Date: March 27, 2013
Touré, Touré, Touré
From: Freedom is Knowledge
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Scratch A Liberal, Find A Racist - Bernard Goldberg
What could be a similar call, Tora, Tora, Tora, came from the movie of the same name created to tell the story of the attack on Pearl Harbor, a warning of the coming bombing and the Japanese term for torpedo attack.
And so it was for elitist American yuppie, Touré Nablett, who makes it his business to torpedo conservative blacks that include Dr. Ben Carson, a living icon for helping black and white children out of the ghetto.
Neblett obviously never needed financial assistance from Dr. Carson, having attended the 1789 established academy whose students would eventually feed Harvard with incoming applicants. The Milton Academy was attended by Robert and Ted Kennedy in their boyhood days.
However Neblett is nothing like the Kennedys, who understood that leadership was about cooperation and not throwing N bombs at conservative Americas because they were different from progressives. The Milton Academy writes of its mission, Milton Academy cultivates in its students a passion for learning and a respect for others. Obviously as you will see, Neblett took little with him when he left Milton.
Neblett would eventually go onto write articles for The New Yorker, the New York Times Magazine, Playboy, and The Village Voice. He would later give far-left opinions on MSNBC's cable network on its newer program, The Cycle.
The Web site, crayfisher, goes on to report about Neblett:
"'Touré Neblett was raised in the predominately white community of Randolph, Massachusetts. He attended the prestigious Milton Academy, a mostly-white private prep school. After graduating from Milton, Touré went to college:
'When he went to Emory University in Atlanta, Touré made fast friends with the white students in his dorm. Then he read “The Autobiography of Malcolm X,” switched his major to African American studies, started a black nationalist student newspaper, brought the incendiary rapper Chuck D to campus and, eventually, moved into the Black Student Association’s private house.'" - Read More
One would think Neblett, who refers to himself as Touré and not unlike the marketing of a corporate logo or similar to the Obama "O," looked as if he supported self-achievement for ANY black American. This came from a comment he made on a video promo that previewed his keynote address for the Spring 2012 Black Leadership Conference.
Neblett believes, saying in the promotional video, "Any way that you want to be Black is legitimate . . . authentic. [He heard blacks say] I come from blackness but I want to be a concert pianist. I love Opera. I love ballet. I love Golf, Tennis, what have you. I want to go skydiving, and I'm not going to say I'm not going to do it because I'm black."
Yet on FOX News two night ago the video on the left was shown of Neblett speaking on MSNBC's, The Cycle, reporting that Dr. Ben Carson was the GOP's "Black Friend," or in other words referring to Dr. Carson as an Uncle Tom.
So who is this Dr. Carson that the yuppie Neblett viciously attacked with permission of MSNBC, other than the African-American we know that came out of the Detroit ghetto as a fatherless child and went on to become one of the top pediatric neurologists in America serving at John Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland. And unlike Neblett, Carson saved lives, he didn't attack them.
What you may not know is that Dr. Carson also has a unique Scholar's Fund that recently gave out 2.3 million dollars to colleges around the country to assist underprivileged students, white or black. Then in 2000 Dr. Ben Carson initiated his Reading Project for low achieving students, which now has 80 reading rooms in 12 states assisting disadvantaged children to learn to read. Watch the videos below for more.
So based on what Neblett said in the above promotion for the Spring 2012 Black Leadership Conference, any black should be able to achieve whatever he wants as long as wears the branded collar of the liberal and stays on the Democrat Party's plantation.
These kinds of attacks by radicals such as Neblett allowed on Comcast's MSNBC aren't that rare. For instance, Lawrence O'Donnell viciously attacked conservative Tom Selleck, O'Donnell seeing the actor as NRA's 'Poster Boy,' Selleck serving on its board.
O'Donnell therefore blames Selleck personally for the murders of the children at Sandy Point School because Selleck is defending law-abiding Americans to be able to own guns across America's 50 states. O'Donnell's ideas on gun control seems to be to reduce drunk drivers, you need to make it tougher for sober people to drive.
Neblett also went after presidential candidate, Mint Romney, calling a Romney comment the "niggerization" of the presidential campaign. Then Neblett went after CNN's Piers Morgan as not being enough of an American to understand the Trayvon conflict.
However, MSNBC goes beyond opinions and reporting the news. MSNBC even edits the news to create the news it wants its viewers to believe for spreading on far-left blogs.
For instance, and this one of three I know of, back in 2009 MSNBC showed a close-up of a man in a white shirt with an AR-15 at an Obama rally. While the close up ran, we never saw the man who was wearing the shirt, the MSNBC hosts sitting around the table and concluding from the image that whites like this man could easily kill President Obama.
But unknown to MSNBC, an independent group had also shot a video of the same man with the AR-15. However to get the real story, this group interviewed the man where MSNBC had only shown the close-up for the purpose of controlling the conversation in its on-air live studio.
First click on the MSNBC edited video to the left. Then when done watching, click on the independent video on the right of the actual interview of the man MSNBC had tried to hide. Like I said, MSNBC is the perfect network for people like Neblett and their trash talk.
