Date: December 22, 2012
Week In Review - Top Ten Stories You Might Not Know About
From: Freedom is Knowledge
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This Just In: John Wayne Is Dead - Bernard Goldberg
. . . and it looks like George Bailey never was born. - It' a Wonderful Life - Webmaster
Shameful, HuffPo? Headline Shows HuffPo Believes Obama Needs A Mama.

West Point Chapel Hosts Its First Same-Sex Wedding
"Cadet Chapel, the landmark Gothic church that is a center for spiritual life at the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, hosted its first same-sex wedding Saturday." - Daily Caller
"Penelope Gnesin and Brenda Sue Fulton, a West Point graduate, exchanged vows in the regal church in an afternoon ceremony, attended by about 250 guests and conducted by a senior Army chaplain.
The two have been together for 17 years. They had a civil commitment ceremony that didn’t carry any legal force in 1999 and had long hoped to formally tie the knot. The way was cleared last year, when New York legalized same-sex marriage and President Barack Obama lifted the “Don’t ask, don’t tell” policy." . . . Read More
Catcher In The Rye Dropped From U.S. School Curriculum
"Schools in America are to drop classic books such as Harper Lee's To Kill a Mockingbird and JD Salinger's Catcher in the Rye from their curriculum in favour of 'informational texts'." - The Telegraph
"American literature classics are to be replaced by insulation manuals and plant inventories in US classrooms by 2014.
A new school curriculum which will affect 46 out of 50 states will make it compulsory for at least 70 per cent of books studied to be non-fiction, in an effort to ready pupils for the workplace.
Books such as JD Salinger's Catcher in the Rye and Harper Lee's To Kill a Mockingbird will be replaced by 'informational texts' approved by the Common Core State Standards. Suggested non-fiction texts include 'Recommended Levels of Insulation by the the US Environmental Protection Agency,' and the 'Invasive Plant Inventory, by California's Invasive Plant Council.'" - Read More
Brits Are Learning About Multiculturalism . . . It Says Goodbye To A Country's Heritage
London Rejects Plan for Mega-Mosque
"Authorities in London have rejected a controversial proposal by a radical Islamic group to build one of the largest mosques in the world near the city's Olympic Stadium.
Prominent Muslims have responded to the news by vowing to punish the Labour Party in future elections unless the decision is reversed and the application to build the mosque is approved immediately.
The Strategic Development Committee of the Labour-led Newham Council, the local authority for the London Borough of Newham, unanimously decided on December 5 to reject an application by the Muslim group Tablighi Jamaat to build a "super-mosque" in West Ham, East London, amid fierce opposition and concern from local citizens." . . . Read More
Victory Underscores Value of Life In The Womb Of Handicapped Woman
Good news for citizens of Nevada
"Compassion is still lawful in your state, and life is still protected, thanks to a decision that has broad implications for you and your religious liberty, for the sanctity of life, and for families nationwide.
Some two decades ago, William and Amy Bauer of Fernley adopted six children from Costa Rica. All of the children were siblings, and all suffered from fetal alcohol syndrome. As a result of that affliction, the second-oldest, Elisa, now 32, is mentally challenged, and has other physical challenges. Because of these issues, she lives in a group home as a ward of the state, although the Bauers remain her legal, loving guardians." . . . Read More
Newtown 7th Grader Starts Movement To Rid America Of Violent Video Games
"In Wake Of School Massacre, Max Goldstein And His Brother Form [create] 'Played Out'" - CBS New York
"Violent video games are drawing new scrutiny in the wake of the Newtown elementary school tragedy. Some gamers are already giving them up . . . voluntarily.
CBS 2’s Lou Young met one seventh grader in Newtown on Thursday who was gathering a selection of his personal video games. He was getting rid of them for one reason and said he wants you to get rid of yours as well.
'All of it is kill, just kill as many people as you can without dying,' Max Goldstein said." . . . Read More
Are Violent Video Games Harming America's Children? . . . O'Reilly Factor Video
The Face of Evil . . . Leona Salazar
Nativity Scene Run For 63 Years Allowed To Return After Creator (no pun intended) Gets Permit
A longtime Nativity scene is back after a four-year absence.
