Date: December 15, 2012
The "Queen" James Bible?
From: Freedom is Knowledge
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Besides The New Name, They Even Redesigned It With Brilliant Colors Of Diversity.
Washington D.C.'s radicals, recently elected to run the country through 2016, must be delighted with 7-million Americans never showing up at the ballot box. They've got to love the New Democrat Party and its 95% African-Americans who pulled the lever for Obama. It's logical the next version will be the "Queen" James Bible written for children.
"Homosexuality was first mentioned in the Bible in 1946 in the Revised Standard Version. There is no mention of or reference to homosexuality in any Bible prior to this – only interpretations have been made. Anti-LGBT Bible interpretations commonly cite only eight verses in the Bible that they interpret to mean homosexuality is a sin; Eight verses in a book of thousands!
The Queen James Bible seeks to resolve interpretive ambiguity in the Bible as it pertains to homosexuality: We edited those eight verses in a way that makes homophobic interpretations impossible." . . . Read More
Commentary By Jimmy Z
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Western North Carolina
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Background photo source: President George Washington