Date: November 10, 2012
The Truth Hasn't Changed For Failure; The Fish Always Stinks From The Head
From: Freedom is Knowledge
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And so who really is angry about four Americans being murdered, one U.S. Ambassador and two Navy Seals, their losing their lives in Benghazi, Libya, in the late summer of 2012 during a calculated attack that had nothing to do with "a video" or the Obama administration's scapegoat, a Coptic Christian producer?
Well it obviously isn't Democrats! They've instead chosen to circle the wagons again, something that has been in their DNA for decades. How could one forget the incident that created from another lying president, his claiming, "I want to say one thing to the American people. I didn't have sex with that woman." And the media went along that he didn't rape the other woman, either, it reported his attorney advised him to say nothing so he couldn't be sued by his victim.
The Congress tried to impeach that one, but Democrats and their mainstream media dedicated their reported talking point that it was only about sex, hiding other facts about the Clinton administration. So what will Democrats report in 2012 now that four Americans were allowed to be massacred at the hands of radical Muslims.
It was only about politics?
It has even been reported that some in the White House watched the attack from drones while sitting comfortably in the Situation Room, the same one that watched other Navy Seals capture bin laden for Obama. Their efforts were also used for Obama's re-election where Hollywood liberals were given unprecedented access to the Seals and their families by Obama.
Follow these current video tapes on the Benghazi story from October 21 through November 11, 2012, as it heats up, proving again elections have very serious consequences in the fate of a society. (Look for more videos to be added by date at the bottom of the page.)
October 21, 2012
Source: Judge Jeanine, FOX News. Click on Graphic to Watch
October 25, 2012
Source: Judge Jeanine, FOX News. Click on Graphic to Watch
October 25, 2012
Source: Judge Jeanine, FOX News. Click on Graphic to Watch
October 27, 2012
Source: YouTube, Judge Jeanine
October 28, 2012
Source: Judge Jeanine, FOX News. Click on Graphic to Watch
November 4, 2012
Source: Judge Jeanine, FOX News. Click on Graphic to Watch
November 5, 2012
Source: Judge Jeanine, FOX News. Click on Graphic to Watch
November 8, 2012
Source: Bret Baier, FOX News. Click on Graphic to Watch
November 9, 2012
Source: Greta, FOX News. Click on Graphic to Watch
November 11, 2012
Source: Judge Jeanine, FOX News. Click on Graphic to Watch
November 11, 2012
Source: Judge Jeanine, FOX News. Click on Graphic to Watch
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Warning to a drunk America: Elections Can Have Unexpected Consequences. - Webmaster
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Background photo source: President George Washington