Date: August 31, 2012
Boobs, Clowns, And UFOs - A 2012 Asheville Encore!
From: Freedom is Knowledge
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Remember my e-mail three weeks ago about Asheville's 2011 topless event? Well the hippies in Little San Francisco did it again in 2012!
Another reason mountain locals keep their children out of "if you don't like it here, leave," Asheville.
Asheville GIVES permits for topless event, approving 2nd annual rally . . . Read More
Democrat-elected Asheville Mayor avoids leadership issue, instead asks the state of North Carolina to please clarify exactly when women can walk around her city without their bras.
Asheville, North Carolina, Mayor still mulling laws on topless women
"City Council wants state legislators to clarify North Carolina’s law on public nudity following a rally Sunday in which women bared their breasts in Pack Square Park.
Council voted 6-1 Tuesday to suggest that the N.C. League of Municipalities seek clarification of the law from the state General Assembly.
Mayor Terry Bellamy raised the issue in Tuesday’s meeting and said afterward she is only asking that the legislature make the law clearer.
Some other municipalities around the state have ordinances saying women must cover their breasts.
City Attorney Bob Oast has said a court decision makes it clear that bare breasts do not violate the law.
Bellamy told fellow council members that the law appears to be designed to ensure that women nursing babies are not violating the law, but 'it seems like this has created an opportunity for other things to happen.'" . . . Read More |

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Liberal Topless Radicals Respond:
"Dear Mayor, you still don't get it!" - Read More |
Objectives to Event Effectively Silenced by Hate Speech!
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Obama's 1990 article would foreshadow his presidency - “We’re Going To Reshape Mean-Spirited Selfish America.”
Click here for a printable page of Barack Obama's 1990 Newspaper Article
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It is no measure of health to be well-adjusted to a profoundly sick society - J. Krishnamurti
Listen to The Jimmy Z Show on the Internet - The right wing from the left coast! |
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Western North Carolina
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Background photo source: President George Washington