Date: December 3, 2012
Week In Review
From: Freedom is Knowledge
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Judge Jeanine to Obama: You either sent help or you didn’t.
Source: Judge Jeanine
Pastor Warren On CNN, Tells Host What He Expects Of The Church
Source: MRCTV
The Governing Class And The Decline Of America
The United States will not reverse its descent into the abyss of financial and societal bankruptcy until the current political and governing establishment is replaced.
"While professing to care for the interests of the average person, the underlying motivation for the vast majority of the governing class or Establishment is first and foremost self-aggrandizement and the acquisition of wealth. While a few may be motivated by ideology, the preponderance are not.
There are no offices on Connecticut Avenue in Washington D.C. with signs reading 'The Republican Establishment' or the 'The Democratic Establishment'; rather it is an amalgam of like-minded groups with one common interest: the control of the government purse-strings and the attendant power contained within." . . . Read More
Susan Rice’s Enrichment Program
Surprised? U.N. ambassador has investments in companies doing business with Iran, disclosure forms show
"The portfolio of embattled United Nations Ambassador Susan Rice includes investments of hundreds of thousands of dollars in several energy companies known for doing business with Iran, according to financial disclosure forms.
Rice, a possible nominee to replace Secretary of State Hillary Clinton when she steps down, has come under criticism for promulgating erroneous information about the September 11, 2012, attacks in Benghazi, Libya, that killed four Americans.
Rice has the highest net worth of executive branch members, with a fortune estimated between $24 to $44 million, according to the Center for Responsive Politics. A Free Beacon analysis of Rice’s portfolio shows thousands of dollars invested in at least three separate companies cited by lawmakers on Capitol Hill for doing business in Iran’s oil and gas sector." . . . Read More
Susan Rice: ”People know not to mess with me. And if they haven’t learned, and they try, then they will learn.” - The Daily Caller
Egypt Court Sentences Eight To Death Over Prophet Film
Hollywood and elite media, fawning over our salt and pepper president, pulls down its underwear and craps on freedom of speech (What, Hollywood has never produced a stinky film and stood by the right for it to be produced?)
"An Egyptian court convicted in absentia Wednesday seven Egyptian Coptic Christians and a Florida-based American pastor, sentencing them to death on charges linked to an anti-Islam film that had sparked riots in parts of the Muslim world.
The case was seen as largely symbolic because the defendants, most of whom live in the United States, are all outside Egypt and are thus unlikely to ever face the sentence. The charges were brought in September during a wave of public outrage in Egypt over the amateur film, which was produced by an Egyptian-American Copt." . . . Read More
Americans In Israel Sue United States For Obama's Funding Of Palestinian Terrorism
"A group of 24 Americans living in Israel, some of them victims of terror, on Tuesday filed a civil action lawsuit against the United States government over what they claim is its funding of Palestinian terrorism in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip." - Minute Men News
"The lawsuit, which was filed in Washington, DC, contends that the State Department and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton ignored Congressional safeguards and transparency requirements attached to US aid to the Palestinian Authority, thus allowing for the funneling of funds to Hamas, the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), and the Palestine Liberation Front. It also accuses the White House of not complying with the regulations and reporting obligations governing presidential waivers which facilitate emergency funding to the Palestinians." . . . Read More
Royal Obama Family Off To Hawaii For 17-Day Vacation
While Americans suffer through the worst economy since the Great Depression, the Obama family will enjoy a 17-day vacation in Hawaii this year. (Hmm, Obama's definition of fair share?)
Source: Gateway Pundit
Official: Team Obama To Regulate Junk Food Industry
White House official Larry Summers suggested that Team Obama will eventually tax and regulate junk food in the second term.
"Larry Summers, chair of the White House National Economic Council when the 2009 stimulus was developed, suggested that President Obama will eventually tax and regulate junk food to drive people to eat more healthily — although he dinged First Lady Michelle Obama’s healthy foods initiative." . . . Read More
Poll: 53 Percent Of Democrats Hold Favorable View of Socialism. Sadly, 23% for RINOs.
Whenever conservatives bring up the s-word in political discourse, indignant liberals recoil at the term. How dare you call us Socialists?
"Capitalism - the system that built America into the unparalleled economic engine and global hegemon that it is today - is statistically tied with Socialism among Democrats, on the measure of general favorability. Also note Democrats' hostility towards "big business," that awful enterprise that provides needed goods and services across the world while employing millions of their fellow citizens. Less than half of Democrats are favorably disposed towards 'the primary driver of economic growth and job creation' in America, according to the Hoover Institution's John Bunzel." . . . Read More
Study: CA Worst-Governed State In America
"According to a new study from 24/7 Wall Street, California is the worst run state in the nation … for the second year in a row." - Breitbart
"So what made California so terrible? Its budget situation is disastrous; all the best states have fiscally responsible budgets. Its credit rating is problematic; all the best states have a sterling credit rating. California has the lowest Standard & Poor’s credit rating of any state, at A-. California has an undereducated population compared to the rest of the country, and a skyrocketing unemployment rate. Compare North Dakota to California: . . . Read More
Does the Mainstream Press Fawn Over Obama? You bet, and they don't even try to hide it
White House Press Secretary praises New York Times' elites for asking media to ignore the Susan Rice Story
"White House Press Secretary Jay Carney read a portion of a New York Times article from the podium today stating that the real questions on the Benghazi attack had gotten lost because of the focus on Ambassador Susan Rice and the misinformation she gave to the American people days of the attack. The article titled 'Big Issues Are Lost in Focus on Libya Talking Points' by Scott Shane was praised by Carney when he forcefully set the paper on the podium and said, 'I agree with that.'" - Watch Video
When Work Is Punished: The Tragedy Of America's Welfare State
We realize that this is a painful topic in a country in which the issue of welfare benefits, and cutting (or not) the spending side of the fiscal cliff, have become the two most sensitive social topics.

