Date: May 5, 2013
Week In Review - Top Ten News Stories You Might Not Know About
From: Freedom is Knowledge
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Source: YouTube
Tsarnaev Family Received $100,000,000 In Government Benefits - BostonHerald
1. High School Track Team Disqualified When Runner Gestures Thanks To God
The Columbus High School Mighty Cardinals had won the 4x100-meter relay--by seven yards, no less--and had a shot at the state championship. - Breitbart
"That was until Junior sprinter Derrick Hayes pointed to the sky. Hayes's father, K.C., said that his son made a gesture of thanks to God, but raising a hand to the sky is considered excessive celebration according to the state scholastic rules. And with that, the team was disqualified." . . . Read More
Pentagon Defends Unconstitutional Policy Against Soldiers Sharing Faith - Breitbart
Army Officer Officially Labels Christian Groups 'Domestic Hate' - AFA
29% Of Registered Voters Believe Armed Revolution Might Be Necessary In Next Few Years - CNSNews
Obama Signs Bill Declaring May 1 To Be Known As ‘Loyalty Day’ - NowTheEndBegins
Eleventh Annual “Friend Or Foe” Graduation Prayer Campaign Begins - Liberty Counsel
Think Progress Writer, Ayers Fan, Busted For Fake Hate Crime - NewMediaJournal
Belgium Erasing Christianity . . . For Islam - GatestoneInstitute
2. Democrats Getting Their Undocumented Voters Ready For The 2014 Election
Holder does Obama's bidding again, describes amnesty as a 'Civil Right'
"During a April 24th speech to the Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund, Attorney General Eric Holder said that creating a 'pathway to earned citizenship' was a 'civil right.'” . . . Read More
Sessions: Immigration Bill Gives Amnestied Residents 'Immediate' Access to Welfare - Breitbart
3. Planned Parenthood, NARAL Reports . . .
"Gosnell proves we need FEWER restrictions on abortion clinics." - LifeSiteNews
"It’s unsurprising that, to preserve their public image, both Planned Parenthood and NARAL claim to 'condemn' what Kermit Gosnell did as 'reprehensible.' Two things are less surprising.
One: that both organizations have failed to describe exactly what part of what Gosnell did falls under their condemnation. After all, Delaware Planned Parenthood has been found with similar filthy and unsafe conditions. Planned Parenthood’s abortionists regularly behead babies inside the womb at the same age of many of the babies Gosnell beheaded outside the womb. Would Planned Parenthood or NARAL care to explain the difference? I doubt it, because there isn’t much of one.
The second less surprising thing is that Cecile Richards and Ilyse Hogue (presidents of Planned Parenthood and NARAL, respectively) are using Gosnell’s horrific actions to – get this – condemn the regulation of abortion clinics. Come again?" . . . Read More
Why A Gruesome Pennsylvania Abortion Clinic Had Not Been Inspected For 17 Years - ProPublica
What The Networks Report Obviously More Important than Gosnell Trial - MRCTV
Good Morning America Devotes 109 Minutes To Other Trials, But Not One Second For Gosnell Horrors. - NewsBusters
Abortion: The Evolution Connection? - CreationRevolution
4. So Much BS, So Little Time
"Over 30 states have voted against recognizing same-sex marriages, and of the few states where it’s legal, most have had it mandated by judicial bullies, not through the election process." - BernardGoldberg
"But in spite of all that, leftists insist that within a few years, homosexual marriages will be legal in all 50 states. They base that conclusion on the polls that show that young people favor the silly notion. What these seers ignore is that as people mature, get married, have children, as often as not, they discard the faddish beliefs they held in their twenties. After all, many of today’s parents experimented with drugs, booze and sex, in their own youth. That doesn’t mean they approve of their own sons and daughters doing the same. Not even if they’re named Clinton, Bush or Obama.
Speaking of which, Sen. Rand Paul, a devout libertarian who wishes to see drug use de-criminalized, pointed out, in making his case, that the past two presidents — and he could have said three — could have been arrested on drug charges in their twenties. He was trying to make the point that our drug laws are too draconian, and that these men might have had their political aspirations snuffed out if they had had drug arrests on their record. But that’s not how I look at it. Instead, my reaction was that the country might have been spared these past couple of decades if only the DEA had been doing its job." . . . Read More
NFL Reminds Teams Of Anti-Discrimination Policy Against Sexual Orientation - MyFOXNY
ESPN Apologizes For Commentator's Christian Worldview On Homosexuality - Zionica
Speeding Toward Gomorrah - DailyCaller
Ryan Begins Cave On Homosexual Families - AmericanVisionNews
Boy Scout's America Survey: 61% Support Current Policy Of Excluding Homosexuals - CNSNews
5. Explosive Report Contradicts The Obama Administration’s Benghazi Story In A Big Way
"The U.S. government had the ability to 'react and respond' to the Benghazi terrorist attack and could have had forces on the ground before the second wave of the assault began, a special operator with knowledge of the response told Fox News in an exclusive interview. Due to the explosive nature of his allegations, the special ops member asked to remain anonymous." - Blaze
"'I know for a fact that C 110, the EUCOM CIF, was doing a training exercise, not in the region of northern Africa, but in Europe. And they had the ability to react and respond,' he told Fox News. The C 110 is a 40-man Special Ops force capable of rapid response and deployment, a group trained specifically for an event like the Benghazi attack, Fox News reports. The unit was training in Croatia on Sept. 11, 2012, just 3.5 hours away from Benghazi.
