Date: December 29, 2012
Week In Review - Top Ten Stories You Might Not Know About
From: Freedom is Knowledge
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New Smartphone App: ‘Are You Eating Ethically?’
"Pushes ‘living wage’ scheme that devastated small businesses." - Klein Online
"A liberal work center that coordinates with labor unions has developed a smart phone application to inform diners about whether they are eating in 'ethical' restaurants that provide a so-called living wage to its wait staff.
The Restaurant Opportunities Centers United, founded by immigration lawyer Saru Jayaraman, unveiled the new app for Android and iPhone users. The group also released a 40-page booklet entitled 'Diners’ Guide to Ethical Eating.'
The guide is being promoted by the AFL-CIO, the nation’s largest union." . . . Read more
Wife Of Ft. Hood Victim: Obama Ignores Our Plight, Never Called Us
"On November 5, 2009, Staff Sgt. Shawn Manning was shot six times by Maj. Nidal Hasan while he was serving on-duty at Ft. Hood in Temple, Texas, in what became known as the Ft. Hood Massacre." - The Examiner
"Autumn Manning is using social media, particularly Twitter, to keep Americans talking about the Ft. Hood tragedy and the lack of support she says she has received from the Obama administration and the President himself. Although Sgt. Manning barely survived the attack, neither he nor any of those wounded and killed have been given combat status for the event. That means they are not are eligible for military honors such as the Purple Heart." . . . Read More
DOD Inspector General Report May Criticize Vickers In Discussions With Filmmakers
"Michael Vickers is criticized for giving sensitive information to the filmmakers behind 'Zero Dark Thirty.'" - ABC News
"Specifically, Vickers is said to have disclosed to the filmmakers the identity of a member of SEAL Team Six — though not a member of the team that conducted the raid on Osama bin Laden‘s compound. Names of members of that team are not to be disclosed because of the potential for violent retaliation.
Some in the Pentagon think the Inspector General is holding the report until after the current Secretary of Defense, Leon Panetta, retires so as to not sully or embarrass him." . . . Read More
‘Fast and Furious’ Gun Found At Site Where Mexican Beauty Queen Murdered
Fast & Furious Gun found at the scene of a shootout between a drug cartel and Mexican soldiers where a beauty queen was murdered
"Authorities had said that Maria Susana Flores Gamez was likely used as a human shield and that an automatic rifle had been found near her body after the Nov. 23 shootout.
Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, tells CBS News that the Justice Department did not notify Congress that a Fast and Furious firearm was found at the scene in Sinaloa.
CBS News learned the Romanian AK-47-type WASR-10 rifle found near her body was purchased by Uriel Patino at an Arizona gun shop in 2010. Patino is a suspect who allegedly purchased 700 guns while under the ATF’s watch." . . . Read More
Stunning Cover-Up: Benghazi Review Board Says Nobody Should Be Held Responsible
Reality of a nation that has lost its mission as a republic. The American people in a November 2012 Rasmussen Pole gave Hillary Clinton a stunning 56% job approval rating, proving they believe political correctness is a better protector of the country than those who serve their nation in uniform.
"Hillary Clinton's 'Accountability Review Board' (ARB) declared multiple times in its unclassified report that although there were multiple failures in leadership, 'management ability,' allocation of security resources and communication, the board could not find "reasonable cause" to discipline (or even name) one person in the State Department.
The report states that there was a breakdown in communication between Libya and Washington. It confirmed previous testimony given on Capitol Hill that the personnel in Libya did ask for increased security. However, the ARB found that those working at the embassy in Tripoli 'did not demonstrate strong and sustained advocacy' for increased security at the "special mission" in Benghazi." . . . Read More
Video Games Under Fire While Hollywood Elitists, (our gun violence hurts no one), Lay Low After Elementary School Shooting
"The multi-billion-dollar video game industry came under scrutiny on Wednesday after Hollywood canceled, postponed or played down a slew of movies and TV shows with violent content." - Reuters
"Although investigators in Newtown, Connecticut, have given no motive for Friday's shooting rampage, some U.S. media have reported that the 20-year-old gunman played popular video game 'Call of Duty' - in which players conduct simulated warfare missions - in the basement of his home.
The gunman, Adam Lanza, killed himself at the scene after gunning down 20 young children, six school employees and his mother.
'Major corporations, including the video game industry, make billions on marketing and selling violent content to children. They have a responsibility to protect our children," [Senator] Rockefeller said in a statement.'
