Date: September 18, 2012
Disgusting: Our "Someone Else Caused It" President Is At It Again.
From: Freedom is Knowledge
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Click here for comment sent to AOL 9/17 on its corrupt media
Obama attacks freedom of speech of Coptic Christian in Hollywood, says the video caused the riots even though the film was posted way before 9/11.
Obama exercises his power to have authorities harass the film's producer by having him arrested in the middle of the night, reminding us America is being lead by the mentality of a dictator while our agencies are being infiltrated by Obama's Alinsky mob. Don't forget that the FBI was ordered in the summer of 2012 to purge all its training manuals of material that would offend Muslims. When Bachmann complained she was labeled a Muslim hater, even by the head RINO of the Republican Party!
Obama's Hollywood reaction to one of its own being harassed? Silence!
"Would there be an outcry from Hollywood? Was there an outcry when Christian churches were burned or blown up in the countries that do not tolerate other religions? How many of you have seen the beheading on camera of a young Arab convert to Christianity because he was considered an infidel? Yes, I saw his head cut off with a dull knife while blood spurt from his neck! There would have been more of an outcry from Hollywood if it was the slaughter of a seal!
What about the filmmaker who was killed in Holland for his film dealing with the treatment of woman in certain countries? So, while certain things are not politically correct to take on, it appears that others are fair game - like attacks on Scientology or Christianity or any other religion except of course, the most intolerant of all.
Look, we do not have to condone denigrating a historical figure, but we must have the freedom to do so - without peril to the first and most fundamental amendment. And our lives!" - Robert Davi . . . read more
The parrots in the Obama administration on Sunday talk shows attack America's freedom of speech, blaming the producer of a C-rated movie for 9/11 attacks in the Middle East, allowing Obama to apologize to rioting Muslim thugs. But a Libyan leader may know better saying, "Attack on embassy planned in advance, done by extra nationals." |
Ambassador Chris Stevens did not have a Marine detail in Benghazi, Libya. But White House Senior Advisor and Obama confidante Valerie Jarrett had a FULL Secret Service detail on VACATION in Martha’s Vineyard, according to Democratic pollster Pat Caddell . . . read more from Breitbart |
Gallup says Democrats think government had too much power under Bush and not enough under Obama, wanting even more! . . . read more |
Comment Sent AOL on its Corrupt Media
AOL's CEO Armstrong seems to have placed a curse upon paying AOL members who simply demand the truth from their news for hard-earned bucks. Why is that so hard?!
Instead Armstrong gave them useless trivia that drips everyday from the progressive, virtual online pens of the Huffington Post. What am I talking about?
While HuffPo today attacks Romney's campaign, out of 128 potential links on AOL’s homepage there were only two about the uprisings in the Middle East against America with the following story totally missing (suppressed) by AOL’s content children, a stunning abuse of America’s freedom of speech.
“No Marines for Libyan Ambassador, [Yet] Full Security Detail for Valerie Jarret"
“Jarrett seems to have a 24 hour, around the clock detail, with five or six agents full time. The media has been completely uninterested. We don’t provide security for our ambassador in Libya, but she needs a full Secret Service security detail. And nobody thinks there’s anything wrong with this. And nobody in the press will ask.
“What kind of slavish stoogery are they perpetrating here? This country has reached the point of absurdity. There are people dead because we don’t have security details for them.” – Breitbart story posted on its site September 14
(Comment posted to AOL 3:49 P.M., September 17.)
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Obama's 1990 article would foreshadow his presidency - “We’re Going To Reshape Mean-Spirited Selfish America.”
Click here for a printable page of Barack Obama's 1990 Newspaper Article
| Fascism in America | It Doesn't Matter?! | 50 Reasons Marxists for Obama | What Privacy? | America Facing Evil |
We live in historic Biblical Times
It is no measure of health to be well-adjusted to a profoundly sick society - J. Krishnamurti
Listen to The Jimmy Z Show on the Internet - The right wing from the left coast! |
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Background photo source: President George Washington