Date: February 17, 2013
Week In Review - Top Ten Stories You Might Not Know About
From: Freedom is Knowledge
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TKS to Bill of Florida
Need Government Assistance? Obama's Got The Stash
As if America didn't have enough citizens receiving entitlements, Obama wants to be sure everyone has access to the entire list, one to be paid for by what some of his followers have called 'Obama's stash.'
The czars that run Obama's administration added a strange disclaimer to their government assistant list's Web page. Are you ready? 'This page is not part of a campaign.' I guess they finally realize that with Obama it really is hard for Americans to tell where his campaign ends . . . and the leadership begins.
The Obama administration instructs the following on the Web page, understanding that today's low-information Obama voter may not understand some basic terms from the financial world they live in, such as grants and loans:
"When looking for financial assistance, remember that there are differences between grants and loans. You are required to pay back a loan, often with interest. You are not required to pay back a grant, but there are very few grants available to individuals. Most grants are awarded to universities, researchers, cities, states, counties, and non-profit organizations. You can search for these type of grants on" . . . Read More
It's hard to believe that those surrounding Obama's agenda for America, which he affectionately calls his 'czars,' really care about everyday people. The objective of many of these Marxists, where the term czars originated, has been historically to overwhelm the system until it collapses from the weight within of too many people jumping onto the table to get to the goodies paid off the backs of others.
This was actually pushed hard years ago in New York State by the Communists, Cloward & Piven. They tried to establish socialism for what was hoped would become a new collective for their progressives to rule. Their goons would run around the state's assistance offices, telling the recipients they needed to know ALL the benefits they could receive. The goal of Cloward & Piven was to create greed, hoping low-information voters would gorge themselves off the system and bankrupt it, pulling it down to create chaos. That would allow socialism to replace what had been a free capitalistic system based on individual achievement, not government hand-outs where everyone is under the government's thumb.
That system had been intended to assist people that needed the help to get back up on their feet after falling down. But Cloward & Piven wanted the goodies to go on forever to collapse the system. It wasn't until Rudy Giuliani was elected mayor of New York City that their self-serving deed was finally exposed. But with Obama's new buffet of benefits shown on the above government's Web site, Cloward & Piven's objective lives on, this time nationally, marking time until the system collapses under the heel of far-left progressive Democrat control. - Webmaster
Hey, Barack: Look What Al Arabiya News Is Reporting.
Guess you didn't get all those Al-Qaeda boys with your drones, eh, as you told Americans before the November 2012 election and assisted by CNN's host during the second presidential debate. Al-Qaeda really was operating in Benghazi on September 11, 2013, murdering four of our treasures while wounding others, as they waited for help under your watch that never came. And those others? OMG, no one can find them for an interview. Hmm.
Sadly with all the incompetence in your administration, only a Coptic film maker went to jail for using his right of free speech . . . living among the progressive and diverse Hollywood elites. This was as members of Democrat Party Members in Congress fawned over the wonderful job Hillary Clinton had done as Secretary of State under Obama's rule. Now she is replaced by approval of that same Congress with a senator who received an award from the Vietnamese in the early 1990's for helping to stop America during the Viet Nam war. Since then America has never won any war it has entered. As the sage said, 'When in Rome . . . ' - Webmaster
Al-Qaeda plan for northern Mali revealed in document:
"A document left behind in the bombed remains of an al-Qaeda training headquarters in the Malian city of Timbuktu gives a rare insight into the organization’s thinking, a British newspaper reported Wednesday. The Daily Telegraph said it had found the Arabic-language document outside a building bombed by French forces who drove the Islamists from the ancient city." . . . Read More
White House Confirms: Obama Did Nothing On Benghazi
"The White House admitted today that President Obama made no phone calls–none, zero–on the evening of September 11, 2012, during the seven or eight hours when Americans were being murdered in Benghazi." - Powerline
"The administration’s quiescence in the face of the terrorist attack in Benghazi has always seemed inexplicable. Why didn’t anyone try to help the besieged Americans over the course of that long night? Leon Panetta and General Martin Dempsey testified on Benghazi before the Senate Armed Services Committee last week, but their account made no sense. They said that no help was dispatched to try to save the Americans because 1) the State Department never requested it, and 2) there wasn’t enough time. But there was plenty of time, seven or eight hours before the last two Americans were finally overcome." . . . Read More
Judge Jeanine: Did Obama order a Benghazi rescue mission? - Watch
Drones, Double Standards and the So-Called Mainstream Media
"But before the secret memo made it on the air, the so-called mainstream media showed precious little outrage over the president’s use of drones, which Mr. Obama is deploying in far greater numbers than President Bush ever thought about." - Bernard Goldberg
"You’d think that liberal journalists and their civilian counterparts who were incensed over waterboarding – it was a war crime and a violation of American standards and ideals, they told us – might show the same outrage over drone attacks that leave all sorts of people, guilty and innocent, dead." . . . Read More
Fort Hood Hero Says President Obama 'Betrayed' Her, Other Victims
"'Betrayed is a good word,' former Sgt. Munley told ABC News in a tearful interview to be broadcast tonight on 'World News with Diane Sawyer" and "Nightline.' - ABC News
Watch Video
TMLC Challenges National Defense University’s Accreditation - Read More
Major Defense Company Develops Software For Government To Track ‘Trillions Of Entities’
Rapid Information Overlay Technology (RIOT) software uses photographs embedded with location data from smart phones to track where a person has been and where they might be going! - Guardian / and Now The End Begins
"By using a 'very basic analytic' called 'get top places,' Urch shows a pie chart that breaks down the top 10 places where Nick checks in. He is able to analyze check ins at a specific place by month and day. For example, Nick checks in the most at the gym. June was found to hold his highest gym attendance, and he seems to go more frequently on Mondays and Wednesdays. And the “most interesting” bit of info is that Urch is able to show the time when Nick most likely would be there — 6 a.m." - Read More (See Guardian's screen shots of software's results.)
