Date: January 13, 2013
Week In Review - Top Ten Stories You Might Not Know About
From: Freedom is Knowledge
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But First, Some Quick History Voters Seem To Want To Forget
As America Races Down The Dangerous Path To Socialism, Americans say, "There is no danger. The Government Will Protect Its People."
But That's Exactly What the Jews Said!
NEVER FORGET HOW FAST Society Can Change When Voters Refuse To Vet A Leader That Promises Cradle To Grave-Like Assistance, Their Not Caring If It Crashes The System . . .
Listen to a survivor who escaped and now sees in her old age it happening all over again, this time at our front door!
More on how Germany under the Third Reich was like America today
. . . While A Fawning Media, such as at CNN, Sees A Chance To Weaken The U.S. Constitution . . .
. . . And A Reported Black Liberal Yuppie At MSNBC Sees Conservative Black Skin Not Black Enough For Her.
Melissa Harris Perry On Cabinet Diversity: Clarence Thomas Doesn't Represent Blacks - Real Clear Politics
1. A Gannett Newspaper, Journal News, Is Allowed To Put Law Enforcement And Judges At Risk
2. America At It's Best . . . For Liberal Progressives, Of Course
Hundreds of progressive in Boulder, Colorado, attend a candlelight vigil for a shot elk while the police officer who protected the community is placed on leave. This is as a reported local notorious late-term abortion clinic sucks the brains out of Boulder babies yet to be born will they probably wouldn't get a candle's worth of attention.
"The death of an elk in Boulder, Colorado, has captured national headlines after hundreds of residents attended a candlelight vigil for the animal this past Sunday.
The elk was reportedly shot after he wandered into a residential neighborhood, where he had frequently been seen before. The police officer who shot the animal has said that he thought the elk was injured. He has been placed on paid leave while an investigation is completed.
But pro-life activists are pointing out that while Boulder residents mourn the death of the elk, innocent unborn human children are being killed right in their midst at one of the country’s most notorious late-term abortion facilities." . . . Read More
3. New York City Mayor Continues Rant, Snagging Anyone Good or Bad In His PC Net
"New York City to restrict prescription painkillers in public hospitals’ emergency rooms." - New York Times
"Some of the most common and most powerful prescription painkillers on the market will be restricted sharply in the emergency rooms at New York City’s 11 public hospitals, Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg said Thursday in an effort to crack down on what he called a citywide and national epidemic of prescription drug abuse.
Under the new city policy, most public hospital patients will no longer be able to get more than three days’ worth of narcotic painkillers like Vicodin and Percocet. Long-acting painkillers, including OxyContin, a familiar remedy for chronic backache and arthritis, as well as Fentanyl patches and methadone, will not be dispensed at all. And lost, stolen or destroyed prescriptions will not be refilled." . . . Read More
4. Head of Pro-Abortion Group Caught . . . wait for it . . . Arranging Sex With Child
What Can Happen When Abortion Advocates Lose Respect For Life.
"Scott Richard Swirling, 61, thought he was discussing plans to meet a District man who was offering to let him have sex with his preteen daughter, authorities said. It turns out Swirling was dealing with an undercover D.C. police officer. Swirling, of Gaithersburg, was arrested Tuesday and charged with traveling across state lines to engage in illicit sexual conduct, a crime which carries a penalty of up to 30 years. Swirling is the third white-collar worker — including an FBI analyst — to be arrested in the sting in less than six weeks." . . . Read More
5. Bronwyn Lundberg's Lesbian 'The Last Supper' Painting Features Ellen DeGeneres And Other Icons
"You've probably seen Leonardo Da Vinci's "The Last Supper" painting, but we're pretty sure you've never seen it like this before." - Huffington Post Voices
"In the hands of West Hollywood-based artist and graphic designer Bronwyn Lundberg, the iconic work became a love letter to famous lesbian figures like Ellen DeGeneres (as Jesus) and Portia de Rossi (as Mary Magdalene), as well as Wanda Sykes, Rosie O'Donnell and others.
We caught up with Lundberg to find out how the piece, which has been making the rounds on the blogosphere in recent days and is available for purchase on her Etsy page, came about, how she chose which lesbians to include and more." . . . Read More
6. Unborn Babies: Humans Learning in the Womb - (Or Are They Just Planned Parenthood's Mush?)
Sadly, the womb has been reported to be the most unsafe place for babies to live in Progressive America.
"One of the leading arguments used by abortionists is that a baby is not human until it has been born. Before that time they claim that it is a foetus, not a human, and therefore nothing but a mass of tissue that can be removed and discarded.