"Exactly two years ago, some of the more politically biased progressive media outlets (who are quite adept at creating and taking down their own strawmen arguments, if not quite as adept at using an abacus, let alone a calculator) took offense at our article 'In Entitlement America, The Head Of A Household Of Four Making Minimum Wage Has More Disposable Income Than A Family Making $60,000 A Year.'
In it we merely explained what has become the painful reality in America: for increasingly more it is now more lucrative - in the form of actual disposable income - to sit, do nothing, and collect various welfare entitlements, than to work. This is graphically, and very painfully confirmed, in the below chart from Gary Alexander, Secretary of Public Welfare, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania (a state best known for its broke capital Harrisburg). As quantitied, and explained by Alexander, 'the single mom is better off earnings gross income of $29,000 with $57,327 in net income & benefits than to earn gross income of $69,000 with net income and benefits of $57,045.'" . . . Read More
GOP Rep: Obama’s Foreign Policy Decisions So ‘Horrendous’ Muslim Brotherhood Members Must Be Advising White House
"Obama appears to want a 'new Ottoman Empire to take place' by facilitating an al-Qaeda and Muslim Brotherhood takeover in places like Libya." - The Blaze
"The balance of world power is evolving as radical Islamic regimes consolidate their power throughout the Middle East. Speaking with radio host Frank Gaffney earlier this week, Rep. Louie Gohmert speculated that the Obama administration’s decision to back the revolutions in “the Middle East, Northern Africa and the Far East” was so “horrendous” the administration may be getting advice from the powerful Muslim Brotherhood." . . . Read More
Switzerland: Muslim Drug Dealers Force Users to Convert to Islam
Pot peddlers ‘forced teens to become Muslim’
"Police have arrested members of a gang of Eastern European immigrants who used violence, intimidation and the promotion of Islam to control marijuana trafficking operations in the Neuchâtel mountains, cantonal justice authorities said on Thursday." . . . Read More
President Barack Obama Behind Morsi’s Power Grab In Egypt
"In politics there are no accidents or coincidences" - Now The End Begins
"If you think that the recent power grab of Egyptian president Mohammed Morsi is happening in a vacuum or by mere happenstance, you are greatly fooling yourself. The move by Morsi to make himself Egypt’s new Pharaoh is exactly what the plan has been all along since Obama and the Muslim Brotherhood started the Arab Spring.
Haven’t you wondered why Obama, so vocal during the Gaza-Israeli conflict, is now as quiet as a Mosque Mouse? Not one word has he spoken against Morsi’s coup. And he won’t until he is sure how it will all wind up." . . . Read More
Islamic Fascism: Afghan Girl’s Throat Slit Over Refusing To Get Married
British charity organization Oxfam says 87 percent of Afghan women report having experienced physical and sexual violence or forced marriage.
Two men have been arrested for slitting the throat of a 15-year-old Afghan girl after her family refused a marriage proposal, police said Thursday.
The girl was carrying water from a river to her village home in northern Kunduz province on Wednesday when she was murdered, police spokesman Sayed Sarwar Hussaini told AFP.
'The two men attacked her and slit her throat with a knife,' he said. 'They were arrested and are in police custody.' . . . Read More
Saudi King Opens Religious Tolerance Center in Europe to 'Spread the Message of Islam'
Proposed by government-appointed Imam, who in the past has called Jews 'monkeys and pigs' and Christians 'cross worshippers.' - CNS News
"The opening of the KAICIID has not been without controversy in Austria, where some have questioned the appropriateness of a religious tolerance initiative being funded by a regime that prohibits churches. One liberal Muslim group in Austria said the center would be used to spread the kingdom’s Wahhabi brand of Islam.
Proponents argue, however, that the way the center has been set up will make it impossible for Saudi Arabia, or anyone else, to dictate the agenda." . . . Read More
Report: Stevie Wonder Cancels Benefit Concert for Israeli Military
High-profile supporter of President Obama has withdrawn from his starring role in a Dec. 6 Los Angeles benefit for the Israeli Defense Forces, fearing he would be . . . wait for it . . . be taking sides.
"If the report proves accurate, this isn't a small thing. Wonder's only giving the benefits organizers a week's notice for an event he was set to headline - an event that annually raises millions of dollars in support of the Israeli army. In 1998, Wonder performed at this same event in honor of Israel's 50th anniversary.
Should Wonder drop out, we can now add him to the long list of Hollywood's morally illiterate. How anyone could find it difficult to "take sides" in a conflict between those who target civilians and those who target those who target civilians, is simply pathetic.
The truth, really, then, is that Wonder is taking sides - against Israel." . . . Read More
What Was That, Mr. President, About Looking Into Global Warming And Sea Ice Melting?
12 Straight Months Of Above Normal Antarctic Sea Ice
"Today marks 365 consecutive days of above normal Antarctic sea ice. According to climate geniuses Jeff Masters and Bill McKitten, the odds against this are an astronomical 2^365 to one." - Read More
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Background photo source: President George Washington