The media attacked U.S. Congressman Allen West on his statement about the Democrat Progressive Caucus and Communism yet never showed us the content on the "Communist Party USA Web Site for comparison." Hmmm.
"You and I know the left and their allies in the media will stop at nothing to promote their destructive policies. This week they’re complaining about my use of the word ‘communist’ in reference to the Progressive Caucus, but no one is challenging my point — that these people oppose free markets and individual economic freedom, and they advocate for redistribution of wealth." - U.S. House Congressman West
Congressman's Allen West's Interview with Mark Levin . . . hear West detail his comment
Homepage image of the Communist Party USA's Web site from April 14, 2012. Click on this graphic to see current content.

National Chair of the Communist Party USA endorses Obama's "American Jobs Act" and calls on supporters to get behind the millionaire's tax "in a full-blooded way." . . . Read More
FORWARD! New Obama slogan has "long ties" to Marxism, socialism . . . Read More
So what subjects are on CPUSA's Web site:
Related to Congressman West's comment, how do you think the Communist Party USA is different from the Democrat Party's Progressive Caucus? Below are major topics on the CPUSA's Web site from April 30, 2012. Recognize any of them?
| Don't let student loan rates double on July 1st! | Stand up to Rush Limbaugh | Hold banks accountable | Extend the lifeline to millions |
| End corporate rule | Prosecute killer of Trayvon Martin | Solidarity and “Occupy Wall Street” | Tax the Rich | Locked out of the Dream? |
Content from CPUSA's Web page titled,
"Unity for Peace, Democracy, Jobs and Equality"
"Racism remains the most potent weapon to divide working people. All workers receive lower wages when racism succeeds in dividing and disorganizing them. Institutionalized racism provides billions in extra profits for the capitalists every year due to the unequal pay racially oppressed workers receive for work of comparable value. In every aspect of economic and social life, African Americans, Latinos, Native Americans, Asians and Pacific Islanders, Arabs and Middle Eastern peoples, and other nationally and racially oppressed people experience conditions inferior to that of whites.
Racist violence and the poison of racist ideas victimize all people of color no matter to which economic class they belong. Attempts to suppress and undercount the vote of African American and other racially oppressed people are part of racism in the electoral process. Racism permeates the police, the courts and prison systems, perpetuating unequal sentencing, racial profiling, discriminatory enforcement, and police brutality.
Capitalism causes other chronic problems in addition to racism, starting with ideological poisons used to divide the working class and allies from each other: sexism and male supremacy, national chauvinism, homophobia, anti-Semitism, and anti-communism. Much of this is spread by way of the mass media, increasingly owned and dominated by monopoly corporations. The economics of the media are based on the promotion of consumerism turning everything into a commodity and advertising to sell more goods whether they are needed or not."
Read More
Least we forget -
So while ignoring all of the above from the Communist Party USA's Web site, how has the media treated U.S. Congressman West's comment about the Democrat Caucus, a Lt. Col. that saved lives in Iraq? Well, CNN sure seems to have the party line's talking points when interviewing Congressman West. But what about a younger Obama on the individuals he has supported in the past and now as president feels about America's Constitution? Watch for yourself.
"Let’s just say it: The Democrats are the problem." - HotAir
So what is the Democrat Progressive Caucus and who belongs to it?
Click here to check out their Web site, which includes member names and links to Congressional bios.
Recognize any of the members below?
Listen to Rachel Maddow of MSNBC praise the Democrat Progressive Caucus
Names and their Internet links were posted by the Democrat Progressive Caucus Web site, April 30, 2012
Need more information?
Obama's 1990 article would foreshadow his presidency - “We’re Going To Reshape Mean-Spirited Selfish America.”
Click here for a printable page of Barack Obama's 1990 Newspaper Article
| Fascism in America | It Doesn't Matter?! | 50 Reasons Marxists for Obama | What Privacy? | How to Kill a Republic |
We live in historic Biblical Times
It is no measure of health to be well-adjusted to a profoundly sick society - J. Krishnamurti
Listen to The Jimmy Z Show on the Internet - The right wing from the left coast! |
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