Date: April 11, 2013
New York State Police Admit to Major Mistake in Gun Confiscation Case
From: Freedom is Knowledge
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Concern Over Flaws In The Mental Health Reporting Provisions In The NY SAFE Act
“'When you write a piece of legislation in a vacuum, without having hearings, without talking to people about how it’s going to implemented in the real world — without jeopardizing people’s rights, and putting an individual like this through a nightmarish experience, and infringe on their rights, you have to go back to the drawing board,' he said. 'And I encourage the legislative leadership here and mostly our governor to take a step back and say ‘we didn’t get it right’ and let’s change this.'” - Read More
Original Headline:
Attorney Verifies Clients In New York State Have Now Had Their Gun Licenses Suspended Over Prescription Drugs
Two gun owners have had their pistol permits suddenly pulled because it was discovered by state police they were taking psychotropic medication. No one knows what other medications are on this list, who had the authority to see these medications, and why now.
(Note: Obama's Health And Human Services will have access to the medical records of Americans.)
"Despite promises from the president and a host of other politicians who are pushing for more gun control that nobody is coming for your guns, the confiscation of guns and gun permits has apparently started in some form in New York State. One attorney representing several people who have been forced to surrender their guns spoke with TheBlaze and alerted us to some disturbing facts:
- Gun owners are losing their 2nd Amendment rights without due process.
- HIPAA Laws are likely being compromised and the 4th and 5th Amendments are being violated in some of these cases
How did confiscation start happening so quickly? Apparently the gun grabbing was triggered by something inside the NY SAFE Act — New York’s new gun law — that has a provision apparently mandating confiscation of weapons and permits if someone has been prescribed psychotropic drugs." . . . Read More
"How many people do we know who are on Prozac and everything else? Psychotropic drugs include Ambien, Prozac, Ritalin, Valium, Xanax, and Thorazine." . . . Read More |
Audio Interview Of Original Complaint Against State Police
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