Date: October 11, 2012
Texas DNC worker doesn't discourage double voting across state lines . . . laughs about it.
From: Freedom is Knowledge
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Texas DNC employee in September of this year . . .
. . . laughs about undercover person wanting to vote in two states to get Obama re-elected in November 2012, then later gives the undercover visitor a print out of a Florida Absentee Ballot!
And then there is Obama's register to vote organization, Organizing for America, caught on video in New Jersey helping people to vote, not discouraging them to want to vote twice for Obama in the November election.
Story Source: Freedom Outpost
Video Source: Project Veritas
Community Organizer, Barack Obama, never stopped running for office, announcing his new Organizing for America . . . right after being elected in January 2009!
Obama's current Web site asks, Are You In? |
Source: YouTube
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Western North Carolina
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Background photo source: President George Washington