Date: November 25, 2012
November 25th - Another Disturbing Week In Review
From: Freedom is Knowledge
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"Just Deserts"- Dr. Carl Mumpower
"Obama Commits Treason With The Muslim Brotherhood" - Western Journalism
Source: Western Journalism
Norway's Shooter: right in his complaint but wrong in thinking he could stop it
Source: MRCTV
Franklin Graham: right in his complaint and right to leave it to his faith.
Source: Gateway Pundit
Obama Admin Admits Info Released to Zero Dark Thirty Filmmakers Might Pose a ‘security and counterintelligence risk’
But what about that silly Hollywood video done by a Coptic Christian that Barack said set Islam on fire?
"Judicial Watch announced today that Obama administration officials disclosed in sworn court documents that sensitive information released to the filmmakers for the upcoming film on the bin Laden raid, Zero Dark Thirty, could cause an “unnecessary security and counterintelligence risk” if released to the public.
The admissions, made during the course of Judicial Watch Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit seeking records pertaining to cooperation between Obama administration officials and director Kathryn Bigelow and screenwriter Mark Boal in preparation for the film, raise questions about the public statement to reporters by Obama White House spokesman Jay Carney regarding the controversy: 'We do not discuss classified information.' The government claims that the information shared is not necessarily classified 'in isolation.'”. . . Read More
Illinois Town Ends Christmas Tradition to Appease Atheists
A 60-year tradition ends so Atheists are not offended, mayor also obviously worried about being re-elected
"Alsip, Illinois will break tradition by not erecting a cross next to the Tri-State Tollway this Christmas season due to a lawsuit threatened by the Freedom from Religion Foundation.
The group planned to bring the lawsuit because of a complaint by a single resident. The town boasted a population of 19,277 people in their 2010 census. Instead of fighting for religious freedom, Mayor Pat Kitching caved under the first complaint he received since he became mayor in 2005." . . . Read More
Barack Obama’s Open Mockery Of The Sign of the Cross
Remember it was the DNC at its 2012 Convention that wanted God out of its Mission Statement. Obama wanted it back in worried about its impacting his being re-elected. Now he doesn't have to worry about that anymore with 2016 just four years away, a time when voters may no longer care what the DNC does as they do now in the UK about the left.
"‘Father Barack Obama‘ mocked the Sign of the Cross at the White House yesterday. It was an open mockery of the Christian prayer that is accompanied by the immortal words used by peasants and kings over the centuries: 'In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.' Obama, who is left-handed, made the sign of the cross with his left hand, which out of respect for the centuries-long Christian practice, no one ever does.
Obama’s left-handed sign of the cross was made over a gobbling turkey during the National Thanksgiving Turkey Presentation Ceremony, that takes place at the White House every year shortly before Thanksgiving, having been resurrected by George H.W. Bush in 1989." . . . Read More
UK Foster Couple Lose Children . . .
wait for it . . . for their being members of UK's Conservative Party
"A UK couple had their three foster children taken away after social workers decided that the couple’s support for the supposedly “racist” policies of the UK Independence Party (Ukip) made them “unsuitable” caregivers, The Telegraph reports.
For those of you who are unfamiliar with the Ukip, it’s the conservative wing of British politics. If you want an understanding of the group’s principles, look no further than Nigel Farage, founding member and party leader:
“It is total and utter failure. This ship, the euro Titanic has now hit the iceberg and sadly there simply aren’t enough life boats,” said Farage, an infamously skeptical critic of the eurozone, to the European Parliament.
The Ukip advocates lower taxes, limited government, freer markets, and immigration reform. However, to certain social workers in the Labour-controlled Rotherham borough, supporting the above makes you an “unsuitable” foster parent." . . . Read More
Obama Administration Uses 'Green Energy' Loans to 'Recycle' Money Back to Donors
And now Obama has the American voter's approval to continue
"Peter Schweizer, president of the Government Accountability Institute, said President Barack Obama had a 'recycling' program that used crony capitalism to reward its campaign contributors, who would then funnel money back to the Obama campaign.
