Date: January 28, 2013
Paul Revere 2013? Smart Meters To Control Your Electricity For Easy On . . . And Instant Off!
From: Freedom is Knowledge
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(Note: I first ran the basics of this story from godfatherpolitics, which had picked it up on January 25th, about a family in Naperville, Illinois, who had been forced to have a smart meter installed at their home. The Blaze picked the story up and then Breitbart finally reported on it three days later. (The original posting from my HTML e-mail can be found at the bottom.)
Utility Worker Stands On Homeowner's Property: "The Law Allows it . . . Cut it!"
While another power company employee obeys the order and cuts the chain on the homeowner's fence, which was there to keep uninvited guests out, the power company employees walk onto her property and proceed to call the police.
A friend video tapes the event, the police then arresting her, too. According to a report from Breitbart, the videotaping of police was ruled by the Supreme Court as a citizen's right, overturning an Illinois law. Yet as clearly shown in the video, the police didn't care that they were the ones now breaking the law.
Source: YouTube - Note: video continues on its own to next story. Press pause when done watching.
A law means nothing unless it's enforced, the police having the guns and handcuffs while at the same time the Supreme Court could have been enjoying lattes at an Obama brunch back in Washington D.C.
So is it any wonder our law enforcement may be confused about what rules they are to follow as America's own president, Barack Obama, is reported to have now threatened our First Amendment by openly going after FOX News and Rush Limbaugh for protecting Constitutional rights.
This is as CBS ran the following from progressive Georgetown law professor, Louis Michael Seidman, progressives across the country obviously getting the message from the November election that it's okay to go after the Constitution, which would complete the fundamental transformation of the United States of America. Watch for yourself about our "outdated" document:
"This is our country. We live in it, and we have a right to the kind of country we want. We would not allow the French or the United Nations to rule us, and neither should we allow people who died over two centuries ago and knew nothing of our country as it exists today. If we are to take back our own country, we have to start making decisions for ourselves, and stop deferring to an ancient and outdated document." . . . Read More
Source: YouTube
This Spreads Across America Like A Wildfire
"According to the Chicago Tribune, Malia 'Kim' Bendis was also arrested on two misdemeanors for resisting a police officer and attempted eavesdropping, when she filmed police on scene (see video on the left), despite a recent federal court ruling that the state of Illinois’s ban on recording police officers in the line of duty was 'unconstitutional.' The U.S. Supreme Court upheld that ruling in November." . . . Breitbart
Power companies have been quietly using the law, with the approval of local city governments, to push citizens around by forcing the power company's agenda on the local populations they once had only served.
Listen below to the interview of a homeowner in the Richmond District of San Francisco. She probably looks like a terrorist to the new elites at the West Point Center whose progressives there have drawn a link between the mainstream conservative movement and what they call the violent “far right,” while describing liberals as “future oriented” and conservatives as living in the past."
So this woman, who is concerned about her property rights being violated in the video below, by the standards of the West Point Center is living in the past?! As Glenn Beck often says, I hope fire is coming out of your eyeballs!
Source: YouTube |
The Wall Street Wall Journal commented about Smart Meters in an April 2009 article titled, "Smart Meter, Dumb Idea?"
"New devices promise to cut energy use by giving consumers more information. Critics say they aren't worth the cost.
Proponents of smart meters say that when these meters are teamed up with an in-home display that shows current energy usage, as well as a communicating thermostat and software that harvest and analyze that information, consumers can see how much consumption drives cost -- and will consume less as a result.
Such knowledge, however, doesn't come cheap. Meters are expensive, often costing $250 to $500 each when all the bells and whistles are included, such as the expense of installing new utility billing systems. And utilities typically pass these costs directly on to consumers. CenterPoint Energy Inc. in Houston, for instance, recently began charging its customers an extra $3.24 a month for smart meters, sparking howls of protest since the charges will continue for a decade and eventually approach $1 billion.
Consumer advocates fear the costs could be greater than the savings for many households. They also worry that the meters will make it easier for utilities to terminate service - so easy that they will disconnect power for small arrearages that wouldn't have caused a termination in the past." . . . Read More
What Has Come From This Movement To Force Smart Meters on Homes.
It started with progressives pushing dangerous CFL bulbs into every American home to control their use of electricity. This is happening while they use their faux "global warming is caused by man," conveniently pushing aside the earth's and the sun's natural cycles because there is . . . wait for it . . . no money or power for them in believing that!
