Date: December 22, 2012
Week In Review - Top Ten Stories You Might Not Know About
From: Freedom is Knowledge
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AOL / Huffington Post Headline Below Proves Media Sees First African-American President Needing . . . Wait For It . . . Mama's Protective Hand

"Are Violent Video Games Harming America's Children?" . . . O'Reilly Factor Video
West Point Chapel Hosts Its First Same-Sex Wedding
"Cadet Chapel, the landmark Gothic church that is a center for spiritual life at the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, hosted its first same-sex wedding Saturday." - Daily Caller
"Penelope Gnesin and Brenda Sue Fulton, a West Point graduate, exchanged vows in the regal church in an afternoon ceremony, attended by about 250 guests and conducted by a senior Army chaplain.
The two have been together for 17 years. They had a civil commitment ceremony that didn’t carry any legal force in 1999 and had long hoped to formally tie the knot. The way was cleared last year, when New York legalized same-sex marriage and President Barack Obama lifted the “Don’t ask, don’t tell” policy." . . . Read More
Brits Are Learning About Multiculturalism . . . Say Goodbye To Your Country's Heritage
London Rejects Plan for Mega-Mosque
"Authorities in London have rejected a controversial proposal by a radical Islamic group to build one of the largest mosques in the world near the city's Olympic Stadium.
Prominent Muslims have responded to the news by vowing to punish the Labour Party in future elections unless the decision is reversed and the application to build the mosque is approved immediately.
The Strategic Development Committee of the Labour-led Newham Council, the local authority for the London Borough of Newham, unanimously decided on December 5 to reject an application by the Muslim group Tablighi Jamaat to build a "super-mosque" in West Ham, East London, amid fierce opposition and concern from local citizens." . . . Read More
Victory Underscores Value of Life in the Womb of Handicapped Woman
Good news for citizens of Nevada
"Compassion is still lawful in your state, and life is still protected, thanks to a decision that has broad implications for you and your religious liberty, for the sanctity of life, and for families nationwide.
Some two decades ago, William and Amy Bauer of Fernley adopted six children from Costa Rica. All of the children were siblings, and all suffered from fetal alcohol syndrome. As a result of that affliction, the second-oldest, Elisa, now 32, is mentally challenged, and has other physical challenges. Because of these issues, she lives in a group home as a ward of the state, although the Bauers remain her legal, loving guardians." . . . Read More
Newtown 7th Grader Starts Movement To Rid America Of Violent Video Games
"In Wake Of School Massacre, Max Goldstein And His Brother Form 'Played Out'" - CBS New York
"Violent video games are drawing new scrutiny in the wake of the Newtown elementary school tragedy. Some gamers are already giving them up . . . voluntarily.
CBS 2’s Lou Young met one seventh grader in Newtown on Thursday who was gathering a selection of his personal video games. He was getting rid of them for one reason and said he wants you to get rid of yours as well.
'All of it is kill, just kill as many people as you can without dying,' Max Goldstein said." . . . Read More
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Background photo source: President George Washington