'They would have been there before the second attack,” the anonymous special operator said. “They would have been there at a minimum to provide a quick reaction force that could facilitate their exfil out of the problem situation.'" . . . Read More
Congress Ignores Obama, Pushes Ahead On Benghazi - DailyCaller
Benghazi Whistleblowers’ Lawyer Says Obama, Kerry Aware That State Department Is Obstructing The Investigation - PJMedia
6. High School Classmates Rally Around Princeton Student Who Left Skeet Gun In Car
"The Princeton High School community is rallying around a student who was arrested and expelled for having an unloaded shotgun in his car in the school's parking lot." - WRAL
"The Princeton High School community is rallying around a student who was arrested and expelled for having an unloaded shotgun in his car in the school's parking lot." - WRAL
"David Cole Withrow, 16, was charged Monday with bringing a weapon on educational property, which is a felony. He was expelled from school and won't be allowed to graduate with his class later this month. Family friend Kim Boykin said Withrow, an Eagle Scout and honors student, accidentally left his gun in the car after skeet shooting over the weekend. When he realized, he went inside to ask school officials if he could leave campus to take the gun home, but an administrator reported the weapon to police." . . . Read More
NBC Cheers Gun Control Advocates 'Pushing Back' At Town Halls, But Dismissed Tea Party Pressure As Manufactured - NewsBusters
Palm Beach County Sheriff Gets $1 million For Violence Prevention Unit Amid Questions About Civil Liberties, Care For Mentally Ill - PalmBeachPost
It's Number Six! NBC News AGAIN Caught Selectively Editing ANOTHER Video - Breitbart
7. Terrorists Can Speak In Progressive Canada, But Pamela Geller Can’t
"York Regional Police threatened to remove a rabbi as one of the force’s chaplains if he hosted a controversial anti-Islamist speaker at his Thornhill synagogue." - FrontPage
"Veerappan said he told Kaplan that Geller’s speech 'would not be endorsed by York Regional Police' and that the rabbi’s role as a force chaplain would be thrown into question if he were to permit the event.
'If he did (host Geller), then we’d have to reassess our relationship with (Kaplan),' Veerappan said. 'We serve the needs of the entire community. Some of the stuff that Ms. Geller speaks about runs contrary to the values of York Regional Police and the work we do in engaging our communities.'
Veerappan said a member of York Region’s Muslim community, whom he wouldn’t identify, brought Geller’s scheduled talk to the attention of police." . . . Read More
8. U.S. Homeownership Rate Falls To Lowest Since 1995
"The U.S. homeownership rate fell to the lowest in almost 18 years, reflecting rising demand for rentals and investor purchases in the housing market." - Bloomberg
"The share of Americans who own their homes was 65 percent in the first quarter, down from 65.4 percent a year earlier and the lowest level since the third quarter of 1995, the Census Bureau reported today. The vacancy rate for rented homes dropped to 8.6 percent from 8.8 percent a year earlier, while vacancies for owner-occupied houses fell to 2.1 percent from 2.2 percent.
Investors are buying single-family homes and renting them out to capitalize on demand among families unable to qualify for a mortgage. Their purchases, many made with cash, are helping to support the housing recovery and pushing up prices. Home values in 20 cities increased 9.3 percent in February from a year earlier, the most since May 2006, according to the S&P/Case- Shiller (SPCS20Y%) index released today." . . . Read More
9. Feminist Group And Its Pagans To Obama Administration: "Lift All Age Restrictions On Morning After Pill
National Organization for Women says morning after bill for girls down to 15 years of age doesn't go far enough.
"'Yesterday’s ruling by the FDA to restrict access to Plan B One Step to those 15 years and older does not go far enough to allow access to emergency contraception to women of all ages,' NOW President Terry O’Neill said in a statement Wednesday. 'Millions of women need access to this safe and effective product, and the prevention of unwanted pregnancy, particularly in adolescents, should not be obstructed by paternalistic politicking.'"'Studies have proven that emergency contraception is a safe and effective method of preventing unwanted pregnancies — and therefore abortions,' she added." . . . Read more
10. Teen Arrested After Trying To Flush Her 28-Week Newborn Down The toilet
Teen duplicates a grisly technique for abortion that was brought up the Gosnell Trial as one of the normal procedure.
"Days after the release of an undercover video showing an abortion clinic worker urging a patient to 'flush' her baby down the toilet if it is born alive, a young woman has been arrested for attempting to do just that.
Cherlie Lafleur, 19, was arrested after a custodian at McCaskey East High School in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, discovered the body of a young baby in a trash can in the ladies restroom at the school on Tuesday. The teen reportedly first attempted to flush the child down the toilet. But when that didn’t work, she deposited the body in the trash can. An autopsy has found that the baby was about 28 weeks gestation, well past the point of viability. Police have not yet determined whether the child was stillborn or alive at birth." . . . Read More
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