The Entertainment Software Association, which represents the $78 billion U.S. video game industry, on Wednesday offered its 'heartfelt prayers and condolences' to the Newtown families." . . . Read More
Senate Resolution Tells Village Voice To Take Down 'Adult Entertainment' Section
Lawmakers said website,, ends up promoting child sex trafficking in the United States. - The Hill
“The numbers are rising, in part because it has become frighteningly simple to order a child prostitute on the Internet. One merely needs to look at the classified ads on, the leading Web site for prostitution advertising in the United States according to the Advanced Interactive Media, AIM, Group,” Sen. Mark Kirk (R-Ill.) said when the resolution was adopted by the Senate. “Just a few clicks on this site easily enables ‘johns’ to purchase children for sex. Law enforcement believes that the existence of Backpage encourages the recruitment of victims for sexual exploitation because it allows traffickers to operate out of sight from police patrols.” . . . Read More
Child Sex Abuse Files Must Be Surrendered, Court Says
"Boy Scouts of America must surrender decades of confidential files detailing alleged child sex abuse." - Huffington Post
"A lawsuit alleges that a local Scouts official tried to keep a boy's mother from reporting his 2007 abuse by a volunteer leader to police. The youth group denies the allegations. 'The BSA believes confidentiality of the files helps to encourage prompt reporting,' spokesman Deron Smith told the Times.
Lawyers for the former Scout who was sexually abused by a volunteer leader in 2007 say the files they seek will expose a culture of hidden sexual abuse. 'If their first priority is child welfare, then stop the secrecy game - stop fighting for it,' Timothy Hale, the family's lawyer in the Santa Barbara case, told the newspaper." . . . Read More
Egypt Constitutional Vote: 'Things Are Definitely Worse Than Under The Old Regime'
As Egyptians worry about a new constitution, many are fearful of what is to come.
"When Alber Saber's mother called police to protect him from a mob baying for his blood, something odd happened: they arrested him. They then threw him in prison, encouraged his cellmates to attack him, and finally took him to court where he was jailed for three months.
Mr Saber's alleged offence was all the more significant in light of the new constitution – being voted on by millions of Egyptians on Saturday – that is at the heart of Egypt's political crisis.
The mob in his Cairo suburb accused him of atheism and disrespect of the Prophet Mohammed, and demanded he be killed; a neighbour had alleged he had posted to his Facebook page the now notorious Islam-mocking video that triggered protests across the world in September.
His mother, Kariman Ghali, cries frequently as she describes visiting him in prison the day after the mob surrounded their apartment block.
'He had blood all over his T-shirt,' said Mrs Ghali, who claims her son was put in a wing reserved for dangerous inmates. 'The policeman told the prisoners, 'This guy insulted the Prophet, I want to see what you can do with him.' Someone stabbed him with a razor.'" . . . Read More
Update: "Muslim Brotherhood claims victory in Egypt constitution vote amid fraud allegations." . . . RT News
The Amazing Revolving Door - Monsanto, FDA & EPA.
(An old news story. But what is happening today in an Obama Administration that always insists on paybacks?)
From this older report, [you need to be reminded] that key figures at both the US's FDA and EPA had held important positions at Monsanto . . . Physicians and Scientists for Responsible Application of Science and Technology (PSRAST.Org)
"'When people are trying to kill you and when they attack because they hate freedom, other disputes from Frankenfood to bananas and even important issues like the environment suddenly look a bit different.' - Condoleeza Rice, George Bush's National Security Adviser" . . . Read More
The Controversial Tampa FOX TV Story That Went to Court - American Journalist Review
Trade Offs When Foods Can't Survive An Unexpected Climate Change
History teaches there are always two sides to every story, choosing the wrong one always delays the right one with unexpected and dangerous consequences. |
Tens-of-millions of innocent people died of starvation in Europe during the famous Little Ice Age. Standard wheat could not survive the climate change of a very long wet growing season, rotting in the fields. In Ireland there were basically no disease-resistant potatoes to plant, the unexpected blight having an easy time destroying the nation's basic food supply. Remembering these devastating events is extremely important so the world always has seeds that can adapt to change to avoid carnage.
But those modified foods should not cause more problems than they solve, good science involved with corporations willing to wait for proper results before taking profits. And at the same time activists who want no modified foods need to remember families may be on the edge of not being able to feed their families in a world racing toward recession.
And with arrogant liberal Americans living in cities not caring that only 2% of the population is feeding the country, all located in rural areas, the country is living on the edge of a huge disaster especially for mega-population areas, the best of times quickly morphing to the worst of times.
Of course, there are also those progressive nuts that would like to see a billion people taken off the planet . . . except for them of course. We know the drill of the Al Gore's of the world, never letting a crises go to waste while feeding their wallets and pie holes.
Activists need to remember in a food riot no one cares what's in the food until their hunger is abated. People are willing to change habits as long as they don't find their families going hungry because basic foods are either no longer available or have become so expensive bread lines quickly form as they did in 1929. - Webmaster
Source of information on the Little Ice Age: GeoChemistry |
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Background photo source: President George Washington