Date: April 28, 2013
Week In Review - Top Ten News Stories You Might Not Know About
From: Freedom is Knowledge
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And The Obama BS Continues: Military Cancels Memorial Day Fleet Week
Source: DailyCaller
Source: YouTube
1. Obama: ‘Planned Parenthood Isn’t Going Anywhere’
"President Obama vowed he would never allow Republicans to cut taxpayer funds for the abortion provider." - WashingtonExaminer
“If there’s one thing the past few years have shown is that Planned Parenthood isn’t going anywhere,” Obama said as the crowd cheered. “It’s not going anywhere today, it’s not going anywhere tomorrow.” . . . Read More
“Pro-Choice” Radicals: Gosnell Infanticide Mere “Malpractice” - ACLJ
2. Record Number of Households On Food Stamps
One out of every Five!
"The latest available data from the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) shows that a record number 23 million households in the United States are now on food stamps. The most recent Supplemental Assistance Nutrition Program (SNAP) statistics of the number of households receiving food stamps shows that 23,087,886 households participated in January 2013 - an increase of 889,154 families from January 2012 when the number of households totaled 22,188,732." . . . Read More
Judicial Watch Uncovers USDA Records Sponsoring U.S. Food Stamp Program For . . . Wait For It . . . Illegal Aliens - Judicial Watch
New York Times Confirms: Massive Fraud At USDA In Pigford - Breitbart
3. Did GE's CEO Tell Obama: Need Us To Help You Stick It To The Constitution?
"GE Capital Stops Lending To Gun Shops" - RightWingNews
"It’s been suckling at the government’s teat since Obama came into office. GE received a 139 billion deal in 2009, it paid no corporate taxes on 5 billion dollars in profit in 2011 and it got special tax credits in the fiscal cliff deal. GE’s Jeffrey Imelt is even head of Obama’s disastrous Council on Jobs and Competitiveness.Few corporations in America have benefited more from Obama’s presidency than General Electric. Well now, GE is repaying the favor. GE Capital is informing gun shop owners that it will no longer give them loans. GE will be turning away new customers and refusing to continue doing business with its existing customers." . . . Read More
4. Pro-life Group Denied Recognition By Johns Hopkins University Student Government
Turns to Thomas More Law Center for Help
"In a charged controversy over students’ right to free speech at a private university, Voice for Life (VFL), a pro-life student organization seeking official recognition as a student club at Johns Hopkins University has turned to the Thomas More Law Center (TMLC) for help. TMLC's mission includes defending the constitutional rights of pro-life groups and individuals.
The Johns Hopkins’ Student Government Association (SGA) turned down VFL’s application for official recognition. The reasons offered by the SGA for its decision: that VFL’s intention to peacefully engage in sidewalk counseling off campus at a Baltimore abortion facility violates the University’s anti-Harassment and Code of Conduct policies, and that VFL’s website includes a link to the Center for Bio-Ethical Reform’s website, which features images of aborted preborn babies considered by members of the SGA to be “offensive.” One member likened VFL to a white supremacist organization." . . . Read More
Our Trashy Society - Bernard Goldberg
5. Only On The Left Coast: California Bill Would Let Non-Citizens To Serve On Juries
"The California Assembly passed a bill on Thursday that would make the state the first in the nation to allow non-citizens who are in the country legally to serve on jury duty." - ABCNews
Assemblyman Bob Wieckowski, D-Fremont, said his bill, AB1401, would help California widen the pool of prospective jurors and help integrate immigrants into the community. It does not change other criteria for being eligible to serve on a jury, such as being at least 18, living in the county that is making the summons, and being proficient in English. The bill passed 45-25 largely on a party-line vote in the Democratic-controlled Assembly and will move on to the Senate." . . . Read More
6. Hillary Clinton Lied And Four In Benghazi Died
A congressional report shows security cuts before the Benghazi attack were approved by the secretary of state and that White House talking points describing the events were edited to protect the State Department. - NewMediaJournal
