Date: January 21, 2013
New York's Senator Schumer Agrees With HuffPo: "NRA Is A Fringe Group."
From: Freedom is Knowledge
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The Democrat Party: Face Of Fascism Rising!
They are a very extreme group. They don’t even represent average gun holders. - Senator Schumer
Obama's Fawning National Media Opens Up War Against Conservatives
Democrats Loving It: Never let a good crisis go to waste!
(Shades of Third Reich and its media war against Jewish businessmen)
Huffington Post openly declares war on conservative NRA, calling it a dangerous fringe group to the American people.
Progressive Huffington Post Live interviewer, Alicia Menendez, asks Senator Schumer if he "AGREES" the National Rifle Association (NRA) is a fringe group.
With this question HuffingtonPost proves again to be the sister of the DailyKOS, HuffPo chosen by AOL's CEO to represent the news for AOL, millions of conservative subscribers held hostage by a decision they had no control over. - Webmaster
"Senator Chuck Schumer (D-NY) sat down with HuffingtonPost Live Friday, where he made a noteworthy statement about the rapidly-growing National Rifle Association.
Responding to interviewer Alicia Menendez’s question about whether Schumer’s colleagues are “willing to admit” that the NRA is a “fringe group,” the senator responded: “Well they sure are a fringe group, but whether enough of my colleagues are ready to admit that, I’m not sure.”
He continued: “They are a very extreme group. They don’t even represent average gun holders.” - The Blaze
Watch HuffingtonPost Live Interview
Remembering CNN's Attack Only A Few Weeks Ago
CBS News Political Director - "Go for the Throat of the GOP!"
Astonishing Advice: Obama ‘Must Go for the Throat,’ ‘Pulverize’ & ‘Declare War’ On The GOP
President Barack Obama needs to “pulverize” and “destroy” his Republican opponents if he wants to leave any kind of legacy — according to CBS News’ political director.
“Go for the throat!” declares the title of John Dickerson’s latest column for Slate, posted Friday. Its subtitle: “Why if he wants to transform American politics, Obama must declare war on the Republican Party.”
In it, Dickerson — who was named CBS News political director in 2011 — says Obama, facing political gridlock and endless clashes with House Republicans, has the challenge of “how to be great when the environment stinks”: - The Blaze
CBS News Political Director to Barack Obama: Destroy the GOP - Bernard Goldberg
MSNBC - Chris Matthews: Obama Second Inaugural Akin to Gettysburg Address
"Barack Obama is perhaps the only modern president who has had the burden of swatting away comparisons between his own soaring rhetoric and that of our 16th president." - National Review Online
"You may recall that, in the wake of the Newtown massacre, Pulitzer Prize–winning reporter David Maraniss gushed over the president’s remarks, writing, “People will long remember what Barack Obama said in Newtown,” and calling the speech '[Obama's] Gettysburg address.'
Today, thanks to MSNBC’s Chris Matthews, it took less than five minutes for the comparison to be drawn between President Obama’s second inaugural address and, well, all manner of things Lincoln." . . . Read More
Warning From Dissident Raised Under Eastern European Communism:
"Progressives more tyrannical than today's Communists." - Dr. Trifkovic
Warning released November 2011 - Fascism Comes To America
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Background photo source: President George Washington