Date: March 23, 2012
America Facing Evil
From: Freedom is Knowledge
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Conservatives called candidate Obama a socialist. They were wrong!
Obama was the Perfect Storm for a Democrat Party that needed a leader when it finally decided to hook up with the far left. In 2008 conservatives called those members of the Democrat Party liberal progressives.
But in the last three years the party and the mainstream media have finally caught up to an Obama ideology that's revealed in the video below. It's not the dialog. We have heard some of the dialog before. It's the new photos that go with the new dialog that helps to fill in the puzzle pieces on the correct identity of a pre-president Obama. And as you watch you'll discover Obama is not a socialist, a description that proves to be too kind.
To successfully move to the left, the Democrat party had to literally boot out its conservative base, telling those members to go elsewhere to find a new home. All the party's candidates would then literally run over to the DailyKOS convention to seek votes for the 2008 election, and in doing so would finally sell all their souls to the radical left.
And who was with them, trained, and ready to accept the challenge? Community organizer Barack Obama from the south side of Chicago, an area of the country that has seen murder and corruption for the last half century. With a background of living with, eating with, and socializing with radicals 24/7, the rest of the candidates next to Obama would prove in the end to be just so much chump change.
America Facing Evil
After watching the video below, come back and click on the above headline for three stories that are all tied together.
The ten-minute amazing video found below documents photos I had never seen before from Kenya that would verify the third story in the above link. I had only known of reports of Obama having African Blood on his hands in an attempt to help overthrow a Christian nation.
But as President of the United States, Obama was then able to send millions of taxpayer dollars to push a Constitution onto the same nation that would bring legal abortion upon its people while our Congress did nothing. Ironically it would make Obama a colonialist, a term he had used for only whites in Africa in the 1950's.
Now he's going after America and everything will fall into place with his radical base if allowed a second term, the election of November 2012 predicted to be a sea-change for the United States.
Remember Obama's promise from 1990 - “We’re Going To Reshape Mean-Spirited Selfish America.”
Printable page of Obama's 1990 Article
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Western North Carolina
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Background photo source: President George Washington