Date: October 13, 2012
Think The World Is Not Carefully Watching America's Politics? Think Again!
From: Freedom is Knowledge
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Foreigners who have been through revolution always seem much smarter than American liberal progressives who want to start them. Hmm.
"New Media Animation (NMA), a Taiwanese company that specializes in animated news coverage, released a bizarre, (yet strangely accurate), video last week of the first debate between President Barack Obama and Gov. Mitt Romney. And following last night’s Vice Presidential debate, they've done it again." . . . Read More
How the Taiwanese saw our Politicians . . . an image that is right-on for the VP Debate.
Source: The Blaze
And their image of the 2012 Election? Obama is illustrated as a Propeller Head.
Note: America's President is shown as an immature propeller head, smoking weed, and kissing a photo of Mao. |
And that's anything but funny for America's security, foreign policy, and our troops overseas. |
Source: NMA.TV
And the second debate: Romney buddy, you're going down to China Town
Source: NMA.TV
Obama is portrayed in the First Debate as weak and unprepared . . . frustrated at the host.
Note: Romney had said he liked Big Bird. But the Taiwanese show him beating up Big Bird. Why? That's because that was the DNC's liberal view of Romney's comment, as Sesame Street makes millions in profits. Notice to that end the Muppet characters in the first row of the audience hold up a picture of their choice for president, which is Obama, the one in the above video the Taiwanese had shown kissing Mao. Foreigners who have been through revolution always seem much smarter than American liberal progressives who want to start them. Hmm. |
Source: NMA.TV
Obama is portrayed as the winner in the Third Debate . . . and Romney Agrees.
Source: NMA.TV
(Note: Check back to this October 13th e-mail for any other debate animations added to this Web page as posted on NMA.)
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Background photo source: President George Washington