Appearing on Fox News's one-hour special on Thursday about the 'District of Corruption' movie, Schweizer said crony capitalism was so rampant in the Obama administration that Obama campaign bundlers received more than $21,000 on average in government-backed loans and grants for every dollar they contributed to the Obama campaign." . . . Read More
Obama Legitimizes Morsi’s Protection Racket
"It is a misstatement of huge proportions to suggest that Morsi 'won the trust of Israel.' On the contrary: American pressure prevented Israel from degrading Hamas’ terror capabilities." . . . FrontPage
Hamas Drags ‘Israeli Sympathizer’ Through Streets Of Gaza Tied To Motorcycle . . . Read More
"Hamas fires 275 rockets at Israel and is rewarded with de facto acceptance as a legitimate negotiating partner in the Middle East peace process, as well as with a relaxation of the Israeli blockade of the Gaza coast. Israel is prevented from exacting a price for Hamas’ actions sufficient to deter future attacks or degrade Hamas’ capabilities.
In one stroke, the Obama administration has overturned thirty years of American policy, which rejected negotiations with Hamas and other terrorist organizations. Secretary of State Clinton, to be sure, did not negotiate directly with Hamas, but rather with Egypt’s President Mohammed Morsi, who supported Hamas unequivocally and encouraged its attacks on Israel. Morsi is the leader of Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood, of which Hamas is the Palestinian chapter. It is astonishing that American officials and the world media have hailed Morsi simply because he first sicced his dog on his neighbor, and then called the dog off." . . . Read More
State Dept Ready to End Diplomatic Isolation of Hamas
On Friday, State Department spokesperson Victoria Nuland announced that it was suddenly fine for foreign dignitaries to visit the terrorist Hamas regime in the Gaza Strip.
"Why? Because now that Hamas was firing hundreds of rockets on Israel, those dignitaries could visit to try to push “de-escalation.” Sure, the Egyptian prime minister is showing up to – in the words of the Egyptian government – show solidarity with Hamas. But according to the State Department, that’s all well and good, because he’s actually there to promote peace." . . . Read More
Nutty Whoopi Goldberg Retweets Massacre Lie About Israelis, But Most Of The View's Audience Loves Her Anyway
"That didn't stop 'The View' co-host from retweeting an inaccurate accusation that the Jewish state is massacring men, women and children." . . . Breitbart
"@WhoopiGoldberg Whoopi can you please RT that the men, women & children in Gaza, Palestine have been getting Massacred for the past week.
Some of her followers quickly scolded her for her ugly tweet, forcing the comedian to offer up this limp reply:" . . . Read More
More Trouble in Jordan
"'They will not tolerate the king any longer . . . It is too late for him to make any reforms.' - Opposition leader, who preferred to remain anonymous." . . . Gatestone Institute
"Last week, protests broke out in Jordan after a government decision to raise fuel prices. While protests have been taking place in Jordan for almost two years now, for the first time there is major involvement from Jordan's Palestinians, with open calls for toppling the regime. With the future of Jordan's King Abdullah in jeopardy, so is regional stability a,s well as Jordan's peace with Israel. Pro-Western forces have critical options to consider.
The protesters, last week, started openly to call for the king to step down. The Independent noted that previously the protests had been "peaceful and rarely targeted King Abdullah II himself," and reported that this time crowds "chanted slogans against the king and threw stones at riot police as they protested in several cities."
Al Jazeera, as well, reported that protests have been taking place 'across the width and the length of the country,' with 'most chanting for toppling the regime." Several of the king's photographs – regularly displayed in public places in Jordan – were set on fire.'" . . . Read More
Turkish PM Called Israel a 'Terrorist State'
"Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Ergodan called Israel a "terrorist state" on Monday for defending itself against Hamas aggression." - Breitbart
"Those who associate Islam with terrorism close their eyes in the face of mass killing of Muslims, turn their heads from the killing of children in Gaza. For this reason, I say that Israel is a terrorist state and its acts are terrorist acts." . . . Read More
U.S. Dept. of Labor Observes 'Transgender Day of Remembrance'
U.S. Department of Labor gets into the business of sexual lifestyles
'The Transgender Day of Remembrance [TDOR] will be commemorated in cities and countries around the world today, reflecting on those who have died as a result of fear, hate and transphobia,' Labor Secretary Hilda Solis said in a statement on Tuesday.'