However, if the unborn child is just a lump of tissue, then how can it respond to stimuli such as pain or loud sounds? If that’s not enough to convince some people that a foetus is really a human being in the first stages of life, then perhaps a new study will help.
A team of researchers at the Institute for Learning & Brain Sciences at the University of Washington and from Pacific Lutheran University in Tacoma, Washington have studied the ability of unborns to learn languages. They studied babies that were less than 30 hours old in both the US and in Sweden. Half of the babies were male and the other half were female." . . . Read More
7. The Fix is in Part V: Hillary’s Benghazi Cover-up - 101 for Dummies?
Typical Agenda: Obama / Clinton regime reported to not want Americans to know the truth
"The first show was a dog and pony show for the American people, to falsely assure them that their elected leaders were doing their jobs. As Chairman John Kerry (D-Mass) stated in his scripted authoritative opening statement, “From the very beginning of the Benghazi events, every member of this Committee has shared with the President and Secretary Clinton our determination to get all the facts about what happened and why in Benghazi.
Don’t believe one word of that, as reported in The Fix is in Part I, the Obama-Clinton regime do not want you to know the truth—it is the second story-line that you should be following, and it’s called the cover-up. Let me take you behind the smoke and mirrors and show you how it is done." . . . Read More
8. FBI Reported To Have Known Terrorist Anwar al-Aulaqi Purchased Airline Tickets for 9/11 Hijackers
Judicial Watch announced today that it has received documents from the U.S. State Department indicating that the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) was aware on September 27, 2001, that Anwar al-Aulaqi, the U.S. born terrorist assassinated by a U.S. drone in Yemen on September 30, 2011, had purchased airplane tickets for three of the 9/11 terrorist hijackers, including mastermind Mohammed Atta.
"The documents also include material showing that al-Aulaqi was uncooperative with FBI agents investigating the 9/11 attacks and was seemingly a central focus of the FBI investigation and monitoring related to 9/11.
'But records previously uncovered by Judicial Watch, subsequent to the September 27, 2001, FBI transcription, show that al-Aulaqi was arrested and released by authorities. Two documents uncovered by Judicial Watch include “Privacy Act Release Forms' issued by the U.S. Embassy in Sana’a, Yemen, and signed by al-Aulaqi. One was dated November 14, 2006, and the other July 2, 2007, indicating that al-Aulaqi had been arrested by authorities. The documents do not indicate how long al-Aulaqi was detained or why he was released.
In addition to the arrests noted by the documents in 2006 and 2007, al-Aulaqi was detained and questioned at New York’s JFK airport on October 10, 2002, under a warrant for passport fraud, a felony punishable by up to 10 years in prison. However, the FBI ordered al-Aulaqi’s release, even though the arrest warrant was still active at the time of his detention as reported by Fox News Channel’s Catherine Herridge. Once released al-Aulaqi then took a flight to Washington, DC, and eventually returned to Yemen." . . . Read More
9. Perfect Representative For This President: Obama to Use Civil Rights Activist and Not Clergy to Deliver Benediction at Inauguration
No Surprise: "For the first time ever Barack Obama will use a lay person and not a clergy member to deliver the benediction at the 2013 Inauguration." - Gateway Pundit
"President Obama has picked Myrlie Evers-Williams, widow of slain civil rights icon Medgar Evers, to deliver the invocation at his public swearing-in later this month. It is believed to be the first time a woman, and a layperson rather than a clergy member, has been chosen to deliver what may be America’s most prominent public prayer." . . . Read More
Dear Black Pastors Across America: NBC's Lawrence O’Donnell hisses in this video for Obama to get rid of your Bible on Inauguration Day, finding it's 2,000 year-old content offensive in this modern age of progressive thought with its celebrated AIDS-spreading sodomy . . . Video source:

Graphic Source:
Sadly, political correctness continues to override new infections from AIDS in the U.S. You probably wouldn't see this 2010 chart discussed by any in America's liberal progressive media. It is where AIDS infections from male to male sex has finally become acceptable collateral damage to an out-of-control entertainment media that has no desire to count the bodies. It would directly effect their daily programming message of indoctrinating "diversity" while admiring all those pretty rainbows pushing a progressive movement on more and more Obama voters who simply smile and say, "So what. It doesn't affect me."
10. Liberal Progressives Spread Their Cancerous Ideology . . . Everywhere
TKS to Len of Canada, eh?
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Background photo source: President George Washington