Date: April 21, 2013
Week In Review - Top Ten News Stories You Might Not Know About
From: Freedom is Knowledge
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THE GOOD . . .
Source: YouTube
. . . THE BAD . . .
Nothing Is Safe From The Fascism Of Progressives in America
"Homebuilders scrap 'master bedroom' because of racist, gender-biased connotations." . . . BizJournals
You Were Warned! - Fascism Comes To America
Source: FOX News
TKS Jimmy Z
1. What Boston Bombers’ Chechen Ties May Mean For U.S.-Russia Relations
"The two Boston Marathon bombing suspects have reportedly been identified as Chechen brothers Tamerlan and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev." - Council On Foreign Relations
"While their link to Chechnya remains unclear—the brothers lived in Kyrgyzstan and Dagestan and have been residents in the United States for some time—it has thrown a spotlight on Russia’s restive North Caucasus region. Although much remains uncertain in this fast-moving story—including what the brothers’ motives were—I asked my colleague Anya Schmemann, who follows Russia, to share some insights about Chechnya and what this development might mean for U.S.-Russian relations.
The reported identification of the Boston bombing suspects as ethnic Chechens has thrown a spotlight back on Russia’s troubled and volatile North Caucasus region, which has been the target of an Islamic insurgency stemming from separatist wars that date back to the 1990s.
The alleged link to Chechnya also raises questions about U.S.-Russian relations at a time when the relationship is on the skids." . . . Read More
Obama Slashed Budget for Domestic Bombing Prevention by 45% - NewMediaJournal
Boston Bombs: Obama Lulled America Into False Confidence Over Terror Threat - TelegraphUK
CNN Analyst Suggests 'Right-Wing Extremists' Could Be Behind Boston Bombing - NewsBusters
Shameful: New York Times Columnist Nicholas Kristof 'Links Boston Explosion to GOP,' Others Pile On - NewsBusters
Al Sharpton's Radio Producer Tweets Speculation That 'Anti-Gov' Group Behind Boston Marathon Bombings - NewsBusters
2. Using Saul Alinsky Tactics, Radicals At Florida Atlantic University Reported To Have Stalked The Wife Of Former House Preventative Lt. Col. Allen West
"After sternly warning college students to stop harassing his wife or they would face consequences, former Rep. Allen West, R-Fla., now finds himself the target of a complaint." - WND
West's Post on Facebook:
"I completely understand the Alinsky tactics and have no issue with the insidious and incessant personal attacks by the left against me. However, I am warning you, end your harassment of my wife Angela. The students from Florida Atlantic University who have gone to my wife's office, stalked her at the FAU Board of Trustee meetings, and sent letters to her company headquarters, end it now. This is not a threat, it is a promise that if Angela calls and tells me of one more incident, you will face me, the side of me that you do not want to see. My wife Angela is an American citizen and if you believe that you can intimidate her to surrender her freedoms you are mistaken. Those left wing groups and lawyers associated with these individuals supporting their antics, I recommend you disassociate yourself. How dare you animals attack my wife and her professional reputation. This is your one and only advisory notice." . . . Facebook - (Full Story WND)
3. Another Progressive Needs To Look In The Mirror At The New Normal
Off The Wall Governor Cuomo Says Boston Bombing Part of ‘New Normal’ . . . Like Global Warming
"'It’s a terrible situation in Boston. And, unfortunately, … one gets the sense that this is more reflective of the ‘new normal,’ if you will,' he explained. “So much of society is changing so rapidly. We talk about a ‘new normal’ when it comes t0 climate change and adjusting to a change in the weather patterns. ‘New normal’ when it comes to public security in a post-9/11 world. Where these random acts of violence, which at one time were implausible, now seem all-too-frequent.'" . . . Read More
Lies upon Lies: How Anthony Weiner Went Down - Breitbart
4. Boy Scouts' Proposal:
First Progressive Looked To Transform Girl Scouts. Then They Attacked The Boy Scouts Again And Again And Again, No Matter What The Supreme Court Ruled.
(Christian / Religious Scouts will have to abandon their organization and form a private religious group as the Christian Girl Scouts were forced to do. - Webmaster)
"Reaction from scouting supporters ranged from outrage to limited approval. The biggest organization in scouts, the Mormon Church, said it was studying the proposal, leaving uncertain the outcome of a May vote by scout leaders that will set policy. Leftist rights groups said continuing to bar certain adults was unacceptable, but they welcomed the change for youths.
'The general feeling is that this is a bad move,' which could precipitate a major crisis, A.J. Smith, president of the Association of Baptists for Scouting, wrote in a website post, attempting to summarize Baptists' views. 'This is about a concerted effort to bring down a cultural icon. We must brace ourselves for the long haul on this one.'" . . . Read More
The Breaking Of The Boy Scouts - Freedom Is Knowledge
Pro-Life Group Ousts Planned Parenthood From YMCA 'Girls Day' Conference With Email Campaign - Breitbart
5. Head Of ICE Union Warns Immigration Bill ‘will put the public safety at risk’
"The leader of an Immigrations and Customs Enforcement union on Thursday called on lawmakers to vote down the Gang of Eight’s sweeping immigration proposal, warning that the new legislation would make the country more dangerous if implemented into law." - Daily Caller
“'This bill will put the public safety at risk without doubt,' ICE agent Chris Crane, the president of the National ICE Council, said during a press conference in the Russell Senate Office Building.