'I stand proudly today--and every day--as an ally to the transgender community and to every person and family impacted by anti-transgender bullying and violence,' she said. 'Transgender people are part of the diversity that America celebrates today and they, like every American, deserve to live without fear of prejudice or violence.'" . . . Read More
New Study Reveals Higher Immigrant Employment, Says Center for Immigration Studies
"A recent study done by the Center for Immigration Studies shows that during the last four years, 67 percent of the employment growth in the U.S. came from immigrants, rather than from native born Americans." . . . SFGATE
"The report came as a surprise to many, considering the weak economy and sluggish job growth that the U.S. has endured over the past four years. Report co-author Steven A. Camarota says, 'It’s extraordinary that most of the employment growth in the last four years has gone to the foreign-born, but what’s even more extraordinary is the issue has not even come up during a presidential election that is so focused on jobs.' Camarota is the center’s research director, and wrote the report along with demographer Karen Zeigler.
The numbers presented in the report are surprising. Since January of 2009, the number of immigrants (both legal and illegal) employed in the U.S. has risen 1.94 million, from 21.2 million to 23.2 million. Over the same time period, employment numbers for native born Americans has risen only half that much, or 938,000 to 119.9 million." . . . Read More
California: Number of College Grads Working As Waiters Doubles
"In California, it’s long been the joke that prospective actresses come to the state to become waitresses. Now, thanks to the Democrat-created economy, so do college graduates." - Breitbart
"Approximately 260,000 California college graduates below the age of 30 worked in low-level menial jobs in 2011, an increase of 60,000 over 2006." . . . Read More
Was The Boston Tea Party Terrorism? Texas Schools Are Teaching Just That - (And More)
"In many Texas public schools, the Boston Tea Party is now being taught as an example of an act of terrorism." - The Blaze
"In less than a month (December 16th), we will mark the 239th anniversary of the Boston Tea Party. This well-known protest against “taxation without representation” is almost universally recognized as the moment that sparked the American Revolution.
Here’s an excerpt from a Texas school system’s World History / Social Studies lesson plan. It purports to be helping teachers become more efficient, but many people are upset with the content of the lesson and the lack of parental review. In this specific instance, teachers are instructed to read the story to their classes as if it were a news report that had just happened within the past hour." . . . Read More
Illegals may get driver’s licenses in Illinois
"Surrounded by Republicans and Democrats at a news conference, state Senate President John Cullerton said he will try to pass legislation in the coming weeks, and Gov. Pat Quinn said he will sign it if it reaches his desk." . . . Washington Times
"Illinois’ top leaders said Tuesday that they will push to issue driver’s licenses to illegal immigrants — testing federal strictures and becoming the latest sign that the pendulum has swung away from Arizona-style crackdowns and toward those pursuing a softer line on immigration.
'This is a safety issue that impacts every driver in Illinois, and we should join together to take swift action to save lives,' said Mr. Quinn, a Democrat. 'Making sure all motorists, regardless of their background, are licensed and insured will drive economic growth and ease the financial burden on all Illinois motorists.'" . . . Read More
CNN Gives Two PLO Mouthpieces Time to Bash Israel
Source: MRCTV
MSNBC Loves Alinsky
Source: MRCTV
MSNBC Scolds U.S. for Not Negotiating with Terrorists
Source: MRCTV
MSNBC Calls Hamas Rockets ‘Harmless,' As If, "What's the big deal?" Listen For Yourself
Source: Western Center for Journalism
BBC Journo Spreads Photo of Syrian Child Depicted as Gaza Victim - Breitbart
And a bit of good news
Gallup shows only 37 percent support path to citizenship for illegal immigrants . . . Read More
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Background photo source: President George Washington