Date: March 24, 2013
Week In Review - Top Ten News Stories You Might Not Know About
From: Freedom is Knowledge
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Obama’s [Actual] Rules for “Nonviolently” Stopping Rape and Murder
Source: YouTube
Source: The Blaze
Source: WHDH-TV
1. Calm Down! The Devil in 'The Bible' Miniseries Isn't Obama
Chances are you've come across this image of the devil from the History Channel's epic miniseries, The Bible.
"Does he look familiar? A lot of people seem to think so. The Internet went ablaze this week when side-by-side comparisons of this version of Satan and various photos of President Obama made the rounds. As the Internet is known to do, it sparked quite a bit of controversy as people began to assume that the similarities weren't exactly accidental.
Eventually, the accusations became so widespread that the History Channel and the people behind the film had to chime in to defend the film." . . . Read More
2. Jerusalem Post Editor Can't Figure Out Why Obama Showed Up In Israel
Senior Contributing Editor of the Jerusalem Post said the Israeli people consider President Obama "a hostile president overall." - Jerusalem Post
"Appearing with Brian Wilson and myself Wednesday morning, Glick said the Israeli people "can't figure out what he's doing here," when asked about the mood in Jerusalem as the President's plane touched down for the first time in his presidency." . . . Jerusalem Post
Watch Video: We don't know why Obama came here.
Obama Quotes Alinsky In Speech To Young Israelis. Channels Main Theme Of ‘Rules For Radicals’ Book On Community Organizing - Klein Online
Obama Visits Abbas And Calls For Israel To Be Divided - NowTheEndBegins
Obama Administration OK's Special Travel Benefit For Saudis - NewMediaJournal
White House Map 'Erases' Jerusalem, Biblical Territories - WND
Rockets Hit Israel as Obama Meets Palestinians - Newsmax
Easter "Seggquester" Avoided! - Canada Free Press
3. Abortion Assistant Admits To Cutting The Spines Of Newborns With Scissors
Pro-Abortion groups not worried: This doesn't happen that often.
"Philadelphia’s Kermit Gosnell made his large fortune running two abortion practices. His abortion clinic was correctly dubbed “House Of Horrors” for being unsanitary, blood-stained, and allegedly some fetal body parts were in jars around the clinic. He was arrested in January of 2011 and the opening statements started just last week. What is truly horrifying, however, are the testimonies his employees and patients are giving concerning his practice." . . . Read More
4. Judge Overturns Missouri Law On Birth Control Coverage
A federal judge has struck down a Missouri law exempting moral objectors from mandatory birth control coverage
"The ruling by U.S. District Judge Audrey Fleissig cites a provision in the U.S. Constitution declaring that federal laws take precedence over contradictory state laws. But Fleissig emphasized that she was taking no position on the merits of the Obama administration policy, which requires insurers to cover contraception at no additional cost to women.
Missouri Attorney General Chris Koster did not say on Monday whether he would appeal the ruling, which was dated Thursday but not publicized." . . . Read More
Pro-Life Grandma Violently Attacked During Botched Abortion Incident At Planned Parenthood
5. Applying For Obama Healthcare Not Exactly Easy - [Duh!]
Applying for benefits under President Barack Obama's health care overhaul could be as daunting as doing your taxes. - Yahoo
"The government's draft application is now on the Internet. It runs 15 pages for a three-person family. The online version has 21 steps, some with added questions.
At least three major federal agencies, including the IRS, will scrutinize your application. That's just the first part of the process, which lets you know if you qualify for financial help." . . . Read More
Your Doctor To Become One Person Death Panel? Government-Funded ‘Mortality Index’ Raises Worries Over Obamacare Rationing - KleinOnline
Stunning indictment of Obamacare! Six in 10 physicians said it is likely many of their colleagues will retire earlier than planned - Everyday Health
6. College Student Says He Was Suspended For Refusing A Professor's Demand To Stomp On "Jesus" Sign
"Ryan Rotela, a junior at Florida Atlantic University (FAU), is waging a bizarre allegation against his professor, Dr. Deandre Poole." - The Blaze
"The student is claiming that he’s been suspended from his intercultural communications class for refusing to write “JESUS” on a sheet of paper, throw it on the floor and then stomp on it — a request that the instructor apparently made. If you’re already scratching your head, you’re not alone. The curious claim caught the attention of WPEC-TV, a South Florida CBS affiliate.