"The 'progress' report by House Republicans will no doubt be dismissed as a partisan political document. But it effectively records administration efforts to ignore the threat of terrorism before the attack on our diplomatic mission in Benghazi, to cover up administration culpability afterward and to sweep aside responsibility for the deaths of four Americans to make the administration look caring and competent." . . . Read More
How Stable Is Iraq? 13 Candidates Killed Ahead Of Elections - CSMonitor
7. Surprise, Surprise! 14,000 Idle Wind Turbines A Testament To Failed Energy Policies
"When Element Power announced on April 10 the closing of a deal to build wind turbines for Blackrock in Ireland, nothing was said about the more than 14,000 other wind turbines lying idle around the world." - TheNewAmerica
"Those 14,000 wind turbines lying idle in California’s Altamont Pass, Tehachapin, and San Gorgonio areas and elsewhere around the world are testimony to the continuing and accelerating failure of hope over experience, funded with taxpayer monies. And these areas were selected as being “in the best wind spots on earth,” which are now, according to Natural News writer Jonathan Benson, just 'spinning, post-industrial junk which generates nothing but bird kills.' Once those taxpayer funds are withdrawn, the real economics of maintaining these expensive monstrosities are so overpoweringly negative that they are left to rot — skeletons proving the fraud and deceit of the whole global warming meme." . . . Read More
Another Obama Green Project Folds After Getting Millions From Taxpayers - Judicial Watch
8. Climate Scientists Come To Terms With The Lack Of Global Warming
"Despite the heated rhetoric from the Obama administration and environmental groups about the urgency of global warming, climate scientists have begun to come to terms with the lack of evidence of catastrophic global warming over the last decade." - DailyCaller
“The divergence of the real world observations from the multi-decadal climate predictions, both in terms of forecasting the magnitude of global warming and of changes in regional climate, is finally initiating a much overdue scientific debate on the level of our knowledge of the climate system,” Pielke added. “While there is no doubt that humans are altering the climate system, it is in a diverse variety of ways besides that caused by adding greenhouse gases such as C02.” . . . Read More
9. Obama’s Blind Eye Toward Muslim Terror Dangerous To America
"If you ever needed evidence that President Obama’s rosy view of Islam is dangerous, you need look no further than the Boston Marathon bombings." - GodFatherPolitics
"It’s not unfair to point a finger of blame at President Obama in this case because it is his peculiar bias that has placed blinders on the Homeland Security Department and encouraged the selective filtering of the media. Shortly after the Boston Marathon bombings killed three and injured 178, the media wasted little time dragging out the usual leftist fantasies about the bombers being Right-wing or Tea Partiers. The president himself initially refused to use the word “terrorism” because he didn’t want to imply a Muslim connection, and presidential spokesman Jay Carney floated the notion that the bombings had something to do with tax day, implying that the Administration suspected the Tea Party, despite there being no history of Tea Party violence." . . . Read More
Tamerlan Tsarnaev Was On Terrorist Watch List - Breitbart
Confessed Boston Marathon Terrorist Intended To Bomb Times Square - Breitbart
Massachusetts' Police: Bomb Suspects Didn't Have Gun Permit - AP
Massachusetts' Government Cites Bombers Privacy: Won’t Release Tsarnaev Welfare Information - Boston Herald
Elizabeth Warren’s Boston Victims Fundraising Pitch Links Through Organizing For Action - Daily Caller
DNC Accused Of Using Boston Attack To Build Fundraising List - DailyCaller
10. Florida Invaded By Rat-Sized Snails
"More than 1,000 giant African land snails caught per week!" - Newser
"No, this is not a 1970s B-movie: South Florida really is dealing with an invasion of giant African land snails. The beastly mollusks can grow as large as rats (the biggest measure eight inches long, the Ocala Star-Banner reports), and can eat their way through plaster and stucco. More than 1,000 are already being caught per week in Miami-Dade County, and that number is set to swell when the mollusks end their underground hibernation, Reuters reports. Since September 2011, a disturbing 117,000 have been caught." . . . Read More
Source: MRCTV
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Background photo source: President George Washington