' papers on me six feet high
It gets me down, it gets me down, it gets me down
You better watch out
On your telephone
Wrong number
They know you ain't home
And there's some little jerk in the FBI
A keepin' papers on me six feet high
It gets me down, it gets me down, it gets me down
Who's the man on the corner; that corner over there
I don't know. Well, you better lay low. Watch out
Keep on the look out
Electric eyes
Rats on the sell out
Who gonna testify
You know my habits
Way a head of time
Listening to me
On your satellite
And there's some little jerk in the FBI
A keepin' papers on me six feet high
It gets me down, it gets me down, it gets me down
It gets me down
Hello, baby, mm-hmm
Ah, yeah, you know we ain't, we ain't talkin' alone
Who's listening? But I don't really know
But you better tell the SIS to keep out of sight
'Cause I know they takin' pictures on the ultraviolet light
Yes, uh huh, yeah, but these days it's all secrecy; no privacy
Shoot first, that' s right... you know
Bye bye. Who's listening?
Right now somebody is listening to you
Keeping their eyes peeled on you
Mmm, mmm, what a price, what a price to pay
All right. Good night, sleep tight
TKS To Jimmy Z for the lyrics.
To Professor Julian Bond - "Black or white, it's all the same. Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely" - Webmaster
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Western North Carolina
Freedom is Knowledge
Background photo source: President George Washington