This week, a bipartisan group of U.S. senators — including Democratic New York Sen. Chuck Schumer and Republicans Florida Sen. Marco Rubio — unveiled the Border Security, Economic Opportunity, and Immigration Modernization Act of 2013." . . . Read More
6. Kerry: All You Gun Toters Are Scaring Japanese Students . . . Or Something
While on a trip to Asia ostensibly to deal with the crisis on the Korean peninsula, Kerry took time out to poll his hosts on their views of gun control
"By the way, would these students feel safer in Chicago and Washington DC, where gun-control laws are much more prevalent? If so, then those students should study statistical math before coming to the U.S.
Eliana Johnson at NRO points out that Kerry needs some work on statistical analysis, too. According to a recent study, the reason Japanese students don’t travel as much to the US is because they don’t travel much at all any more, and there are fewer of them to make that decision." . . . Read More
Biden: 'The President Is Already Lining Up Some Additional Executive Actions' for Guns - WeeklyStandard
7. Are Benghazi Whistle-Blowers Starting To Talk?
Sharyl Attkisson of CBS News Tweets:
"CBS News has learned that previously unknown whistleblowers on Benghazi are now speaking to Congressional Investigators" . . . Powerline
Police: NY man attacked Army officer at Wal-Mart - MyFOXNY
8. Medicare Hike Could Also Hit Some In Middle Class
"Retired as a city worker, Sheila Pugach lives in a modest home on a quiet street in Albuquerque, N.M., and drives an 18-year-old Subaru." - Yahoo
"But the way Pugach sees it, she's being penalized for prudence, dinged for saving diligently. It was the government, she says, that pushed her into a higher income bracket where she'd have to pay additional Medicare premiums.
IRS rules require people age 70-and-a-half and older to make regular minimum withdrawals from tax-deferred retirement nest eggs like 401(k)s. That was enough to nudge her over Medicare's line.
'We were good soldiers when we were young,' said Pugach, who worked as a computer systems analyst. 'I was afraid of not having money for retirement and I put in as much as I could. The consequence is now I have to pay about $500 a year more in Medicare premiums.' . . . Read More
Top Democrat: Obamacare 'Huge Train Wreck Coming Down' - Breitbart
9. Illegals Taunt Border Patrol Agents: “Obama’s Gonna Let Me Go”
Sadly they don’t realize that there is now a bipartisan effort to let them go. If only we could somehow get the word out to them, they might vote for us.
"Officials say the number of people entering the U.S. illegally is way up and, tragically, the number of undocumented immigrants who have been found dead in the unforgiving Texas Brush Country is way up, and is on path this year to beat last year’s record for the number of people found dead in the ranch country.
Linda Vickers, who owns a ranch in Brooks County, which is Ground Zero for the immigration debate, pins the blame directly on talk of ‘amnesty’ and a ‘path to citizenship’ for people who entered the U.S. illegally.
She recalls one man being arrested on her ranch not long ago.
'The Border Patrol agent was loading one man up, and he told the officer in Spanish, ‘Obama’s gonna let me go’.” . . . Read More
10. Gosnell Trial Witness: Baby Abortion Survivor Was 'Swimming' in Toilet 'Trying to Get Out'
"Kareema Cross, a 'medical assistant' who worked at Gosnell’s Women’s Medical Society clinic for four-and-a-half years, testified in a Philadelphia court today, telling of the horrors of babies who survived abortions only to have their necks snipped with scissors." - CNSNews
"'Did you ever see those babies move?' asked Prosecutor Joanne Pescatore.
'Yes, once in the toilet,' said Cross.
The baby 'was like swimming,' she said. 'Basically, trying to get out.'
Adrienne Moton, an employee at the clinic, then took the baby and snipped the back of its neck while the mother was still in the room. Cross told the jury that when Shayquana Abrams came into the clinic in July 2008 she was pregnant, 'and she was big.'
'That was the largest baby I ever saw,' Cross said.
When the baby was born alive, Abrams was sleeping. Cross said Dr. Gosnell took the baby boy, which she described as 12 to 18 inches long, and put him inside a plastic container the size of a shoebox. 'The baby was still breathing,' she said. 'He didn’t cut the neck right there.'" . . . Read More
Grand Jury: Gosnell Aborted 'The Really Big Ones' on Sundays - NewMediaJournal
Gosnell’s Chop Shop - American Spectator
Is media bias to blame for lack of Gosnell coverage? Or something far more banal? - Washington Post
House lawmakers call on ABC, NBC, CBS to explain media’s Gosnell, Planned Parenthood ‘blackout’ - DailyCaller
Eight Reasons for the Media Blackout on Kermit Gosnell - Gospel Coalition
If Baby Killer Kermit Gosnell Had Been Dog Killer Michael Vick - The American Vision
Obama White House: No comment on case against abortion provider Kermit Gosnell - YouTube
XXX - Why Would Americans Expect Anything Different From The Mentality Of A For-Profit Obama-Supported Planned Parenthood National Termination Chop Shop - Freedom Is Knowledge
"More blacks are aborted in just three days than during the entire period of the KKK, while half of all mothers who get abortions today are reported to have already had one [for the purpose of birth control]." - Freedom Is Knowledge
It is no measure of health to be well-adjusted to a profoundly sick society - J. Krishnamurti
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Background photo source: President George Washington