Date: February 7, 2013
"True The Vote" Sues St. Lucie County, Florida
From: Freedom is Knowledge
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True The Vote Goes After Voting Records Of The 2012 Election For Congressman Allen West In St. Lucie County, Florida
"Files Law Suit For Failure To Permit Inspection Of CD-18 Election Records" - True The Vote
"On November 16, Defendant Walker claimed to find 306 early votes in a box at her office that had not been counted. The St. Lucie County Canvassing Board ordered a recount of all early votes, with a deadline set for noon on November 18.
On November 17, the full recount operation was relocated to a privately-owned property. County workers were evicted from the premises late at night, suspending the recount until the next morning.
On November 18, County workers failed to meet the deadline, instead certifying the original November 10 tabulation, which officials claimed “uncertainty” over the accuracy of the results.
True the Vote later demanded to review poll books, “voter credit” lists, felon files and others to perform a comprehensive audit of the CD-18 tabulations. Inspection rights were not granted and so this lawsuit was made necessary." . . . Read More
Source: True The Vote
True The Vote NOW (TTVN) is a public policy organization dedicated to reforming our voting systems at state and federal levels. True the Vote NOW promotes solutions that increase citizen engagement and restore faith in our elections. For more information, please visit |
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