Rotela, a devout Mormon, says he refused to participate in the purported activity and told Poole that he found the request offensive." . . . Read More
The Frightful Level Of Thought Control In American Academia - Creation Revolution
Texas Mom Outraged After Finding Stunning Question About 9/11, Terrorism On Her Son’s 5th Grade Test - The Blaze
Scratch A Liberal, Find A Racist - Bernard Goldberg
7. Dallas Considers Free Condoms For School kids
Dallas County Health and Human Services is now pushing for teens to be provided free condoms and graphic sex education.
"Thompson says that Texas has seen an “increase in the number of teen pregnancies statewide as well as STD’s and HIV among 13-18 age group.” He wants the state to pass out condoms in churches." . . . Read More
New Report: 48 Percent Of First Children Born To Unwed Mothers - CNS NEWS
University Of Tennessee Pulls Funding For “Sex Week.” - OneNewsNow
8. Sis Refuses To Answer Congress On Bullet Purchases
Department Of Homeland Security (DHS) stays mum as Congressional members probe for reason
"Congressman Timothy Huelscamp revealed this week that the Department of Homeland Security has refused to answer questions from “multiple” members of Congress regarding its recent purchase of huge amounts of weapons and ammunition. 'They have no answer for that question. They refuse to answer to answer that,' Huelscamp said.
'I’ve got a list of various questions of agencies about multiple things. Far from being the most transparent administration in the world, they are the most closed and opaque,' the Congressman added." . . . Read More
Police Departments Beg And Barter For Ammo While DHS Buys Up 1.6 Billion Rounds In Past Year - OneNewsNow
Mobile App Finds America's 'Gun-Free Zones' So Pistol-Packing Activists Can Avoid Shopping At Anti-Second Amendment Businesses - DailyMail
9. Russian Television: Partial Release Of Hacked Hillary Clinton E-mails
Note From Publisher: This post is a developing story first reported by The Smoking Gun and RT
"RT [News] has released excerpts from the purported Blumenthal-Clinton memos. RT, which is a propaganda arm of the Putin regime, will have its own agenda in selecting and interpreting excerpts, which is not immediately clear. RT focuses on two of the four hacked emails, citing sensitive sources, on the attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi.
The first excerpted Blumenthal e mail, dated September 12, 2012, reports that senior advisors told the President of Libya during the day of September 11 that the Benghazi and Tripoli attacks were sparked by the Cairo demonstrations and anger over an anti-Muslim video." . . . Read More
European Jihadists: The Latest Export - GateStone Institute
How Dare Australians Balk At Legal Pluralism To "Accommodate” Shariah? - Sheikyermami
10. Stunning! Poland Vows Own Shield As U.S. Reins In Europe Missile Defense
Consequences Of American Voters Electing A Radical Harvard Professor Who Downsizes America In The World, Allowing Dictators To Rise Again And History To Repeat Itself!
"Poland said Wednesday it would spend 33.6 billion euros ($43.3 bn) to set up its own missile shield, days after the US announced it was ready to abandon the final phase of the European missile defense system.
"We will create our own air defense system. Our national missile shield, with the American shield, the elements of which will be on our territory by 2018 and will make up part of the NATO system," Poland's Foreign Minister Radoslaw Sikorski told parliament Wednesday in his annual address outlining this EU and NATO member's foreign policy priorities." . . . Read More
Source: YouTube
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Background photo source: President George Washington