I had been warning since 2008 about what would happen as Americans were being pushed to save electricity so that the government's EPA could shut down coal plants or force faux brown outs onto the American people.
The bill to outlaw standard light bulbs was signed by RINO George Bush to force the safer incandescent bulbs out of the marketplace, pushing mercury-laden CFL bulbs into tens of millions of homes.
The government could have instead supported the development of the LED bulb to bring down their costs to become competitive with the standard light bulb used since the days of Edison, allowing the market to decide.
But it seems too many progressives, such as Al Gore, were well vested in making investments on all kinds of schemes to lower energy costs in the home. George Bush and our Congress at the time had approved the progressive's gravy train. As you may remember, it was GE, Obama's personal Job Advocate, who shut down GE's standard bulb factory in the U.S. and converted it to CFL bulbs, then shipping the entire manufacturing overseas and putting more Americans out of work.
Liar, liar, Pants of Fire - Hide CFL bulbs from children! The health of Americans is based on political correctness, not on common sense. When someone stepped on a CFL bulb, look what happened to their body. Duh, they're bad products! . . . Read More |
And the political correctness continues . . . Read More |
Power companies have also created programs to push CFL bulbs to replace standard bulbs by giving special discounts to quantity purchases, knowing the CFLs have mercury, which I wrote about in 2008. Unknown to the general public, the bulbs were never, ever intended to be thrown in the garbage but instead driven to a recycling center.
"Warning: Vacate room when CFL bulb breaks." . . . Read More
Note the photo on the left reported from a man who accidentally stepped on a CFL bulb. Now these bulbs are around millions of children in tens of millions of homes.
This is as dangerous and nutty progressives cringe about the environment, smiling while openly approving the sale of tens of millions of CFL bulbs with mercury, these same bulbs winding up in landfills from 2013 and beyond. No one in the government seems to care about the future effects to water tables, the surrounding air of the landfills, or those who are employed to work in them. You need to remember it was these same "rabid liberal progressives" that wanted to drop soot on the earth's poles to heat up the atmosphere to stop global cooling in 1973.
You need to call them what they are, progressive fascists who care little about the consequences of their actions as long as they're on top of the heap to tell everyone else how to live, such as reported in the Wall Street Journal where they want smart meters approved so power companies can (cough) "educate" consumers to save power.
How? By buying more CFLs while shutting down clean coal power stations that provide 48% of the nation's power.
As you can see, when the law gets involved, even power company employees can quickly turn into a homeowner's nightmare by walking over everyday people with the government's permission.
In other words, once the electric companies begin to enjoy the power they have over the public, how far will they go in the future as the Wall Street Journal piece warns of the cutting of power to any home by the simple pushing of a button back at the office. The button will tell your assigned Smart Meter's RFID to turn off the meter in an instant. The power cut, as the report writes, could be caused by a small arrearages that never caused a loss of power or, as I believe, even a simple error in bookkeeping that would take days to correct.
However, the greatest worry is that smart meters capable of automatically shutting off a home's power may not be smart enough to stop hackers from getting to them via a power company's computer network. If sophisticated hackers are able to get into federal government Web sites, what kind of damage could they do by shutting down smart meters across a swath of homes fed by a local electric company? The potential chaos is frightening.
Smart meters are a small sample of the technological world of the coming Mark. And my guess is as it's allowed to continue and grow, you ain't seen nothing of what's around the corner.
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Uploaded November 2011 - Fascism in America
- Original Posting From godfatherpolitics Article of January 25th -
Two Moms Arrested For Opposing ‘Smart Meters’ In Their Homes
Two Citizens in Obama's Illinois found out what happens to Americans who think they can determine their own best interests.
The touted efficiency and reliability increases of the meters arise because the meters patch a home into a computerized network that allows faceless technocrats at some faraway power facility to determine if you are using too much electricity and control the utilities and even appliances in your home. With smart meters, the utility company can turn down or cut off the flow of electricity to your house, adjust your thermostat without your knowledge and monitor your usage in real time. If you have modern computerized appliances, they can control your washing machine, dryer, dishwasher, refrigerator, even your coffee maker. Stahl said utility workers ignored a posted sign refusing to allow a smart meter, cut a lock on her gate and forced entry into her backyard. When she stood in front of her meter and refused to move, the police stepped in and arrested her. Bendis declined to speak to reporters on advice of her attorney." . . . Read More
"Bendis exited the Naperville Police Department about an hour later to handful of smart meter opponents who cheered for her release. She declined comment, citing the advice of her attorney." - Read More
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Background photo source: President George Washington