About a decade ago, I was researching the Internet looking for a retirement home for an anticipated move from New Jersey to Western North Carolina in late 2003.
The puff pieces written for seniors gave images of panaoramic mountain views, landscapes dotted with gated communities, golf courses, and famous resorts surrounded by a land filled to the brim with waterfalls.
They wrote about low taxes and conservative small towns sitting on back roads filled with antiques and aroma-filled restaurant, listing a diversity of artists and annual events buried in 23 counties of tree-filled valleys across the state's western reaches. It was all candy wonderment for tired eyes occupying an empty nest.
But those writers always left out details about a city called Asheville, facts revealed to us over time as we talked with locals about the area, some who had been called to service our small mountain home. Through those conversations we discovered details such as Asheville being named the Freakiest City in America circa 2001 by Rolling Stone Magazine. Hmm, it quickly made sense why the downtown had been omitted drawing retirees into the area by leaving out that little dot in Buncombe county.
Self magazine is reported to have labeled Asheville the Happiest City for Women while a local weekly newspaper ran a contest for the "Best Of" bumper stickers. The winner? Keep Asheville Weird.
Then several years later the city would move up to Boobs, Clowns, and UFOs.
In the summer of last year, Asheville was at the center of a controversy of a few women, including a teenage girl, who took off their bras and blouses in the public square to the delight of 2,000 in attendance including children, cell phones held high in the air.
Men had already gone naked on the streets of San Francisco for years in the famous Folsom Street Fair, some seen with chains around them while enjoying the broad daylight shown from photos from recent 2009 and 2010 fairs.
A 2007 photographer, on the other hand, had thought it important to warn viewers of the upcoming images of activities on the streets of San Francisco in daylight, which usually would be reserved for the bedroom. But in following years no one seemed to think the warning was needed, you know, it is what it is, get over it.
Of course women walking around with their bras left folded in their home dressers is not really unusual today when compared to the Obama-supported OWS in New York City. And of course there were other events such as in Venice, California, for a Topless Parade where Asheville gets an honorable mention along with 11 other cities.
So Asheville was simply an extension of a progressive movement that has married freedom with diversity, giving birth to moral chaos. That wonderful "diversity" could be felt all around the Asheville event last year with some saying on camera, If you don't like it here, leave!
Now a repeated event is reported to be scheduled for late August of 2012.
Of course, watching the promotional PR video of Asheville called The Spirit of Asheville, you would never know about the Topless Parade. Nor from Good Morning, America or Romantic Asheville, either. Nor a promo for the Biltmore House, or its annual Christian Christmas Display where people from across the nation pay to come visit? Hmm. What happened to, If you don't like it here, leave?
Asheville's Mountain Xpress found that women and some teens taking off their bras in the town square was simply an issue of humor of course, dissing people who were offended such as in this cartoon the pub posted on page eight of its September 4, 2012, issue and drawn by artist Brent Brown. The artist, of course to be politically correct, left out any drawing of the events where strangers were actually photographed fondling the breasts of women while young children were videotaped with their naked moms on the street. But maybe that's for another issue, too much to cover at one time.
As a note, the Mountain Xpress is the same newspaper a city counsel member had worked for who believed a fetus was a parasite to its mother. Maybe the counsel member was making a statement for his bio.
Cartoon by Brent Brown, posted in the Mountain Xpress on page 8 of its September 4, 2012, issue. |
It's typical of far-left progressives who try to take over communities, calling themselves champions of their definition of diversity. However many other communities can choose to take a different stance, instead welcoming their citizens and visiting tourists to enjoy their cities all year round without conflict or intimidation, such as Charleston and Savannah that are within a half-day's drive of Asheville.
So why am I writing this HTML e-mail for my list of people located across the country?
Others may want to know the rapid changes that are happening in the American culture. They not only offend the Biblical beliefs of people of faith, but are on a dangerous collision course with Islam. And they may also want to know who is behind these events, trying now to bring them to a nearby city or town.
You're now going to probably say that I'm making the rest of this up, but I'm not.
A 59 year-old man is part of a profession where he dresses up as a clown for private or social events around Huntsville, Alabama. His wife runs a pediatrics center in Huntsville where he is an employee. Everything okay so far?
But this elderly man has a special addiction for women to run around showing their breasts, calling it a right he wants to defend. Since they don't allow it in Huntsville, he drives north to Asheville where taking off your bra is not only welcomed but celebrated.
He was questioned by the local daily Asheville newspaper about his objective, where he is reported to have replied, “How’s a bra different from a burqa?”
You can read more about this gentleman from an article from a local Huntsville TV Station along with a video news story.
But this story doesn't end there. It moves into outer space.
A paranormal Web site has gotten into the topless issue with this headline from August 2011, UFO cult Raelians declare August 21st ‘Go Topless Day’ across the U.S.
The editor writes,
"Many young men out there have a fantasy of a hot, female alien showing up at their respective doorsteps. My Stepmother is an Alien is one such movie that depicted such a scenario. Even better if the alien showed up topless.
The Raelians have decided that it’s time for women to show off their assets in a series of organized events, as shown on their web site. For those who don’t know, the Raelian Movement teaches that 'life on earth was scientifically created by a species of extraterrestrials, which they call the Elohim.' (Wikipedia)
The body is beautiful and shouldn’t be covered up, they say. The event’s slogan: Exposing the “COVER-UP” for what it is!" Source: paranormaloldpueblo
The Raelians are reported to have been formed by Raël. This Web site reports:
". . . he was, 'born in France in 1946, was a poet and songwriter, a successful racecar driver and a journalist. In 1973, following his first encounter with the Elohim, He created the International Raelian Movement.;"
And it continues!
"Following the cloning of Dolly the sheep in 1997, Raël founded Clonaid, the first company in the world to offer human cloning. Raël stated, "Cloning will enable mankind to reach eternal life. The next step, as the ELOHIM have done with their 25,000 years of scientific advances, will be to directly clone an adult person without having to go through the growth process, and to transfer memory and personality into this person. Then, we will wake up after death in a brand new body just like after a good night's sleep!" Source: Light-Science
Raël, the founder of the Raelians, says he was inspired by a direct meeting with a alien from another planet.