Neblett is so popular with the progressive media, his marriage to a lovely lady was given special attention by the lavish Fashion and Style Section of the New York Times. The Times editor wrote in part and in great detail:
"O.K., who's got the bling?" asked the Rev. Joseph Simmons, a Pentecostal minister, who was looking for the couple's wedding bands. Also called Reverend Run, he is best known as a member of the pioneering rap group Run-DMC. The crowd of 120 included his brother, the hip-hop mogul Russell Simmons; the CNN anchor Soledad O'Brien; and members of Miss Nakouzi's family, who had flown in from Beirut, Lebanon, where the bride was born.
Touré grew up in Boston, attending Milton Academy and playing at what he described as a "ghetto tennis club." He left Emory University in his junior year for New York, having decided to become a writer "determined to expand the complexity of the discussion of black people." He refers to his novel "Soul City" (Little, Brown, 2004) as a kind of African-American magical realism.
"I don't really view the world with race in mind," Miss Nakouzi said. "When I first saw him I wasn't like 'That's a cute black guy.' That was a huge discussion between us in the way we viewed the world." She added, "I think we've both opened our eyes to different ways of looking at things."
They also began traveling the world together, something they both enjoy. After a vacation in Brazil in 2002 they started living together in Fort Greene, Brooklyn. Later, at a writers' conference in Jamaica, he introduced her to the crowd as the woman he was going to marry.
After the couple became engaged in September 2003, Miss Nakouzi said she and Touré had "an interesting conversation" about having children. "Touré said, 'You really need to know African-American culture because your kids will be black.' I said, 'Well, you should know about Lebanese culture because your kids will be Lebanese.' " . . . Read More
Then later Neblett couldn't resist promoting the 40th anniversary of Roe vs. Wade, agreeing with President Obama's stunning comment that he didn't want his daughters "punished with a baby," which of course would be President Obama's tossed-aside grandchild. It was not unlike how Obama had treated the Kenyans, sending our tax-payer money to push an abortion-friendly constitution onto its people, or in more correct terms, colonialism.
So Neblett, not unlike Obama, went out of his way to support Planned Parenthood in aborting all the unwanted American children who were in the way of the parent's perfected future life. Planned Parenthood would lead the way for Neblett to find his correct partner, Neblett bluntly saying, "When I fell into a bad situation abortion was there to save me."
If I was a child, I might wonder as I matured what my sister or brother might have been to my life if I knew they had been aborted . . . or then maybe I could have been the one for the"bad situation."
"It is no measure of health to be well-adjusted to a profoundly sick society." - J. Krishnamurti
Source: TheBlaze
Note: "Forty percent of pregnancies among white women, 67% among blacks and 53% among Hispanics are unintended. In 2008, 1.21 million abortions were performed, down from 1.31 million in 2000. However, between 2005 and 2008, the long-term decline in abortions stalled. From 1973 through 2008, nearly 50 million legal abortions occurred. Each year, two percent of women aged 15–44 have an abortion. Half have had at least one previous abortion." - Read More |
Source: YouTube
Chief Executive, Brian L. Roberts, of Comcast: Comcast purchase of NBCUniversal to be completed in March of 2013. - Read More
On Comcast's Web page on Governance, under it's "Our Values" that is highlighted by a photo of Mr. Roberts, side copy at the top of the page reads, "A Message from Comcast Chairman and CEO, Brian L. Roberts:"
Our Values
"Diversity and inclusion are important components of our company’s future success — not just as values, but as part of a business philosophy central to our operations. As a global leader in media and technology, we have a responsibility to reflect the customers and communities we serve in all aspects of our businesses.
Comcast and NBCUniversal’s comprehensive governance structure focuses on accountability, responsibility, expectations and effective management of diversity and inclusion programs at the highest levels.
From our Chairman and CEO, Brian L. Roberts, through our entire management organization, Comcast and NBCUniversal are taking active steps to advance a culture of diversity and inclusion. These priorities help guide how we do business — from the decisions we make every day to our long-term strategies and goals." . . . Read More
"So Mr. Roberts, would you please answer this question. Which goes first, Comcast's Mission Statement of Our Values or the hate speech against American heroes such as Dr. Ben Carson along with the biased editing of news stories by your MSNBC news bureau to create the dangerous images that whites in America want to use their guns to kill the first black president?" - Webmaster
If things go bad for you -
And make you a bit ashamed,
Often you will find out that
You have yourself to blame …
Swiftly we ran to mischief
And then the bad luck came.
Why do we fault others?
We have ourselves to blame …
Whatever happens to us
Here are the words to say,
“Had it not been for so-and-so
Things wouldn’t have gone that way.”
And if you’re short of friends,
I’ll tell you what to do -
Make an examination,
You’ll find that fault’s in you …
You’re the captain of your ship,
So agree with the same –
If you travel downward,
You have yourself to blame.
Dr. Ben Carson's favorite poem.
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