Date: May 31, 2012
No Surprise Here.
From: Freedom is Knowledge
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Headline: (The Tale of Two Headlines.)
1. Russia's RT: "Obama scandalous Nazi death camp gaffe outrages Poland." - RT
"The White House said President Barack Obama misspoke on Tuesday when he referred to a "Polish death camp" while honoring a Polish war hero.
The president's remark had drawn immediate complaints from Poles who said Obama should have called it a "German death camp in Nazi-occupied Poland," to distinguish the perpetrators from the location. Polish Foreign Minister Radek Sikorski called it a matter of 'ignorance and incompetence.'" - Read More from RT, former of Russia Today.

Source: L.A. Times. Photo of Prime Minister of Poland, Donald Tusk,
2. America's Huffington Post / AOL: "Obama Misspoke On 'Polish Death Camp,' Says White House." - HuffingPost / AOL - HuffPo
"The Polish Embassy in Washington, on its website, has a "how-to guide" on concentration camps that states that references to Polish death camps are "factually incorrect slurs" that should be corrected.
The Associated Press Stylebook states that when referring to "World War II camps in countries occupied by Nazi Germany, do not use phrases like Polish death camps that confuse the location and the perpetrators. Use instead, for example, death camps in Nazi-occupied Poland." - Read More
Yet Postings by Liberal Progressives Defend Obama's Many Gaffes . . . Again!
One should not be surprised by the thousands of posts to HuffPo's story from its liberal progressive readers, who strongly defend another Obama gaffe. They're only following HuffPo and its softened headline using the White House's own excuse . . . the president simply "misspoke."
To that end, I added my own post. Enjoy the no spin.
No surprise here!
Obama often misspeaks or is misunderstood.
- He pronounced corpsman as if dead, saying “corpseman.” |
- Obama referred to 57 states, Snopes opining the poor thing was just "weary.” |
- Obama folded his hands over his crotch during the National Anthem, becoming the military’s famous “Crotch Salute.” |
- Obama also didn’t want to wear "that pin," the one representing 9/11. |
- Or his support that the deaths of 12 of our treasures at Ft. Hood at the hands of a Jihadist mole were the result of only “Workplace Violence.” |
The former Polish freedom fighter, Lech Walesa, received the Noble Peace Prize decades ago for risking his life for peace in Poland against the USSR. But when Obama got one, it was for what he “might do,“ his then running off to accept it.
TIME magazine, the little pub sitting at the left hand of its progressive god, the New York Times, even named Obama “Person of the Year” for what he might do. What a guy!
Obama went to Columbia, graduated from Harvard, and wanted to be president. But if Obama had worked in a corporation with these gaffes, he would have fallen under management’s rule that the fish always stinks from the head.
Or maybe one could use Obama’s own campaign manager’s words, David Axelrod, who said of a conservative running for president, The higher a monkey climbs on the pole, the more you can see his butt.
In other words, Mr. President, What goes ‘round has come ‘round.
What's wrong with you, America? There's an old wives' tale that you can't teach a pig to sing. It wastes your time and it irritates the pig.
CANDIDATE OBAMA PROMISED HE WAS GOING TO FUNDAMENTALLY CHANGE AMERICA. For him, that promise is right on schedule. If a CEO wanted his corporation to fail, he would create the following mission:
A.) Lie to the investors
B.) Spend more money than the company had equity,
C.) Give poor performing employees bonuses off the back of harder working employees.
D.) Make sure the company's culture is focused on radical social engineering and not higher efficiency and productivity.
E.) Give many speeches as if nothing was wrong.
F.) Understand that failure means the fish has to always stink from the head.
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Background photo source: President George Washington