(Note: This new government tracking of information is disturbing from my earlier documentation on the agenda of Southern Poverty Law Center, (SPLC), to identify patriotic Americans as potential domestic terrorists. The SPLC's URL was added to a FBI page on how to identify terrorists along with being been passed out by the DHS to law enforcement across the nation, being pulled back only after being caught by conservative news outlets. This was all happening in 2009 under the new Obama administration. Now InfoWars has documented this is continuing in 2012, which you can see in their YouTube video. While I'm not a fan of Infowars' uploads, this video describes exactly what I had observed four years ago along with complaining conservative news sites.
But Infowars goes further, mentioning a DHS video from last year titled, "If You See Something, Say Something." When I watched the entire approximate ten-minute video to see if InfoWars claim was true about race, I was stunned to discover virtually all the individuals ready to commit a crime were light skinned or white. Watch for yourself and consider the influence of the SPLC on DHS's subtle message to the viewers in this DHS video, with no surprise SPLC's first president was civil rights activist, Julian Bond.
As a side note, I produced industrial videos in another life and can tell you from a producer's perspective there are no scenes that are accidental. Every scene is planned with actors hired, whites shown in this DHS video as dangerous is no accident! Wake up, America! This technique has a term related to socialism. It's called social engineering, exactly what was warned about in 2008 of a coming Obama administration that once in office would directly affect the Justice Department, the FBI, and the DHS, not to mention what has already happened to ICE, appointments to our Defense Department, and the discovery of the agenda in Fast & Furious to go after American gun shops as if selling weapons to Mexico.)
"ICE union head on deporting welfare-dependents: ‘We are not permitted to enforce that statute. Period.’" . . . Read More
Students Told to Stop ‘USA!’ Chant, Take Off American Flag Bandanas
"Four California high-school students were reportedly suspended for chanting “U.S.A! U.S.A!” and wearing American flag bandanas during a basketball game." - The Corner
"But the students deny any racial element to their chants. “We’ve done it always,” one student said. “It’s something we do. It’s the same group of friends. We’re all very patriotic.” The four students gained support from their peers: More than 100 students gathered by the school’s flagpole the following morning to protest in patriotic clothing." . . . Read More
Political correctness gone mad while free speech is trashed again!
Lib West Virginia Professor Tells Her Students They Can’t Use FOX News In Class - Read More
A Call To Islam In The Arizona Senate - Read More
Update: U.S. Supreme Court's Decision To Continue Dr. Orly Taitz's Challenge to Barack Obama's Documents Will Be Released On Tuesday, February 19, 2013
"Who is Harrison J. Bounel? According to the 2009 tax return submitted by President Barack Obama, he’s the President of the United States. All nine U.S. Supreme Court Justices are scheduled to discuss this anomaly today." - Orly Taitz
"The case in question is Edward Noonan, et al v. Deborah Bowen, California Secretary of State, and the Justices are finally looking at it thanks to the dogged determination of Orly Taitz. The case calls into question many of the documents Obama (Bounel, Soetoro, Soebarkah, etc.) has used and/or released as authentic since he came on the national scene. The case contends that the documents — birth certificate, Social Security number, Selective Service registration, etc. — are fakes or forgeries. If that’s the case, Obama should not have been on the California ballot in 2008 and, therefore, should not have received the State’s electoral votes. Four of the nine Justices must vote to move the case forward." . . . Read More
Court docket up to 15th (Note: Typist of docket schedule spelled Barack incorrect. Hmm, a backdoor? - Webmaster.)
CDC: U.S. Faces STI Epidemic
15-24 year-olds are responsible for half of those infections, leading the CDC to urge abstinence or at least safe sex. [(Hmm, want to bet progressives are furious with the CDC's use of the word abstinence?]
"The U.S. Centers for Disease Control just announced that the number of new sexually transmitted infections (STIs) has risen to 20 million nationwide each year." . . . Read More
So what happened to the term STD? After 25 years it's being replaced by some 'mumbo-jumbo' excuse to make it sound less intimidating to our rotting grass roots, what Rush Limbaugh calls the Obama low-information voter. Progressives are therefore likely to be pushing the medical community to tone it down. In other words, Planned Parenthood can now say, 'Keep on 'trucking, girls and boys. It's only a STI.' |
Court Dismisses 6-Year-Old Challenge To Ten Commandments Monument
ACLU to Pay Costs
"A federal district court has finally dismissed the ACLU’s six-year-old challenge against a Ten Commandments monument in Dixie County, Florida. As part of the court-ordered dismissal, the ACLU will now have to pay court costs caused by its failed lawsuit." - Read More
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Background photo source: President George Washington