"Satawa, 76, will be able to apply for a permit on an annual basis since the parties have agreed that the scene can be placed back on the median in a location deemed safe by the Road Department, officials have said. The new spot is about 10 feet away from where the original Nativity scene was to avoid sight impediments.
'It was up for 63 years, nobody complained, we never had an accident, nothing,' said Satawa." . . . Read More
Gallup: Americans Want Mental Health Laws, Police, Not Banning Guns
"Despite the attempts by the Left to use the massacre in Newtown, Connecticut to forward their anti-gun agenda, Americans feel that there are other avenues they would rather explore to protect to innocent children." - Breitbart
"In order of preference, the poll shows that 53% of Americans would favor an increased police presence at schools, 50% wanted to increase government spending on mental health screening and treatment, 47% thought that gun violence on TV, in movies and in video games should be decreased, and 42% thought the sale of assault and semi-automatic guns should be banne." . . . Read More
Memories Of The Third Reich
Liberal journalists caught in a live Twitter attack during NRA press conference: they enable, protect, and advance the progressive-run state from within the protection of their own shadow government.
Read the Smartphone Twitter comments below captured live at the NRA "press" conference. I have been saying for years that too many in the media no longer live with us but only among us as spies and despots. Now you know what you suspected all along, hearing references to a corrupt media but unable to prove the collaboration.
It's now obvious it is no accident that news stories / opinion pieces coming out of the liberal media, from Gotham's TV News Networks to New York Times, PBS, AOL/Huffington Post, CNN, and others have been created as if from the same movie script, continually stupaking us with their shared talking points for distribution across the nation on behalf of the progressive Democrat Party.
It is why independent thought and investigations, such as those into the deaths of American SEALS in Benghazi, FEMA's poor handling in the wreckage of Hurricane Sandy, and gun running by Obama's Justice Department into Mexico, were DOA coming onto your television screens or in the print of your newspapers, wagons surrounding the Obama administration during the election.
You're right to know has become laughable, the Fourth Estate a memory. You've become cattle at the trough, made ready to stampede when needed during elections or the pushing of liberal legislation in Washington, D.C. If you insist on continuing to gather information from this spider web of deranged sources to discover what is going on around you, calling it useful, I have a simple warning of what you've become to the progressive media: Ground-up hamburger.
Moo! - Webmaster
Mic Catches Reporter's Comments At NRA Press Conference
The Media's Pet Marxist Speaks Out, A Message Worshiped Since The 2008 Election By The NEW Democrat Party
Source of Content - Daily Caller
As Jeffrey Goldberg, a national correspondent for The Atlantic, put it:
Jeffrey Goldberg @JeffreyGoldberg
Reporters on my Twitter feed seem to hate the NRA more than anything else, ever.
Here are some of the views expressed by reporters and editors — from news outlets including Talking Points Memo, Politico, The New York Times and The Huffington Post – on Twitter during LaPierre’s speech: - Daily Caller
LaPierre as delusional as any dictator. His speech against music videos, hurricanes has the feel of a Castro rant or Mugabe tirade.
Josh Greenman@joshgreenman
In Wayne LaPierre's defense, tone-deafness is a serious condition that afflicts hundreds of thousands of Americans.
jeremy scahill @jeremyscahill
Wayne LaPierre should have just given this speech to an empty chair on a stage
Josh Marshall @joshtpm
No two ways about: This is gross, awful, dishonest.
Ben White@morningmoneyben
What is this NRA guy talking about? Blame hurricanes. Blame media. It's so strange.
Ryan J. Reilly@ryanjreilly
This is nuts.
Jonathan Weisman@jonathanweisman
If it wasn't for all the dead children, the NRA press conference might have been amusing.
Alex Burns@aburnspolitico
Stallone movie meets Fidel Castro speech
Ezra Klein@ezraklein
It's amazing how much damage LaPierre is doing to the NRA without even allowing questions.
David Corn @DavidCornDC
Reporters should walk out of this press conference right now, if he's not taking questions. Otherwise, its just a propaganda event.
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Background photo source: President George Washington