Date: January 23, 2012
Subject: The Six Dirty Secrets Of Presidential Politics In 2012
From: Freedom is Knowledge
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I've been telling you since last year that FOX News has been moving to the left with few believing me. Then finally Roger Ailes said the obvious on his own in September of 2011, going to the Marxist media publication, Newsweek, to announce in a PR release that FOX News was not a conservative news outlet.
I had also informed you about the hiring by FOX News of Jehmu Greene as a consultant. Greene was the one who had trashed Focus on the Family, trying to remove their ad in the 2011 Superbowl, which was aimed at only celebrating life.
What FOX News keeps forgetting to tell YOU, as Jehmu's face continues to show up more and more on FOX's so-called fair and balanced programming, is that Jehmu Greene was anything but fair and balance. Greene had never seen the Tebow ad, yet still trashed it because it might go against her avid abortion stance.
Even Hannity has had her as a guest for his (cough) Great, Great American Panel.
Now that Jehmu is on FOX pushing Obama's programs, have you noticed that suddenly Obama is no longer complaining about FOX News?
Hannity walked off a Cincinnati Tea Party event in 2010 just a few hours before going live on the air. It was reported the Soros' supported MediaMatters had put out a story that the Tea Party was selling tickets to only see Hannity. FOX News executives fell for the trap, while the volunteer leader said Hannity never told him he was leaving. FOX viewers were invited to the event by Hannity, noting they had to pay to get in. But the tickets were for the all day event, not the Hannity show itself, and the way the Tea Party paid for holding it, all the staff including the organizer non-paid volunteers.
And what about Hannity's buddy, Alan Colmes, who said on-air a few weeks ago that Rick Santorum wasn't material to be president, having taken his dead baby home and "played with it." Think Colmes was pulled from FOX News? If he had been a conservative consultant, you bet he would have been pulled with Hannity quickly forgetting the name. But Hannity still calls Colmes a good friend. What would be a bad friend, Jehmu Greene?
I showed on my Web site in 2008 how the mainstream media pushed, for instance, the cost of Sarah Palin's clothes while she was running for VP. At the same time it buried from the public that Barack Obama not only knew Bill Ayers, but passed out millions of dollars as chairman of the board for CAC in the late 1990's for a social justice program aimed at children in the Chicago public school written by . . . wait for it . . . Bill Ayers.
Now the American Thinker has come out with an article that drives this all home, titled The Six Dirty Secrets of Presidential Politics in 2012.
"It is quite clear that the country is basically split politically into thirds. One third is known in overly polite circles as "independent" or "casual" voters. In truth, these are people who don't pay attention and don't really care about current events. Unfortunately, because the other two thirds of "partisans" tend to balance each other out, it is these voters (yes, regrettably, they do indeed vote) who usually decide the winner in presidential elections.
Because the media has by far the greatest influence over this group (because they get their political "news" almost entirely from headlines, comedians, and friends), they went for Obama in a huge way in 2008 and, to a lesser extent, probably will again this time." - read more
Source: The Six Dirty Secrets of Presidential Politics in 2012, American Thinker. January 18, 2012
TKS to Ellen of Tennessee
Below is the sick video, mentioned above and from my Web site four years ago, on how lazy Obama voters took their cue on who to vote for from socialist media outlets ABC, CBS, NBC and CNN. The media had been given freedom of speech by our founders to protect us from government. Now they literally jump into bed and cuddle with it.
News Update from the Canada Free Press
Another progressive radical, Sally Kohn, has been invited by FOX News as a contributor, reports the Canada Free Press. Kohn is said to be a strong GLAAD activist and OWS supporter. Just like Jehmu Greene, report says she has already been a guest on O'Reilly. Kohn is reported to have also personally attacked Beck, helping other Soros-funded organizations to successfully remove Beck from FOX News. . . read more
TKS to John of Tucson, Arizona
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